6 research outputs found

    Diskli Gübre Dağıtma Makinaları İçin Değişken Oranlı Gübre Kontrol Sistemi

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    Aim of this research is to develop a variable rate controller system includes mechanical part, electronic circuit,application map software and laboratory test system apply variable rate fertilizer application due to requirement of cropinstead of constant rate of application used by farmers generally. Centrifugal fertilizer spreader with two discs, steppermotors, variable rate controller, GPS and variable rate application software were used as materials in this research.Developed variable rate controller and application software were improved. In addition, a laboratory test software wasdeveloped. Laboratory tests of the new control system were realised. 15-15-15 (N-P-K), %46 Urea, 20-20-0 (N-P-K)and %33 Ammonium Nitrate chemical fertilisers widely used by farmers for field crops were used in the laboratory tests.Developed system was worked without any problem.Bu araştırmanın amacı; çiftçinin uyguladığı alışılagelmiş homojen gübre uygulama yerine bitkinin ihtiyacına uygun belirlenmiş miktarları konuma göre dağıtan gübreleme yapan daha önce geliştirilmiş bir makine ile değişken düzeyli gübreleme yapmaktır. Araştırmada materyal olarak santrifüjlü gübre dağıtma makinesi, step motor, değişken düzeyli kontrol sistemi, GPS ve uygulama haritası programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada daha önce geliştirilen kontrol sistemi ve değişken düzeyli uygulama programı iyileştirilmiştir. Ayrıca laboratuar testleri için bilgisayar programı geliştirilmiştir. Yeni sistemin laboratuar denemeleri yapılmıştır. Testlerde çiftçiler tarafından ülkemizde tarla tarımında yaygın olarak kullanılan 15-15-15 (N-P-K), %46 Üre, 20-20-0 (N-P-K) ve %33 Amonyum Nitrat gübreleri için testler yapılmıştır. Sistem testler sırasında sorunsuz olarak çalışmıştır

    Stability of grain vitreousness in durum wheat (Triticum durum L.Desf.) genotypes in the North-Western Region of Turkey

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    This study was carried out in order to determine the grain vitreousness percentage and stability performance of 44 durum wheat genotypes, which were tested in 3 different environments during 2 growing periods. Grain vitreousness percentage of the genotypes ranged between 69.2% and 90.0%. Svevo, Amanos 97, and Zenit varieties had the highest vitreousness kernel percentages and the lowest grain yields. The negative correlation coefficient between vitreous grain percentage and grain yield, according to correlation analysis, confirms this result. Mutant 47, Harran 95, Epidur, and Kiziltan 95 were the most stable genotypes with respect to all stability parameters studied for vitreousness. Therefore, they can be recommended for profitable grain yield and consistent quality durum wheat production in the north-western region of Turkey. Svevo, Amanos 97, Zenit, Gediz 75, Ankara 98, Mirzabey, and Fuatbey 2000 varieties could be used as progenitors in future breeding programmes due to their high grain vitreousness potentials

    Development of a variable rate controller for centrifugal fertiliser spreaders

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    4th International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology in Agriculture -- OCT 26-29, 2007 -- Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINAObjective of this research is to develop a variable rate system for centrifugal fertiliser machines. This paper includes development stage and laboratory evaluation stage of this variable rate system. In this research, a centrifugal fertiliser machines with two discs were used to develop a variable rate controller. Step motors were used to apply variable rate application for these machines. A special system designed for connecting fertiliser rate plates and step motors

    Development a variable rate controller for centrifugal fertiliser spreaders

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    4th International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology in Agriculture, ISIITA 2007 -- 26 October 2007 through 29 October 2007 -- -- 112834Objective of this research is to develop a variable rate system for centrifugal fertiliser machines. This paper includes development stage and laboratory evaluation stage of this variable rate system. In this research, a centrifugal fertiliser machines with two discs were used to develop a variable rate controller. Step motors were used to apply variable rate application for these machines. A special system designed for connecting fertiliser rate plates and step motors

    Değişken Miktarlı Mineral Gübre Dağıtma Ile Homojen Gübre Uygulamasının Buğday Tarımında Teknik Ve Ekonomik Yönden Karşılaştırılması

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı; çiftçinin uyguladığı alışılagelmiş homojen gübre uygulama yerine bitkinin ihtiyacına uygun belirlenmiş miktarları konuma göre dağıtan gübreleme yapan daha önce geliştirilmiş bir makine ile değişken düzeyli gübreleme yapmaktır. Araştırmada materyal olarak santrifüjlü gübre dağıtma makinesi, step motor, değişken düzeyli kontrol sistemi, GPS ve uygulama haritası programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada daha önce geliştirilen kontrol sistemi ve değişken düzeyli uygulama programı iyileştirilmiştir. Ayrıca laboratuar testleri için bilgisayar programı geliştirilmiştir. Yeni sistemin laboratuar denemeleri yapılmıştır. Testlerde çiftçiler tarafından ülkemizde tarla tarımında yaygın olarak kullanılan 15-15-15 (N-P-K), %46 Üre, 20-20-0 (N-P-K) ve %33 Amonyum Nitrat gübreleri için testler yapılmıştır. Araştırmada farklı skala değerleri için gübre normu (kg/da) olarak saptanmıştır. Sistem testler sırasında sorunsuz olarak çalışmıştır. Proje ile ilgili araştırmalar değişik senaryolar için sistemin çalışmasının kontrol edilmesi için devam ettirilecektir. Sistemin tarla testleri TAGEM tarafından yürütülen Ulusal Hassas Tarım Projesi çerçevesinde Kırklareli Atatürk Araştırma Enstitüsünde yürütülecektir.Aim of this research project is to apply variable rate fertiliser application due to requirement of crop instead of constant rate of application used by farmers. Centrifugal fertiliser spreader with two discs, stepper motors, variable rate controller, GPS and variable rate application software were used as materials in this research. Developed variable rate controller and application software were improved. In addition, a laboratory test software was developed. Laboratory tests of the new control system were realised. 15-15-15 (N-P-K), %46 Urea, 20-20-0 (N-P-K) and %33 Ammonium Nitrate chemical fertilisers widely used by farmers for field crops were used in the laboratory tests. Fertiliser rate as kg/da were determined. Developed system was worked without problem. Future work of this project will be carried out for determining system performance for different variable rate scenarios on the concrete surface. Field test of the system will be carried out in Ataturk Soil, Water and Meteorological Research Institute under National Precision Farming Project

    Variations for Grain Yield and Milling Value of Durum Wheat Landraces and Obsolete Cultivars

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    The experimental materials consisting of five obsolete cultivars; and 26 durum wheat populations were used to investigate the variation, heritability, genetic advance for grain yield (GY), 1000 grain weight (TGW), test weight (TW) and percentage of vitreous grain (VG) in Tekirdag, Turkey during four growing years. Relatively large variation was observed for grain yield, 1000 grain weight and percentage of vitreous grain. The highest coefficient of variation (CV) was observed in grain yield. The phenotype coefficient of variation (PCV) was generally higher than the genotype coefficient of variation (GCV) for all traits. The highest heritability (85%) and expected genetic advance (9.35) were estimated for percentage of vitreous grain. Grain yield and test weight had the lowest heritability estimates (33% and 44%, respectively) with a relatively low value for expected genetic advance (0.92 and 3.82, respectively). Landraces of G3 and G2 groups were the most suitable materials in enriching genetic variability for percentage of vitreous grain and 1000 grain weight in breeding programs and could be worth a direct breeding effort following pure line selection programs that aim to develop cultivars; adapted to modern cropping conditions. In addition, they are a reliable and valuable genetic material for use in future breeding studies