23 research outputs found

    Observation of Novel Phases of Quantum Matter Beyond Topological Insulator

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    Because of the unique electronic properties, intriguing novel phenomena, and potentiality in quantum device applications, the quantum materials with non-trivial band structures have enticed a bulk of research works over the last two decades. The experimental discovery of the three-dimensional topological insulators (TIs) - bulk insulators with surface conduction via spin-polarized electrons - kicked off the flurry of research interests towards such materials, which resulted in the experimental discovery of new topological phases of matter beyond TIs. The topological semimetallic phase in Dirac, Weyl, and nodal-line semimetals is an example, where the classification depends on the dimensionality, degeneracy, and symmetry protection of the bulk band touching. The field of topology has extended to the materials that possess non-trivial topological states at/along lower-dimensional regions of the crystals as well. A class of such materials is the higher-order topological insulator in which both bulk and surface are insulating, but symmetry-protected conducting channels can appear along the hinges or corners of the crystal. Recently, significant focus has been given to the study of the interplay among various physical parameters such as topology, geometry, magnetism, and electronic correlation. Kagome systems have emerged as fertile ground to study the interaction among such parameters in a material class. Charge density wave (CDW) order in quantum materials remains an important topic of study given its co-existence or competence with superconductivity and magnetic ordering. In this dissertation, we study the electronic structure of quantum material systems beyond TIs, particularly the lanthanide element-based and correlated systems, by utilizing state-of-art angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with collaborative support from first-principles calculations and transport and magnetic measurements. The lanthanide-based materials are interesting because of the possible magnetic ordering and electron correlations that the lanthanide 4f electrons may bring into the table. Our work on the Europium-based antiferromagnetic material EuIn2As2 highlights this material as a promising ground to study the interplay of different kinds of topological orders including higher-order topology with magnetism. Temperature-dependent measurements reveal a band splitting near the Fermi level below the antiferromagnetic transition. Another study on the samarium- and neodymium-based materials SmSbTe and NdSbTe shows the presence of multiple nodal lines that remain gapless even in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. We also studied a van der Waals kagome semiconductor Nb3I8, where we observed flat and weakly dispersing bands in its electronic structure. These bands are observed to be sensitive to light polarization and originate from the breathing kagome plane of niobium atoms. Next, our study in Gadolinium-based van der Waals material GdTe3 shows the presence of a momentum-dependent CDW gap and the presence of antiferromagnetic ordering that could prove important to study the interaction of CDW and magnetic orders in this material. Overall, the works under this dissertation reveal the electronic properties in correlated systems that range from insulator to metals/semimetals and from topological insulator to topological semimetals, kagome semiconductor, and CDW material

    Observation of gapless nodal-line states in NdSbTe

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    Lanthanide (Ln) based systems in the ZrSiS-type nodal-line semimetals have been subjects of research investigations as grounds for studying the interplay of topology with possible magnetic ordering and electronic correlations that may originate from the presence of Ln 4f electrons. In this study, we carried out a thorough study of a LnSbTe system - NdSbTe - by using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy along with first-principles calculations and thermodynamic measurements. We experimentally detect the presence of multiple gapless nodal-line states, which is well supported by first-principles calculations. A dispersive and an almost non-dispersive nodal-line exist along the bulk X-R direction. Another nodal-line is present well below the Fermi level across the G- M direction, which is formed by bands with high Fermi velocity that seem to be sensitive to light polarization. Our study provides an insight into the electronic structure of a new LnSbTe material system that will aid towards understanding the connection of Ln elements with topological electronic structure in these systems.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures; Supplemental Material include

    Study of aerosol optical properties in Lumbini, Nepal

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    The mixture of different sized particles (fine and coarse) with air composition forms aerosols. Increased economic activities, vehicles, and rapid urbanization made Lumbini one of the heavily polluted regions in Nepal. Data are extracted from AERONET websites between 2013 to 2019 with standard deviation. We are mainly focused on understanding variations in aerosol optical properties: aerosol optical depth (AOD), angstrom parameter (α and β), visibility, single-scattering albedo (SSA), refractive index (real and imaginary), and asymmetry parameter (AP) in the Lumbini region. The maximum value of AOD (675nm) in Lumbini occurred mostly during post-monsoon season (0.61 ± 0.38) whereas, the values of AOD were found to be lower during the monsoon season (0.18 ± 0.12). Most of the AOD values  are found to be greater than 0.4, indicating the higher level of pollution in the study area. There is a positive correlation between perceptible water and AOD, maximum correlation (0.4) occurs at the lowest AOD (440nm) while the minimum (0.1) at the highest AOD (1020nm). The turbidity coefficient (β) has an adverse effect on visibility. The Visibility over Lumbini was found to be highest (20 km) during monsoon. Single-scattering albedo (SSA) accretions occur at wavelengths between 440 and 675 nm, but the pattern changes from 675 to 1020 nm. All parameters were found to be distinct and seasonal fluctuations among this station are mainly due to the different aerosols availability such as biomass burning, mixed aerosols, and anthropogenic aerosols over the Lumbini site

    Unusual magnetic and transport properties in HoMn6_6Sn6_6 kagome magnet

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    With intricate lattice structures, kagome materials are an excellent platform to study various fascinating topological quantum states. In particular, kagome materials, revealing large responses to external stimuli such as pressure or magnetic field, are subject to special investigation. Here, we study the kagome-net HoMn6_6Sn6_6 magnet that undergoes paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic transition (below 376 K) and reveals spin-reorientation transition below 200 K. In this compound, we observe the topological Hall effect and substantial contribution of anomalous Hall effect above 100 K. We unveil the pressure effects on magnetic ordering at a low magnetic field from the pressure tunable magnetization measurement. By utilizing high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Dirac-like dispersion at the high-symmetry point K is revealed in the vicinity of the Fermi level, which is well supported by the first-principles calculations, suggesting a possible Chern-gapped Dirac cone in this compound. Our investigation will pave the way to understand the magneto-transport and electronic properties of various rare-earth-based kagome magnets

    Raman Study of Layered Breathing Kagome Lattice Semiconductor Nb3Cl8

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    Niobium chloride (Nb3Cl8) is a layered 2D semiconducting material with many exotic properties including a breathing kagome lattice, a topological flat band in its band structure, and a crystal structure that undergoes a structural and magnetic phase transition at temperatures below 90 K. Despite being a remarkable material with fascinating new physics, the understanding of its phonon properties is at its infancy. In this study, we investigate the phonon dynamics of Nb3Cl8 in bulk and few layer flakes using polarized Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) analysis to determine the material's vibrational modes, as well as their symmetrical representations and atomic displacements. We experimentally resolved 12 phonon modes, 5 of which are A1g modes while the remaining 7 are Eg modes, which is in strong agreement with our DFT calculation. Layer-dependent results suggest that the Raman peak positions are mostly insensitive to changes in layer thickness, while peak intensity and FWHM are affected. Raman measurements as a function of excitation wavelength (473-785 nm) show a significant increase of the peak intensities when using a 473 nm excitation source, suggesting a near resonant condition. Temperature-dependent Raman experiments carried out above and below the transition temperature did not show any change in the symmetries of the phonon modes, suggesting that the structural phase transition is likely from the high temperature P3m1 phase to the low-temperature R3m phase. Magneto-Raman measurements carried out at 140 and 2 K between -2 to 2 T show that the Raman modes are not magnetically coupled. Overall, our study presented here significantly advances the fundamental understanding of layered Nb3Cl8 material which can be further exploited for future applications.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl