2 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n de la sustentabilidad del agroecosistema ma铆z en la regi贸n de Huamantla, Tlaxcala, M茅xico

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    In this study, the sustainability of the maize agro ecosystem in the Huamantla Valley, Tlaxcala, Mexico was being evaluated. The goal was to determine the state of the sustainability and the factors that influence its behavior. The study focuses on the agro-ecological sustainability and compares the two dominant farming systems in the area: the traditional (SPTrad) and the transitional to agro-industry (SPTAgroind). 18 indicators were analyzed and the Framework for Evaluation of Systems of Natural Resource Management Incorporating Sustainability Indicators (MESMIS) was applied. In order to calculate the size of the sample, 1,350 producers were considered, 86% of which, were classified as SPTrad and the rest as SPTAgroind;We calculated in a sample size n=90.The results showed some similarities between the two groups because of their peasant origin. However, the tendency of the SPTAgroind producers to employ some agro-industrial practices, explains also the existing differences. It was concluded that SPTrad is more sustainable farming system because of the following reasons: higher harvested biomass production compared to the amount of fossil energy used, the use and transmission of traditional practices, the ethics in the management of natural resources, the adaptation to governmental agricultural policies and the food security levels, all of which affect positively the sustainability of the traditional agro ecosystem.Se evaluo虂 la sustentabilidad del agroecosistema mai虂z en el valle de Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Me虂xico. El objetivo fue conocer el estado de sustentabilidad y los factores que influyen en su comportamiento. El estudio se abordo虂 con el enfoque de sustentabilidad con base agroecolo虂gica evaluando el sistema agri虂cola dominante de la zona con dos formas de manejo: el tradicional (SPTrad) y el de transicio虂n hacia el agroindustrial (SPTAgroind). Se analizaron 18 indicadores con el Marco para la Evaluacio虂n de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales Incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad (MESMIS). Para calcular el taman虄o de muestra, se consideraron 1,350 productores de mai虂z, 86% se clasificaron en el SPTrad y 14% en el SPTAgroind; se calculo虂 el taman虄o de muestra n=90. Los resultados mostraron similitudes entre ambos sistemas de produccio虂n. Sin embargo, las diferencias del SPTAgroind se relacionan con el uso de pra虂cticas de la agricultura industrializada. Se concluyo虂 que el SPTrad es ma虂s sustentable al mostrar mayor biomasa cosechada respecto a la cantidad de energi虂a fo虂sil empleada, el uso y trasmisio虂n de pra虂cticas tradicionales, la e虂tica de los productores en el manejo de los recursos naturales, la adaptacio虂n a las poli虂ticas agri虂colas gubernamentales y los niveles altos de seguridad alimentaria, que afectan positivamente la sustentabilidad del agroecosistema tradicional

    Evaluation of the sustainability in the maize agroecosystem in the region of Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico

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    Se evalu贸 la sustentabilidad del agroecosistema ma铆z en el valle de Huamantla, Tlaxcala, M茅- xico. El objetivo fue conocer el estado de sustentabilidad y los factores que influyen en su com- portamiento. El estudio se abord贸 con el enfoque de sustentabilidad con base agroecol贸gica evaluando el sistema agr铆cola dominante de la zona con dos formas de manejo: el tradicional (SPTrad) y el de transici贸n hacia el agroindustrial (SPTAgroind). Se analizaron 18 indicadores con el Marco para la Evaluaci贸n de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales Incorporando Indica- dores de Sustentabilidad (MESMIS). Para calcular el tama帽o de muestra, se consideraron 1,350 productores de ma铆z, 86% se clasificaron en el SPTrad y 14% en el SPTAgroind; se calcul贸 el tama- 帽o de muestra n=90. Los resultados mostraron similitudes entre ambos sistemas de producci贸n. Sin embargo, las diferencias del SPTAgroind se relacionan con el uso de pr谩cticas de la agricultura industrializada. Se concluy贸 que el SPTrad es m谩s sustentable al mostrar mayor biomasa cosecha- da respecto a la cantidad de energ铆a f贸sil empleada, el uso y trasmisi贸n de pr谩cticas tradicionales, la 茅tica de los productores en el manejo de los recursos naturales, la adaptaci贸n a las pol铆ticas agr铆colas gubernamentales y los niveles altos de seguridad alimentaria, que afectan positivamen- te la sustentabilidad del agroecosistema tradicional.ABSTRACT: In this study, the sustainability of the maize agro ecosystem in the Huamantla Valley, Tlaxcala, Mexico was being evaluated. The goal was to determine the state of the sustainability and the fac- tors that influence its behavior. The study focuses on the agro-ecological sustainability and com- pares the two dominant farming systems in the area: the traditional (SPTrad) and the transitional to agro-industry (SPTAgroind). 18 indicators were analyzed and the Framework for Evaluation of Systems of Natural Resource Management Incorporating Sustainability Indicators (MESMIS) was ap- plied. In order to calculate the size of the sample, 1,350 producers were considered, 86% of which, were classified as SPTrad and the rest as SPTAgroind; We calculated in a sample size n=90. The results showed some similarities between the two groups because of their peasant origin. However, the tendency of the SPTAgroind producers to employ some agro-industrial practices, explains also the existing differences. It was concluded that SPTrad is more sustainable farming system because of the following reasons: higher harvested biomass production compared to the amount of fossil en- ergy used, the use and transmission of traditional practices, the ethics in the management of natural resources, the adaptation to governmental agricultural policies and the food security levels, all of which affect positively the sustainability of the traditional agro ecosystem