51 research outputs found

    Metabolic Syndrome among the Inhabitants of the Island of Vis

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) was measured on the sample of 307 inhabitants of the island of Vis. Two criteria where used, one defined by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the other defined by the NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program). The results according to NCEP definition showed a 47.2% of prevalence of MS, which is high but expected because of high independent factors analyzed in the study. These values are the highest in Croatia and among the highest measured in the World. MS definition according to NCEP proved to be more sensitive than that of the WHO, which shoved values of 21.2%. A link between MS (NCEP) and diabetes and cardiovascular diseases was also established

    Nutritional Habits of the Inhabitants of the Island of Vis

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    The island of Vis belongs to middle Dalmatian group of islands with caracteristics Mediterranean climate. The assumption was that the dominant diet of the inhabitants is also Mediterranean. Such diet is considered to be one of the best for the prevention of many complex and chronic diseases, as confirmed by numerous studies in different parts of the World. This study showed a shift in dietary habits in the direction of a more globalized diet. Such sudden shift may prove to be an important trigger for the development of complex diseases such as diabetes melitus type 2, cardiovascular diseases, gout, as well as certain types of cancer

    IUAES Inter Congress 2016 World Anthropologies and Privatization of Knowledge: Engaging Anthropology and Public, Dubrovnik, Croatia

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    Institute for Anthropological Research and KULA, Slovenian Ethnological and Anthropological Association, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA with cooperation of Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana and Croatian Anthropological Society had the honor to organize IUAES Inter congress (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) in Hotel Palace Dubrovnik, May 4th to 9th 2016 under the name World Anthropologies and Privatization of Knowledge: Engaging Anthropology and Public

    Thirty-eight years of the School of biological anthropology

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    Nutritional Studies in Croatia – A Century of Research

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    This paper is dedicated to the pioneers of nutritional research in Croatia: to Professor Edvin Ferber, Professor Hubert Maver and Professor Ratko Buzina, to whom we owe exceptional contribution in the development of science of nutrition, as well as for many scientific publications from the fifties to the eighties in the 20th century, leaving us great information about nutritional state in Croatian population. The paper brings a review of nuitritional research in Croatia with an emphasis on history of research and papers published in Collegium Antropologicum. Since first publications on the subject, a number of institutions and scholars participated in numerous research projects which resulted in a vast number of published papers, depicting a multidisciplinary approach to the subject. In addition, the results of 44 analyses that have been a part of doctoral (18) and master’s research (26) are discussed