60 research outputs found
Multiple Arabic Equivalents to English Medical Terms
Translation of medical texts poses several challenges to undergraduate student-translators due to multiple Arabic equivalents to English medical terms. For medical terms such as clinical, intensive care, polyp, and osteoporosis several Arabic equivalents exist. A sample of English medical terms with multiple Arabic equivalents was collected from several English-Arabic medical dictionaries to find out the types of multiple Arabic equivalents given, the shortcomings of Arabic equivalents, and the difficulties that students have with multiple Arabic equivalents. Two lists of categories with definitions and examples were developed and used in classifying and evaluating the equivalents. In addition, students answered an Arabic medical terminology test and responded to a questionnaire-survey to find out their difficulties. Results of the analysis and evaluation of the Arabic equivalents, medical terminology test, and responses to the questionnaire-survey are reported in detail. Recommendations for translation instruction are also given
Band structure and reflectance for a nonlinear one-dimensional photonic crystal
We consider a model for a one-dimensional photonic crystal formed by a
succession of Kerr-type equidistant spaceless interfaces immersed in a linear
medium. We calculate the band structure and reflectance of this structure as a
function of the incident wave intensity, and find two main behaviors: the
appearance of prohibited bands, and the separation and narrowing of these
bands. A system with these features is obtained by alternating very thin slabs
of a soft matter material with thicker solid films, which can be used to design
a device to control light propagation for specific wavelength intervals and
light intensities.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
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Towards drought impact-based forecasting in a multi-hazard context
The lives and livelihoods of people around the world are increasingly threatened by climate-related risks as climate change increases the frequency and severity of high-impact weather. In turn, the risk of multiple hazards occurring simultaneously grows and compound impacts become more likely. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) proposed the use of multi-hazard impact-based forecasting (IbF) to better anticipate and reduce the impacts of concurrent hazards, but as yet, there are few operational examples in the humanitarian sector.
Drought is particularly susceptible to multi-hazard influences. However, challenges encountered in the development of drought IbF systems – including poor understanding of compound impacts and specific hazard-focused mandates – raise important questions for the feasibility of multi-hazard IbF as envisioned by the WMO. With these challenges in mind, we propose an interim approach in which real-time assessment of dynamic vulnerability provides a context for drought-based IbF. The incorporation of dynamic vulnerability indicators account for the local effects of non-drought hazards, whilst the use of a drought-based system facilitates effective intervention. The proposed approach will improve our understanding of compound events, enhance adoption of IbF in the humanitarian sector, and better mitigate the impacts of concurrent hazards
Advancing operational flood forecasting, early warning and risk management with new emerging science: Gaps, opportunities and barriers in Kenya
Kenya and the wider East African region suffer from significant flood risk, as illustrated by major losses of lives, livelihoods and assets in the most recent years. This is likely to increase in future as exposure rises and rainfall intensifies under climate change. Accordingly, flood risk management is a priority action area in Kenya's national climate change adaptation planning. Here, we outline the opportunities and challenges to improve end-to-end flood early warning systems, considering the scientific, technical and institutional/governance dimensions. We demonstrate improvements in rainfall forecasts, river flow, inundation and baseline flood risk information. Notably, East Africa is a ‘sweetspot’ for rainfall predictability at sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales for extending forecast lead times beyond a few days and for ensemble flood forecasting. Further, we demonstrate coupled ensemble flow forecasting, new flood inundation simulation, vulnerability and exposure data to support Impact based Forecasting (IbF). We illustrate these advances in the case of fluvial and urban flooding and reflect on the potential for improved flood preparedness action. However, we note that, unlike for drought, there remains no national flood risk management framework in Kenya and there is need to enhance institutional capacities and arrangements to take full advantage of these scientific advances
Zinc-finger (ZiF) fold secreted effectors form a functionally diverse family across lineages of the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
Filamentous plant pathogens deliver effector proteins into host cells to suppress host defence responses and manipulate metabolic processes to support colonization. Understanding the evolution and molecular function of these effectors provides knowledge about pathogenesis and can suggest novel strategies to reduce damage caused by pathogens. However, effector proteins are highly variable, share weak sequence similarity and, although they can be grouped according to their structure, only a few structurally conserved effector families have been functionally characterized to date. Here, we demonstrate that Zinc-finger fold (ZiF) secreted proteins form a functionally diverse effector family in the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. This family relies on the Zinc-finger motif for protein stability and is ubiquitously present in blast fungus lineages infecting 13 different host species, forming different effector tribes. Homologs of the canonical ZiF effector, AVR-Pii, from rice infecting isolates are present in multiple M. oryzae lineages. Wheat infecting strains of the fungus also possess an AVR-Pii like allele that binds host Exo70 proteins and activates the immune receptor Pii. Furthermore, ZiF tribes may vary in the proteins they bind to, indicating functional diversification and an intricate effector/host interactome. Altogether, we uncovered a new effector family with a common protein fold that has functionally diversified in lineages of M. oryzae. This work expands our understanding of the diversity of M. oryzae effectors, the molecular basis of plant pathogenesis and may ultimately facilitate the development of new sources for pathogen resistance
Somalikotiäitien kokemuksia terveyden edistämisestä liikunnan ja ruokavalion avulla
Esmaili, Olga & Nuur, Saado. Somalikotiäitien kokemuksia terveyden edistämisestä liikunnan ja ruokavalion avulla. Diak Etelä, Helsinki, syksy 2011, 59 s. 2 liitettä.
Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma Terveyden ja sairaanhoito-työn suuntautumisvaihtoehto. Sairaanhoitaja (AMK), Terveydenhoitaja (AMK).
Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on Myllypuron alueen somalikotiäitien terveyden edistäminen ja painonhallinta terveysneuvonnan ja liikunnan avulla. Opinnäytetyö to-teutettiin hankemuotoisena yhteistyössä Kontulan lähiöaseman kanssa.
Somalikotiäideille järjestettiin terveysneuvontaa ja liikunnan ohjausta. Terveysneuvon-ta- ja seurantakokoontumiset toteutettiin yhteensä viitenä kertana Kontulan lähiöaseman antamissa tiloissa. Opinnäytetyöntekijät toteuttivat itse kaksi terveysneuvonta- ja seu-rantatapaamista. Yhden ravitsemusluennon piti Hanna Pikkarainen Marttaliitosta ja kak-si luentoa erikoissairaanhoitaja Eeva-Liisa Kainulainen Helsingin sydänpiiristä. Helsin-gin kaupungin liikuntavirastosta saatiin lähiöliikuttaja ohjaamaan somalikotiäideille liikuntaa kaksi kertaa viikossa: tiistaisin sauvakävelyä ja keskiviikkoisin jumppaa. Toi-nen opinnäytetyöntekijä osallistui kuuteen ensimmäiseen liikuntatuokioon.
Hankkeen seuranta aloitettiin kartoittamalla aluksi toimintaan osallistuneiden somaliko-tiäitien odotuksia ja terveydentilaa. Muutaman kuukauden kuluttua tehtiin uusi tervey-dentilan tarkistus ja kerättiin osallistujien mielipiteitä hankkeen hyödyllisyydestä tee-mahaastattelulla, jonka teemoina olivat liikunnan vaikutus terveyteen, ruokailutottu-mukset ja painonhallinta. Seurantaa toteutettiin myös havainnoimalla.
Seurantatulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että somalikotiäideistä tuli aktiivisempia ja energisempiä liikunnan harrastamisen myötä. Ennen kaikkea he kokivat, että erilaiset kivut kuten hartiakivut jalkojen ja selän kivut vähenivät. Somalikotiäidit kokivat myös elämänlaadun ja arjessa jaksamisen parantuneen. Kotiäidit kertoivat, että he osaavat nyt tarkkailla syömistään paremmin. Osallistujien ateriarytmi muuttui säännölliseksi, jolloin napostelu väheni olon pysyessä pidempään kylläisenä. Ateriat muuttuivat monipuoli-semmiksi ja kasvisten ja hedelmien käyttö lisääntyi. Hanke edisti myös somalikotiäitien yhteisöllisyyttä eli he tutustuivat toisiinsa, vaihtoivat keskenään yhteystietoja ja ko-koontuivat toistensa luona. Somalikotiäidit mainitsivat, että liikuntatuokio merkitsi heil-le omaa aikaa, jolloin he tapasivat muita samassa tilanteessa olevia kotiäitejä.
Tulokset osoittavat, että liikuntatuokioita ja ravitsemusluentoja voidaan käyttää somali-kotiäitien terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistämiseen sekä ennaltaehkäisemään heidän yk-sinäisyyttään.ABSTRACT
Esmaili Olga and Nuur Saado. Promoting health through physical activity and diet: So-mali housewives`expriences. 59 p., 2 appendices. Language: Finnish. Helsinki, Autumn 2011.
Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree programme in Nursing. Option in Health Care. Degree: Nurse/Public Health Nurse.
The purpose of the study was to inform Somali housewives in Myllypuro on the impor-tance of exercise as well as to provide information on healthy food options, nutrition and weight management. The thesis was a project done in partnership with Kontula lähiöasema, which is a meeting point for people in Kontula, Helsinki. The authors of the thesis were carried out two health promotion and follow-up appointments. The study was done using a qualitative research method. Data was collected through participatory observation and thematic interviews. Themes were divided into the three areas: impact of exercise on health, eating habits and weight control.
Somali housewives participated in physical controls and lectures on nutrition . The meetings took place five times at premises located in Kontula. Sports mentoring were held twice a week with the co-operation of the Sports Department of the City of Hel-sinki. Nordic walking was organized, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays there were gymnas-tic exercise. Lectures on nutrition were held in Kontula three times in the autumn of 2010. A lecture was held by The Martha Organization and two lectures were held by a nurse specialized in heart diseases. Six Somali housewives were interviewed.
Findings of the study showed that Somali housewives became more active and energetic in sporting activities. Moreover, they felt that the aches and pains, such as leg pain, shoulder pain and back pain decreased. The study revealed that the quality of life and coping with everyday life had improved. According to our study, Somali housewives received peer-support from one another, which led to exchanging contact information and visiting each other. They also mentioned that sports moments meant to them time for themselves and meeting with other people in a similar situation.
The results showed that Somali housewives had gained a regular rhythm with their meals, thus snacking was decreased and they felt more satisfied. After the nutrition-lectures, the Somali housewives’ meals had become more diversified, and the fruit and vegetable intake had increased.
The results showed that giving information on nutrition lectures and arranging exercise sessions helped in promoting the wellbeing of Somali housewives and prevented them from feeling lonely.
Keywords: Somali housewives, physical activities, eating habits, weight control, health promotio
Adressing Domain-specific Knowledge and Terminology using Large Language Models and Word Embeddings
Knowledge-intensive domains, such as telecommunications, rely heavily on domain-specific terminology, which might create barriers to effective communication and knowledge transfer. This thesis investigates the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, specifically Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and Word2Vec models, to enhance knowledge retrieval and understanding of domain-specific terminology within the context of Ericsson's Cloud Radio Access Network (RAN) technology. The RAG approach modifies a general-purpose Large Language Model (LLM) to answer domain-specific questions by retrieving relevant information from a knowledge base. The best-performing RAG-based chatbot was the one that retrieved a single document, achieving a score of 207 out of a maximum of 300. Additionally, the RAG-based chatbot outperformed the general-purpose ChatGPT 3.5 model, which scored 144. Moreover, a Word2Vec model was trained on internal documentation to generate similar terms related to Cloud RAN terminology. The Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) architecture with an embedding size of 300, a window size of 5, and a cosine threshold of 0.9 achieved the best performance, with a precision of 0.71 and a recall of 0.70 in generating relevant similar terms. The thesis also presents an integrated solution combining the RAG-based chatbot and the Word2Vec model with an user interface. The RAG module generates accurate responses based on user queries and retrieved-context, while the Word2Vec module suggests related technical topics, facilitating further exploration and understanding
Reading aloud for students from 12 to 18 years old : opportunities and challenges
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie har varit att sammanställa forskning om hur lärare kan arbeta med högläsning i svenskundervisning (eller motsvarande ämnen i engelskspråkiga kontexter) för elever mellan 12 och 18 år, samt vilka möjligheter och utmaningar högläsningen bidrar till för denna åldersgrupp. För att kunna besvara mitt syfte har jag använt dessa två följande forskningsfrågor: Hur kan svensklärare (eller motsvarande lärare i engelskspråkiga kontexter) arbeta med högläsning för elever mellan 12 och 18 år? Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar bidrar högläsningen till för denna åldersgrupp? Resultaten visar att högläsning bidrar med flera möjligheter för denna åldersgrupp men även utmaningar. Majoriteten av möjligheterna handlar om det sociala lärandet samt förbättrad läsförståelse och läsflyt. De avgörande faktorerna för att uppnå dessa goda möjligheter visade sig vara lärarens gestaltning och den sociala kontexten. Utmaningarna innefattar svårigheter bland elever i ett mångkulturellt klassrum och även kritik som menar att högläsningens gemensamma lärande i grupp kan riskera bli ytligt och ofokuserat. Andra utmaningar behandlar elevers klagomål om lärarens högläsningshastighet. Fler studier som behandlar den valda åldersgruppen behövs för att bekräfta resultatens reliabilitet.
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