33 research outputs found

    Twisted characters and holomorphic symmetries

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    We consider holomorphic twists of arbitrary supersymmetric theories in four dimensions. Working in the BV formalism, we rederive classical results characterizing the holomorphic twist of chiral and vector supermultiplets, computing the twist explicitly as a family over the space of nilpotent supercharges in minimal supersymmetry. The BV formalism allows one to work with or without auxiliary fields, according to preference; for chiral superfields, we show that the result of the twist is an identical BV theory, the holomorphic ÎČÎł\beta\gamma system with superpotential, independent of whether or not auxiliary fields are included. We compute the character of local operators in this holomorphic theory, demonstrating agreement of the free local operators with the usual index of free fields. The local operators with superpotential are computed via a spectral sequence, and are shown to agree with functions on a formal mapping space into the derived critical locus of the superpotential. We consider the holomorphic theory on various geometries, including Hopf manifolds and products of arbitrary pairs of Riemann surfaces, and offer some general remarks on dimensional reductions of holomorphic theories along the (n−1)(n-1)-sphere to topological quantum mechanics. We also study an infinite-dimensional enhancement of the flavor symmetry in this example, to a recently-studied central extension of the derived holomorphic functions with values in the original Lie algebra that generalizes the familiar Kac--Moody enhancement in two-dimensional chiral theories

    Bright light-emitting diodes based on organometal halide perovskite.

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    Solid-state light-emitting devices based on direct-bandgap semiconductors have, over the past two decades, been utilized as energy-efficient sources of lighting. However, fabrication of these devices typically relies on expensive high-temperature and high-vacuum processes, rendering them uneconomical for use in large-area displays. Here, we report high-brightness light-emitting diodes based on solution-processed organometal halide perovskites. We demonstrate electroluminescence in the near-infrared, green and red by tuning the halide compositions in the perovskite. In our infrared device, a thin 15 nm layer of CH3NH3PbI(3-x)Cl(x) perovskite emitter is sandwiched between larger-bandgap titanium dioxide (TiO2) and poly(9,9'-dioctylfluorene) (F8) layers, effectively confining electrons and holes in the perovskite layer for radiative recombination. We report an infrared radiance of 13.2 W sr(-1) m(-2) at a current density of 363 mA cm(-2), with highest external and internal quantum efficiencies of 0.76% and 3.4%, respectively. In our green light-emitting device with an ITO/PEDOT:PSS/CH3NH3PbBr3/F8/Ca/Ag structure, we achieved a luminance of 364 cd m(-2) at a current density of 123 mA cm(-2), giving external and internal quantum efficiencies of 0.1% and 0.4%, respectively. We show, using photoluminescence studies, that radiative bimolecular recombination is dominant at higher excitation densities. Hence, the quantum efficiencies of the perovskite light-emitting diodes increase at higher current densities. This demonstration of effective perovskite electroluminescence offers scope for developing this unique class of materials into efficient and colour-tunable light emitters for low-cost display, lighting and optical communication applications.This is the author accepted manuscript and will be under embargo until 3/2/15. The final version is published in Nature Nanotechnology: http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nnano.2014.149.html

    Development of the self-modulation instability of a relativistic proton bunch in plasma

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    Self-modulation is a beam–plasma instability that is useful to drive large-amplitude wakefields with bunches much longer than the plasma skin depth. We present experimental results showing that, when increasing the ratio between the initial transverse size of the bunch and the plasma skin depth, the instability occurs later along the bunch, or not at all, over a fixed plasma length because the amplitude of the initial wakefields decreases. We show cases for which self-modulation does not develop, and we introduce a simple model discussing the conditions for which it would not occur after any plasma length. Changing bunch size and plasma electron density also changes the growth rate of the instability. We discuss the impact of these results on the design of a particle accelerator based on the self-modulation instability seeded by a relativistic ionization front, such as the future upgrade of the Advanced WAKefield Experiment

    Low-dose acetaminophen induces early disruption of cell-cell tight junctions in human hepatic cells and mouse liver

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    Dysfunction of cell-cell tight junction (TJ) adhesions is a major feature in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Liver TJs preserve cellular polarity by delimiting functional bile-canalicular structures, forming the blood-biliary barrier. In acetaminophen-hepatotoxicity, the mechanism by which tissue cohesion and polarity are affected remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that acetaminophen, even at low-dose, disrupts the integrity of TJ and cell-matrix adhesions, with indicators of cellular stress with liver injury in the human hepatic HepaRG cell line, and primary hepatocytes. In mouse liver, at human-equivalence (therapeutic) doses, dose-dependent loss of intercellular hepatic TJ-associated ZO-1 protein expression was evident with progressive clinical signs of liver injury. Temporal, dose-dependent and specific disruption of the TJ-associated ZO-1 and cytoskeletal-F-actin proteins, correlated with modulation of hepatic ultrastructure. Real-time impedance biosensing verified in vitro early, dose-dependent quantitative decreases in TJ and cell-substrate adhesions. Whereas treatment with NAPQI, the reactive metabolite of acetaminophen, or the PKCα-activator and TJ-disruptor phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, similarly reduced TJ integrity, which may implicate oxidative stress and the PKC pathway in TJ destabilization. These findings are relevant to the clinical presentation of acetaminophen-hepatotoxicity and may inform future mechanistic studies to identify specific molecular targets and pathways that may be altered in acetaminophen-induced hepatic depolarization

    Squared‐down passivity–based state synchronization of homogeneous continuous‐time multiagent systems via static protocol in the presence of time‐varying topology

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    This paper studies state synchronization of homogeneous multiagent systems (MAS) via a static protocol with partial‐state coupling in the presence of a time‐varying communication topology, which includes general time‐varying graphs as well as switching graphs. If the agents are squared‐down passive or squared‐down passifiable (via static output feedback or static input feedforward), then a static protocol can be designed for balanced, time‐varying graphs. Moreover, this static protocol works for arbitrary switching directed graphs if the agents are squared‐down minimum phase with relative degree one. The static protocol is designed for each agent such that state synchronization is achieved without requiring exact knowledge about the time‐varying network