6 research outputs found

    Emocionalne odrednice naglaÅ”avanja razlika između kategorija

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    The present study aimed to provide preliminary evidence for the role of uncertainty related emotions in categorical accentuation. Participants had to estimate the length of lines varying in length, which depending on the conditions were or were not associated with categorical labels. To explore the emotional determinants of categorical accentuation we included additional label condition, in which participants were induced to feel fear (i.e. the emotion theoretically defined by the appraisal of low certainty). Consistent with the past research the results revealed a classic accentuation effect with participants in label condition showing higher differentiation at category boundaries compared to those in no label condition. More importantly, this effect was strengthened in the condition in which participants were induced with fear suggesting that uncertainty-related emotions could play an important role in the accentuation phenomenon.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio ponuditi preliminarni dokaz o ulozi emocija povezanih s osjećajem nesigurnosti kod fenomena naglaÅ”avanja razlika između kategorija. Zadatak sudionika bila je procjena duljine crta koje su se razlikovale duljinom i kojima je, ovisno o uvjetu, dodijeljena ili nije dodijeljena oznaka koja je ukazivala na pripadnost crta različitim kategorijama. S ciljem ispitivanja emocionalnih odrednica naglaÅ”avanja razlika između kategorija uveden je dodatni uvjet s crtama kojima su dodijeljene kategorijalne oznake u kojemu su sudionici bili izloženi indukciji straha (emocije koju teorijski karakterizira procjena niske sigurnosti). Očekivano, u skladu s ranijim istraživanjima, rezultati su ukazali na klasični efekt naglaÅ”avanja. Sudionici u uvjetu s podražajima s kategorijalnim oznakama pokazivali su veće razlikovanje među crtama koje su se nalazile na granici definiranih kategorija u odnosu na uvjet s podražajima bez kategorijalnih oznaka. Važno je istaknuti da je taj efekt bio dodatno pojačan u uvjetu u kojemu je kod sudionika induciran osjećaj straha, Å”to jasno sugerira da bi emocije koje su povezane s procjenom nesigurnosti mogle igrati važnu ulogu u fenomenu naglaÅ”avanja razlika između kategorija

    The effect of negative mood intensity on autobiographical recall: Evidence for the underlying role of affect in mood congruence effect

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    In the present study we test the hypothesis that affective state underlies the effect of mood congruence in autobiographical recall. Forty-five participants were subjected to negative and neutral mood inductions, and then asked to recall one personal memory. We also introduced another negative mood condition in which participants were exposed to the same mood inducing material (i.e., pictures), but were supposed to feel a less intense affective state. We replicated the congruence effect between the mood inductions and the valence of the participantsā€™ recalled memories. Furthermore, mood congruence was influenced by the intensity of negative mood inductions. Although the participants in negative mood conditions were exposed to the same semantic material, the recalled memories were more negative in standard (strong) than in moderate negative mood condition. Furthermore, this effect was mediated by mood, as measured by the self-report questionnaire. The results suggest that affect influences the mood congruence effect in a way that cannot be explained by semantic priming alone

    Cross-cultural validation of the "International affective picture system" (IAPS) on a sample from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    In this study the normative ratings of the International Affective Picture System (IAPS, Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention [CSEA], 1995) were compared with the ratings from a Bosnian sample. Seventy-two psychology undergraduates from the University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) rated valence, dominance and arousal for a stratified sample of 60 pictures that was selected from the IAPS. Reliability coefficients indicate that the self-report ratings are internally consistent. The affective ratings from our sample correlated strongly with the North American ratings at: .95, .81 and .91, respectively for valence, arousal and dominance. Consistent with expectations, mean valence and dominance ratings did not differ significantly between the Bosnian and North American sample. Furthermore, plotting of the Bosnian valence and arousal ratings results in a similar boomerang shaped distribution as the North American affective ratings. Taken together, findings obtained from the Bosnian sample confirm the cross-cultural validity of the IAPS

    Replikacija Aschova efekta u Bosni i Hercegovini: Dokaz za moderatorsku ulogu sličnosti s grupom u konformizmu

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    In the present study, we tried to replicate a classic Asch effect in the cultural context of BosniaHerzegovina and to explore the potential impact of group similarity on conformity. To answer these questions Bosniak (Muslim) students (N = 95) performed classic Asch\u27s line judgment task in the presence of five confederates (the majority) who were ostensibly either of a similar ethnic origin (ingroup), different ethnic origin (out-group) or no salient ethnic origin. The task involved choosing one of three comparison lines that was equal in length to a test line. Each participant went through 18 test trials including 12 critical trials in which confederates provided an obviously wrong answer. In line with past research, the results revealed a clear-cut and powerful "Asch effect" wherein participants followed the majority in 35.4% of critical trials. More importantly, this effect was moderated by group similarity. Thus, in comparison to no salient group identity condition, conformity was maximized in the in-group majority condition and minimized in the out-group majority condition. Taken together, our results support the universal finding of "Asch effect" and provide clear evidence that similarity with the majority plays an important role in the conformity phenomenon.U ovom smo istraživanju pokuÅ”ali replicirati klasični Aschov efekt u kulturnom kontekstu Bosne i Hercegovine te ispitati potencijalni utjecaj sličnosti s grupom na konformizam. U ispitivanju su sudjelovali studenti BoÅ”njaci (Muslimani, N = 95), koji su, u prisutnosti pet eksperimentatorovih suradnika, koji su im bili predstavljeni kao osobe istoga etničkog podrijetla, različitoga etničkog podrijetla ili kao osobe čije etničko podrijetlo nije bilo istaknuto, proveli klasični Aschov zadatak procjene crta. Zadatak se sastojao u odabiru jedne od triju crta za usporedbu koja je bila jednake duljine kao testna crta. Svaki je sudionik proÅ”ao kroz 18 testnih pokuÅ”aja koji su uključivali 12 kritičnih pokuÅ”aja na kojima su eksperimentatorovi suradnici davali očigledno pogreÅ”an odgovor. Očekivano, u skladu s ranijim istraživanjima, rezultati su pokazali jasan i snažan Aschov efekt, gdje su sudionici slijedili većinu u 35.4% kritičnih pokuÅ”aja. Važno je istaknuti da je ovaj efekt varirao u ovisnosti o sličnosti s grupom. Naime, u usporedbi s uvjetom u kojem grupni identitet nije bio istaknut, konformizam je bio veći u uvjetu unutargrupne većine, odnosno manji u uvjetu izvangrupne većine. Promatrano u cjelini, naÅ”i rezultati potvrđuju univerzalni nalaz Aschova efekta te nude nedvojben dokaz da sličnost s većinom igra važnu ulogu u fenomenu konformizma

    The effect of emotions on risk perception: Experimental evaluation of the affective tendencies framework

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    The aim of this study was to assess the role of specific emotions on risk perception providing a more stringent experimental test of the Appraisal Tendencies Framework (ATF). Consistent with expectations, angry and happy participants made more optimistic risk estimates than participants who were made sad. As hypothesized by ATF, happiness and anger also led people to somewhat higher certainty appraisals than sadness. However, this change in perception did not mediate the impact of emotions on risk estimates. Taken together, our results provide the evidence for causal role of specific emotions in risk perception and contribute to literature showing that the effects of emotion on judgment are not solely due to the valence of the experienced emotion. However, they also suggest that the processes underlying emotion effects remain in need for further specifications

    The effect of negative mood intensity on autobiographical recall: Evidence for the underlying role of affect in mood congruence effect

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    In the present study we test the hypothesis that affective state underlies the effect of mood congruence in autobiographical recall. Forty-five participants were subjected to negative and neutral mood inductions, and then asked to recall one personal memory. We also introduced another negative mood condition in which participants were exposed to the same mood inducing material (i.e., pictures), but were supposed to feel a less intense affective state. We replicated the congruence effect between the mood inductions and the valence of the participantsā€™ recalled memories. Furthermore, mood congruence was influenced by the intensity of negative mood inductions. Although the participants in negative mood conditions were exposed to the same semantic material, the recalled memories were more negative in standard (strong) than in moderate negative mood condition. Furthermore, this effect was mediated by mood, as measured by the self-report questionnaire. The results suggest that affect influences the mood congruence effect in a way that cannot be explained by semantic priming alone