22 research outputs found

    Determination of the Odour Adsorption Behaviour of Wool

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    In this study, the adsorption/desorption behaviours of water vapor on wool, as well as of the redolents, such as acetic acid and benzaldehyde, have been investigated. For this purpose, static and dynamic experiments were carried out. Static experiments were conducted to model stagnant environments. In the experiments, wool came into contact with the material to be adsorbed or dry air and the weight increase/decrease was recorded for a certain period of time. The results obtained showed that the wool adsorbed the benzaldehyde very little, whereas the adsorbed amount and the rate were abundantly increased for acetic acid under the same conditions. From these findings, the adsorption capacity of wool for the redolents was tentatively ranked in accordance with their adsorbed amounts as acetic acid>water>benzaldehyde

    Physicochemical study of microwave-synthesized organoclays

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    WOS: 000268059800011In this work, microwave-synthesized organoclays were prepared and the physicochemical properties examined due to the importance and wide range of organoclay applications. Previous research studies have reported the synthesis of new organoclays, however, almost the same synthesis procedures have been used except for the small changes in reactant addition rate, solvent, and temperature. The standard organoclay preparation method involving intercalation, washing and drying steps is a time-consuming process with the intercalation step taking a few hours. Although it is a good laboratory method, the long time requirement for the synthesis forms a bottleneck in the industrial applications. In contrast to the conventional synthesis procedure, microwave irradiation makes it possible to complete the intercalation in a short time. Additionally the use of microwave for drying purposes will cause a further reduction in the time requirement. In this research, the organoclays were synthesized by using hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, a smectite from central Anatolia, and microwave irradiation. The organoclays were dried using freeze drying, microwave drying and oven drying. They were examined using X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, IR spectroscopy, and thermal analysis to determine the effect of irradiation on the physicochemical properties. The d-spacings were determined to be 19.5 angstrom that is close to the values reported for the conventionally prepared organoclays. The results of FIR analysis reveal that the confined amine chains adopted all-trans conformation as in the case of the conventional organoclays. Application of microwave irradiation at 360W for 5 min is enough to achieve a 70% exchange efficiency which is comparable to the organic cation exchange efficiencies reported using conventional techniques. Except the surface morphology, drying conditions have no effect on the structural properties of organoclays. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of microwave irradiation in the intercalation step has the potentialities for industrial scale applications and microwave drying should also be considered in the last step of synthesis due to the very short drying time compared to other methods. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.DAADDeutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD); Institute of Technological Chemistry, Water and Geotechnology Division in the Research Center Karlsruhe, GermanyThe author gratefully acknowledge the support of DAAD and the Institute of Technological Chemistry, Water and Geotechnology Division in the Research Center Karlsruhe, Germany

    Uzun zincirli bazı alkil aromatik hidrokarbonların yüzey aktif madde olarak kullanım alanlarının incelenmesi

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.QZET Bu çalışmada uzun zincirli alkil aromatik bir hidrokarbon olan Post Dadesil Benzan'in ( PDB ) yüzey aktif madde olarak kullanım alanları incelendi. Önce PDB nin fiziksel özellikleri ve kimyasal yapısı ta yin adildi. Analizler sonunda PDB nin mono ve dialkil benzen karışımı olduğu ve içinde bulunan para dialkil benzenin sulfo- lanamıyacağı anlaşıldı. Daha sonra PDB sulfolanarak sulfonatın özellikleri saptandı. Bu özelliklere göre PDB'nin yağda çözü - nebildiği vs bu nedenle PDBS içinde bulunan sulfonamayan kıs - mın ayrılamayacağı anlaşıldı. Elde edilen sulfonatın yüzey ö - zellikleri ve yağ içermesi bakımından klasik anlamda bir deterjan olmadığı belirlendi. Bu nedenle ortamda yağ fazının bulunmasının sakınca yaratmadığı alanlarda kullanılması olana ğı araştırıldı. Arayüzay gerilimi sonuçları ve HLB değerine göre post da- desil benzenin yağ içinde su emülsiyonlarında kullanılabilece ği saptandı. Bu sonuca göre su-yağ emülsiyonlarının kullanıl - dığı alanlar araştırılarak PDBS'nin tekstildeki baskı patı uy gulamalarında kullanilabileceğine karar verildi. PDBS ila ha - zırlanan emülsiyonların önce kararlılıkları saptandı. Sonra PDBS ve ticari non-iyonik amülgatörle hazırlanan patlarla bas kı yapılarak sonuçlar karşılaştırıldı. PDBS kullanılarak hazırlanan patlar ile yapılan baskılar-la nan- iyonik emülgatörlerle hazırlanan patlarla yapılan bas kılar arasında pak fazla fark yoktur. Ancak yapılan baskıda rengin daha parlak çıkması için optimum bir emülgatör konsan - trasyonu vardır. PCBS için bu konsantrasyonun bulunması gara - ki

    Pas önleyici emülsiyonların hazırlanması

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.ZET Metal yüzeylerin atmosferik korozyona karşı geçici bir süre için korunmasında yüzeyin yağ filmi ile kaplanması yöntemi öteden beri uygulanmaktadır. Koruyucu yağlar saf halde olabildikleri gibi inhibitörde içerebilirler. Bu tür koruma genellikle yarı mamul ürünlerin bir sonraki işleme kadar paslanmadan korunması için yapılır ve daha sonra filmin yüzeyden uzaklaştırılması gerekir. Uzaklaştırılma esnasında kullanılan çözücüler hem insan hemde çevre sağlığını olumsuz yönde etkilediklerinden son zamanlarda yapılan araştırmalar su ile uzaklaştırılabilen formülasyonlar hazırlanmasına yöneliktir. Bu tür formu lasyon lar 0/W türünde emülsiyonlar olup, su ile uzaklaştırı- labilmelerinin yanı sıra içerdikleri yüzey aktif maddeler nedeniyle yüzeyin hidrofobluğuna arttırıcı etki de yaparlar. Bu araştırma, aslında bakterisit olarak kullanılan ABDAC'm (Alkil Benzil Dimetil Amonyum Klorür) pas önleyici formulasyonlarda kullanılıp kullanılamı- yacağının tespitine yöneliktir. Yukarıda belirtilen amaç doğrultusunda öncelikle inhibitor olarak kullanılması düşünülen ABDAC ile emülgatör olarak kullanılan NP9E0 ve NP6E0 arasındaki etkileşim incelenmiştir. Daha sonra bu aktif maddelerin demir yüzey üzerine adsorpsiyon davranışları, tek başlarına yüzeyi koruma etkinlikleri, emülsiyonlarının reoloj ileri, kararlılık ları (stabilite), kuruma davranışları incelenerek korozyonda ikinci derecede etkili parametrelerin etkisi saptanmıştır. Korozyonda en önemli etken olan oksijen difüzyonu, emülsiyonların kuruması ile elde edilen filmler ve sulu yüzey aktif madde çözeltilerinde incelen miştir. Tüm parametrelerin etkisini bir arada görebilmek için son olarak, yağ ve emülsiyonlarla kaplı yüzeylerin korozyon hızları bulunmuştur. Bu incelemeler sonunda ABDAC'm pas önleyici formülasyonlardaki performansı ile ilgili aşağıdaki sonuçlara varılmıştır : ABDAC ile NP9E0 arasında anyon i k ve katyon i k yüzey aktif madde arasındakine yakın kuvvette bir sinergism vardır. Bu sinergism 99 -emülsiyon kararlılığını etkilemekte ancak metal yüzeyinin hidrofobluğunu artırmadığı için paslanma üzerinde olumsuz etki yaratmaktadır. Tek başına kullanıldıklarında ABDAC ve NP9E0'ın adsorplandığı metal yüzeyler yağ filmi ile kaplı olmamalarına rağmen temiz metal yüzeylerden daha yavaş paslanmaktadırlar. Ancak sinergism oranında metal yüzeyine adsorplanma hızı düştüğünden paslanma hızlanmaktadır. Emülsiyon formu1asyonuna sahip yağ ile kaplanmış yüzeylerin paslanma hızları; karışım içinde NP9E0 oranı ile orantılı olarak azalmaktadır. Bir ayı aşan paslanma testi süresi içinde NP6E0 ve ABDAC ile hazırlanan emülsiyonla kaplı yüzeylerin paslanma hızları sıfır olarak bulunmuştur. Ayrıca NP6E0 ve ABDAC ile hazırlanan emülsiyonun kuruma hızı ticari formülasyon (Prevox P3) ile hazırlanandan daha yüksektir. Bu paslanmanın azaltılması açısından büyük bir avantajdır. Sulu çözeltiler veya emülsiyon formülasyon un a sahip yağ filmi içinden oksijenin difüzyon katsayısı daha düşüktür. Bu sonuç yüzey aktif maddelerin gaz-sıvı arayüzey indeki film veya miseller yoluyla kütle aktarımına direnç oluşturduğunu gösterir. Sonuç olarak NP6E0 gibi uygun bir emülgatör kullanıldığı taktir de ABDAC in pas önleyici formulasyonlarda başarı ile kullanılabileceği saptanmıştır. 100 -SUMMARY Temporary protection from corrosion is maintained by covering the metal surface with an oily film. The protective oils contain nitrogen based cationic surfactants as inhibitors. This protection method is generally applied to semi-manufactured metal surfaces stored indoors. The surfaces are cleaned to prepare them the remaining processes at the end of the storage period. The solvent used in degreasing is objectionable in terms of human and environmental safety. Recent research in this field is directed to the development of emülsiyon formulations which can be easily removed from the surfaces by washing with water. These 0/W type emulsions also increase the hydrophobic ity of metal surface through the action of the surfactants in their formulations. The present research is aimed to investigate the possibility of using ABDAC (Alkyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride), generally used as a bactericide, in such formulations. For this end the synergism between ABDAC, planned to be used as the inhibitor, and emiilgators (NP9E0 or NP6E0 or their mixtures) is investigated first. The effect of such parameters as the adsorption behavior on metal surfaces, hydrophobization, emulsion rheology, stability and drying behavior which have a secondary effect on corrosion inhibition performance are then investigated. The resistance to oxygen diffusion of the surfactants individually, and in combination according to the emulsion formulation are determined as the final criteria for the adequacy of the formulations. The effective ness of the different formulations are tested on steel coupons in an ASTM humidity chamber. The results of the experiments showed that the strong synergism between ABDAC and NP9E0 shows an unfavorable effect on the hydrophobicity of the metal surface, accelerating the corrosion rate, though when used individually they do protect the surfaces from corrosion. NP6E0 and ABDAC combination in the emulsion increase the drying rate to a level comparable with the commercial inhibitors. This is 101 -an important factor in corrosion prevention, due to quick elimination of the corrosive water. Diffusion rate of 02 in solutions and oils containing these surfactants is slower than that in pure water or oil. This is attributed to the surface resistance of the adsorbed surfactants and formation of Op sinks within the micellar structure. The corrosion rate decreases in proportion with NP9E0 content of the emulsion formulation. The corrosion rate of steel surfaces covered with emulsions containing only NP6E0 and ABDAC was found to be zero during the test period. These results show that ABDAC can be successfully used as an inhibitor in temporary prevention from corrosion provided it is used with an adequate emulgator such as NP6E0. - 10

    Preparation and characterization of copper and zinc adsorbed cetylpyridinium and N-lauroylsarcosinate intercalated montmorillonites and their antibacterial activity

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    WOS: 000527305100057PubMed: 31955019The main objective of the present study was the preparation and characterization of new cationic/anionic surfactants and Cu2+/Zn2+ modified montmorillonites and the evaluation of their potential applicability as antibacterial agents for topical applications. To evaluate the antibacterial activity of Cu2+ and Zn2+ by synergistic effect, as well as to reduce the well-known toxicity of these metal cations; cetylpyridinium (CP) and N-lauroylsarcosinate (SR) intercalated montmorillonite (Mt-CP-SR) was used as the host material. in addition to their role to capture the metal cations and inhibit their release in any contact medium, these surfactants also increase the efficacy of the material due to their antibacterial properties. the effect of surfactant loading on the adsorption behavior of the metal cations onto the Mt-CP was investigated using SR in two different concentrations, namely 0.7 and 1.0 CEC of sodium montmorillonite (Mt-Na). the samples prepared were characterized using SEM, ATR-FTIR, zeta potential, and XRD analyses and they were subjected to antibacterial tests using the "Standard Method Under Dynamic Contact Conditions" on the Gram positive S. aureus, and Gram negative E. coli. As confirmed with desorption and characterization studies, the addition of Cu2+/Zn2+ onto the Mt-CP-SR yielded double adsorbed amounts compared to that of the Mt-CP, which indicated that Cu2+/Zn2+ bound to SR- interacted with the Mt surface. in contrary of Zn2+ caused no considerable change in the antibacterial effect of the host, Cu2+ addition enhanced the antibacterial activity. the produced antibacterial agents have the potential use in dyes, polymer composites, personal care products, and topical medicinal applications

    Adsorption and desorption behavior of copper ions on Na-montmorillonite: Effect of rhamnolipids and pH

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    WOS: 000266947000104PubMed ID: 19178999In this work, the effects of an anionic biosurfactant, rhamnolipid (RL), and pH on the adsorption and desorption of Cu(2+) ions on Na-montmorillonite were investigated. Adsorption studies were conducted through the addition of Cu(2+) to the dispersions containing pristine- and/or RL-modified clay. In the case of pristine clay, RL was also added simultaneously with the Cu(2+). The effect of pH was studied in the range between 1.0 and 8.0. The highest adsorption capacity was obtained at the pH of 4.7-4.8. Among the models including the Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Kaganer-Radushkevich isotherms; Langmuir isotherm gave a better fit to the experimental data. The most suitable fit for the adsorption kinetics of Cu(2+) was obtained with a pseudo-second-order model. It was determined that the adsorption capacity of the pristine clay is comparable with that of the activated carbon and the modification of clay with RL causes an increase in the adsorption rate due to the distribution of clay platelets in the solution. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Effect of OH-/Al3+ and Al3+/clay ratios on the adsorption properties of Al-pillared bentonites

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    4th International Conference on Interfaces against Pollution -- JUN, 2006 -- Granada, SPAINWOS: 000249231200012In this work, the adsorption properties of Al-pillared bentonites were investigated by using phenol and 2-chlorophenol as model pollutants. The Al-pillared bentonites were prepared by the conventional method of pillaring involving the mixing of a dilute clay suspension with a dilute pillaring solution. To study the effect of textural changes on the adsorption properties, the adsorbents were prepared by using different OH-/Al3+ and Al3+/Clay ratios. It was determined that the adsorbed amounts of phenol decrease with increasing OH-/Al3+ and Al3+/clay ratios. Adsorption of 2-chlorophenol on the adsorbent adsorbing the highest amount of phenol was studied. It was found that the amounts adsorbed are nearly same for both of the adsorbates at low equilibrium concentrations and a slight difference is observed at concentrations exceeding 60 mg/L. The adsorbed amounts were compared with the amounts adsorbed by hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMA)-bentonite. It was obtained through the modification of bentonite with hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide, in an amount equivalent to 100% of cation exchange capacity of the clay. It was observed that the adsorbed amounts of phenol are approximately three times higher in the case of Al-pillared bentonite having 1.44 and 1.8 OH-/Al3+ and Al3+/Clay ratios, respectively. This behavior is attributed to the high surface area. Although the adsorbed amounts of 2-chlorophenol on the Al-pillared bentonite are same with that of phenol, they are lower than the amounts adsorbed on HDTMA-bentonite and it was concluded that the existence of pseudo-organic layer is of importance in the case of the adsorbates having low water solubility and the form of the sample I modified with HDTMA will be more efficient. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Adsorption properties of microwave synthesized inorgano-organo montmorillonite

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    WOS: 000277432700017The aim of this study is to determine the adsorption properties of microwave synthesized inorgano-organo montmorillonites. Microwave irradiation is preferred because of its low time and energy consumption properties. forming an advantage in industrial applications. In addition to the intercalation of Keggin and hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA(+)) cations, the aging process of pillaring solution was also carried out through the microwave irradiation. Both inorgan clays, namely the parents, and their inorgano-organo derivatives, were prepared by using the same amounts of aluminum by keeping the OH-/Al3+ and Al3+/clay ratios constant. The HDTMA(+)/clay ratio was changed in inorgano-organo clays (IOCs) during the preparation. The effects of these parameters on the surface properties and adsorption behaviors of the samples were investigated by conducting X-ray diffraction (XRD). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and simultaneous thermal analyses (STA), as well as hatch adsorption experiments. in which phenol was used as a model pollutant. The results of XRD analyses reveal that the intercalation is successfully achieved. The existence of the Keggin and HDTMA(+) cations was observed in FTIR spectra of the samples. Through the STA. it was determined that the existence of organic layer increases the dehydroxylation temperature and the thermal behavior of inorgano-organo montmorillonites strongly depends on the structure of the parent clay. An increase in the adsorption efficiencies with increasing HDTMA(+)/clay ratio was observed, except with the highest ratio. The behavior of this sample was explained by the formation of the second HDTMA(+) layer leading to the hydrophilic surface formation. (C) 2009 Curtin University of Technology and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [106 M 337]; Institute of Technological Chemistry; Forschungszentrum KarlsruheThe authors gratefully acknowledge the support of TUBITAK through the project number 106 M 337 and Institute of Technological Chemistry, Water and Geotechnology Division of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe

    Preparation and characterization of sodium lauroyl sarcosinate adsorbed on cetylpyridinium-montmorillonite as a possible antibacterial agent

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    WOS: 000414820500003An organo-montmorillonite was synthesized to generate a two-level antibacterial agent. The material (Mt-CP-SR) was prepared through the adsorption of sodium lauroyl sarcosinate (SR) on montmorillonite modified with cetylpyridinium (Mt-CP) and its structure was characterized by conducting ATR-FTIR, XRD, and SEM analyses. The results of the ATR-FTIR analyses indicated that SR on the surface could be detected when its amount exceeded the CEC of the Mt. The XRD analyses revealed that the adsorption of CP and SR causes the separation of Mt layers into smaller stacks. The adsorption and desorption study of SR onto and from 0.7 CEC Mt-CP were investigated to determine the amount of SR adsorbed at varying initial SR concentrations and the amount of SR released when diluted with water. Around 140 mg of SR could be loaded on one gram of the Mt intercalated with 170 mg of CP. The results indicated that desorption of SR from the surface is gradual and SR and CP have strong interactions on the montmorillonite (Mt) surface. The antibacterial activity of the material was tested against E. coil, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa. Additionally, the SR solutions and CP + SR solutions in equimolar ratios were subjected to antibacterial tests for comparison purposes. SR proved to be effective against all three bacteria and the MIC values were found as 75 mg/mL for E. coil, 37.5 mg/mL for S. aureus, and 300 mg/mL for P. aeruginosa. The MBC was 300 mg/mL for E. coil and S. aureus. The solutions of CP + SR mixtures were ineffective against P. aeruginosa, whereas, they were effective against S. aureus. The prepared Mt-CP-SR samples were found to be effective against S. aureus and E. coil. These results indicate that the material could be used in antibacterial liquid soaps, in toothpaste formulations, personal care products, and topical applications against acne, and wounds without any negative contribution to the physico-chemical and detergency properties of the materials