6 research outputs found
Osnovne aktivnosti za dodjelu CE znaka za proizvode definirane standardima serije EN 286
The series of harmonized standards EN 286 – Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 which
support Directive 87/404/EEC – Simple pressure vessels, is related to
tanks of air braking systems for motor and rail vehicles of different shapes,
materials, dimensions and operational parameters, which determine their
diverse application. However, as vessels under pressure they also present
a potential hazard, either when active or when idle. In order to allow the
placement of these products and their use on the European market without
any limitations, certain activities have to be undertaken on CE marking
of these products, meaning the criteria for awarding of the CE mark must
be fulfilled. The course of the awarding of the CE mark is determined by
the function of value, meaning the products of pressure and volume of
vessel, pursuant to which the manufacturer selects an adequate modular
approach.Serija harmoniziranih standarda EN 286 – Dijelovi 1, 2, 3 i 4, koji
podržavaju Direktivu 87/404/EEC – Simple pressure vessels (Jednostavne
posude pod pritiskom), odnosi se na rezervoare zračnih kočnih sistema
motornih i šinskih vozila.različitih oblika, materijala, dimenzija i radnih
parametara, što determinira njihovu raznovrsnu primjenu.. Međutim,
kao posude pod pritiskom predstavljaju i potencijalnu opasnost, kako u
aktivnom stanju, tako i u stanju mirovanja. Da bi se ovim proizvodima
omogućilo plasiranje i upotreba na evropskom tržištu bez ikakvih
ograničenja, moraju se sprovesti određene aktivnosti za EC označavanje
ovih proizvoda, odnosno zadovoljiti kriteriji za dodjelu CE znaka. Tok
dodjele CE znaka određuje funkcija vrijednosti, odnosno proizvod pritiska
i zapremine posude, prema kojoj proizvođač bira odgovarajući modularni
U složenom dinamičkom sustavu čovjek – vozilo – okolina, pored čimbenika čovjeka i okoline, bitan čimbenik prometne sigurnosti predstavlja ispravnost prijevoznih sredstava i njihove opreme, odnosno pojedinih komponenti osnovnih sustava vozila. Ispravnost navedenih komponenti ovisi o specificiranim projektnim i operativnim karakteristikama, uvjetima ugradnje i upotrebi, kao i kontrolnim procedurama¸ prije puštanja na tržište i nakon puštanja na tržište. Zračni kočni sustav predstavlja posebno značajan sustav vozila koji integrira veliki broj različitih pozicija, a sa sigurnosnog stajališta posebno je značajan zračni rezervoar, kao posuda pod tlakom koja, kako u fazi rada, tako i u fazi mirovanja predstavlja sigurnosni rizik. Iz tog razloga, rezervoari zračne kočne opreme motornih i šinskih vozila ubrajaju se u proizvode za koje je nužna harmonizacija nacionalnih legislativa u ovom području, kako bi se europsko unutrašnje tržište moglo zaštititi od nesigurnih i opasnih proizvoda.
U ovom radu analizirani su esencijalni sigurnosni zahtjevi definirani u Direktivi 87/404/EEC i harmoniziranim standardima serije EN 28-1 do 4 koji podržavaju navedenu Direktivu, a odnose se na serijski proizvedene posude pod tlakom koje su namijenjene za zračne kočne sustave i pomoćne sustave motornih i šinskih vozila.In the complex and dynamic man – vehicle – environment system, alongside human and environmental factors, a significant factor for traffic safety is the proper functioning of various means of transportation and their equipment, in other words, the functioning of certain components of basic vehicular systems. Proper functioning of these components depends on specified project and operational features and conditions of installation and use, as well as control procedures before and after their placing on the market. The air brake system is an especially important vehicular system which integrates a large number of different positions. From a safety perspective, one of them is particularly important: the air tank, a pressure vessel which poses a security risk in both its working phase and its idle phase. For this reason air brake system tanks of motor and rail vehicles fall into the category of products that require harmonization of pertinent national legislations in order to protect the internal European market from unsafe and hazardous products. This paper analyzes essential safety requirements as stated in the Directive 87/404/EEC and in harmonized standards of the EN 286-1 to 4 series, which support this Directive and refer to serially manufactured pressure vessels used in air brake systems and auxiliary systems of motor and rail vehicles
Polazeći od općih načela za povećanje prometne sigurnosti koji su zasnovani na etičkim načelima, načelima odgovornosti i sigurnosti, te mehanizmima za primjenu svega onoga što može smanjiti ili spriječiti nastanak prometnih nezgoda, u radu su dani limitirajući čimbenici u dinamičkom sustavu vozač – vozilo – okolina koji posredno i neposredno utječu na sigurnost cestovnog prometa. Formulacijom grešaka čovjeka i pouzdanosti bezotkaznog rada čovjeka – vozača u radu sustava, te primjenom statističkih i eksperimentalnih metoda na osnovi najčešćih tipičnih grešaka u tehnici vožnje određena je pouzdanost bezotkaznog rada vozača prema vrsti grešaka za različite intervale neprekidne vožnje. Dobiveni kvantificirani rezultati daju rang značajnosti odabranih tipičnih grešaka u tehnici vožnje, te smjernice za smanjenje ili sprečavanje uzroka nastanka prometnih nezgoda.SUMMARY: The paper refers to the most general principles for increasing traffic security which include ethical principles, principles of responsibility and security, and mechanisms for the application of anything that can decrease or prevent the occurrence of traffic accidents. In view of these principles, the paper presents the limiting factors in the dynamic system driver-vehicle-environment, which directly and indirectly affect the security of road traffic. The aim was to formulate the type of man-caused errors and the reliability of the no-failure work of man – driver in the operation of the system. Statistical and experimental methods were used to establish the most common and typical technical errors in driving. The reliability of the no-failure work of drivers was determined in regard to the type of errors for different time intervals of interrupted driving. The obtained quantified results show the degrees of importance of selected typical errors in driving and provide guidelines for reducing or preventing the causes of traffic accidents
Polazeći od općih načela za povećanje prometne sigurnosti koji su zasnovani na etičkim načelima, načelima odgovornosti i sigurnosti, te mehanizmima za primjenu svega onoga što može smanjiti ili spriječiti nastanak prometnih nezgoda, u radu su dani limitirajući čimbenici u dinamičkom sustavu vozač – vozilo – okolina koji posredno i neposredno utječu na sigurnost cestovnog prometa. Formulacijom grešaka čovjeka i pouzdanosti bezotkaznog rada čovjeka – vozača u radu sustava, te primjenom statističkih i eksperimentalnih metoda na osnovi najčešćih tipičnih grešaka u tehnici vožnje određena je pouzdanost bezotkaznog rada vozača prema vrsti grešaka za različite intervale neprekidne vožnje. Dobiveni kvantificirani rezultati daju rang značajnosti odabranih tipičnih grešaka u tehnici vožnje, te smjernice za smanjenje ili sprečavanje uzroka nastanka prometnih nezgoda.SUMMARY: The paper refers to the most general principles for increasing traffic security which include ethical principles, principles of responsibility and security, and mechanisms for the application of anything that can decrease or prevent the occurrence of traffic accidents. In view of these principles, the paper presents the limiting factors in the dynamic system driver-vehicle-environment, which directly and indirectly affect the security of road traffic. The aim was to formulate the type of man-caused errors and the reliability of the no-failure work of man – driver in the operation of the system. Statistical and experimental methods were used to establish the most common and typical technical errors in driving. The reliability of the no-failure work of drivers was determined in regard to the type of errors for different time intervals of interrupted driving. The obtained quantified results show the degrees of importance of selected typical errors in driving and provide guidelines for reducing or preventing the causes of traffic accidents
Ciljevi koje je Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih naroda postavila rezolucijom 64/255 za razdoblje od 2011. do 2020. odnose se na davanje prioriteta prevenciji i sigurnosti u prometu kako bi se spasili milijuni života. Iste ciljeve za naredno desetljeće postavila je i EU.
Jedna od mjera za postizanje navedenih ciljeva je i primjena modela snage koji direktno povezuje brzinu prometnog toka i broj prometnih nezgoda i ozlijeđenih. Model je pouzdan, što je potvrđeno u više studija, jednostavan za uporabu, a uz određenu prilagodbu i posjedovanje relevantnih podataka o broju i posljedicama prometnih nezgoda primjenjiv je na sve kategorije prometnica.
U radu je prikazana matematička formulacija modela preko šest jednadžbi pomoću kojih se može analizirati i odrediti broj nezgoda s poginulima, broj nezgoda s teško ozlijeđenim i broj nezgoda s ozlijeđenim, kao i broj poginulih, teže ozlijeđenih i ozlijeđenih.
Također, na konkretnom primjeru procjene smanjenja broja prometnih nezgoda i ozlijeđenih pri planiranim smanjenjima brzine prometnog toka prikazani su značajni učinci porasta sigurnosti.Targets formulated in 64/255 resolution of the UN General Assembly and set for implementation in the period 2011 to 2020 stress as priority the prevention of accidents and road traffic safety to save millions of lives. The same targets have also been set by the EU and are to be implemented in the coming decade. One of the proposed measures to achieve these targets is by way of implementing the power model, as it shows direct relation between the speed of traffic flow and the number of road accidents and injured persons. Reliability of this model has been affirmed by several studies. It is simple to use and with certain adjustments may be applied to all road categories if relevant data on the number of traffic accidents and their consequences are available. Presented in the paper is the mathematical formulation of the model comprised of six equations that are to be used to analyze and determine the number of accidents with mortality, number of accidents with severely injured persons and number of accidents with injured persons, as well as the number of dead, severely injured and injured persons. In addition, a concrete example is presented of the assessed reduction of road accidents and the number of injured persons for planned speed reductions with significant increase in safety
Load securing on vehicles pursuant to Directive 2014/47 and supporting technical standards
Inspection of technical roadworthiness of vehicles circulating in the European Union is defined as an upgrade to the technical inspection of vehicles and represents an additional possibility for improvement of technical roadworthiness of vehicles and safety of traffic, which is exhaustively and comprehensively regulated through Directive 2014/47/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the technical roadside inspection of the roadworthiness of commercial vehicles circulating in the union. Since proper load securing on vehicles is a significant factor for traffic safety, this paper describes the basic characteristics defined within Directive 2014/47/EU related to the securing and inspection of securing of load on vehicles. In addition, the paper provides a review and scope of the standards supporting the above-mentioned Directive. The presented standards - EN 12195-1/2/3/4, EN 12640, EN 12641-1/2, EN 12642, EN 283, EUMOS40509, EUMOS40511, ISO 1161 and ISO 1496-1/2/3 - provide detailed information about equipment for load securing on road vehicles, method of load securing, design of commercial vehicles and transport packages as well as the minimum requirements and specifications of required tests