189 research outputs found

    Sr. Sophia Hart: Vatican II Interactions

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    I interviewed Sr. Sophia in January 2019 regarding her experiences and interactions in the Catholic church along with being involved in sisterhood. This paper includes sections of that interview along with discussion of Vatican II and its relationship to its people

    Development factors in “3 T” concept

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    Celem artykułu jest podjęcie dyskusji na temat koncepcji „3T”. Kryterium przyjętym w rozważaniach, oprócz talentu, technologii i tolerancji, jest współpraca. Stanowi to wypadkową określenia kapitału kreatywnego, zdefiniowanego na potrzeby niniejszych rozważań. W odniesieniu do celu głównego uwzględniono cel szczegółowy, którym jest przedstawienie możliwości oceny kapitału kreatywnego przy użyciu metody analitycznego procesu hierarchicznego (AHP). Klasa kreatywna stanowi punkt wyjścia do analizy kapitału kreatywnego, postrzeganego jako zasób właściwy ludziom współpracującym i funkcjonującym w nowych warunkach i wykorzystującym swoją kreatywność. Zaproponowane wskaźniki oceny klasy kreatywnej często nie są możliwe do wyliczenia ze względu na brak danych. Rozwiązaniem może być propozycja wykorzystania analitycznego procesu hierarchicznego do budowy modelu kapitału kreatywnego. Dzięki ujęciu zmiennych ilościowych i jakościowych oraz posłużeniu się w ocenie wieloma parametrami uzyskano model, który jest możliwy do zastosowania w różnych warunkach.The purpose of this paper is to discuss the '3T' concept: talent , technology and tolerance. Cooperation is an additional criterion adopted for consideration, which stems from the notion of creative capital as defined for the purpose of the present study. Apart from achieving the main objective, it is the author's intention to investigate the usefulness of the Analytical Hierarchical Process method for the assessment of creative capital The creative class is the starting point for the analysis of creative capital perceived as a resource consisting of competent people, who cooperate and function in new conditions, using their creativity. The proposed indicators for assessing the creative class are often not possible to calculate due to the lack of data. A solution may be provided by a proposal to use the AHP method to build a model of creative capital. Thanks to the evaluation of quantitative and qualitative variables, and basing the assessment of many parameters, we obtain a model that is applicable in various [email protected]ł Ekonomii, Uniwersytet RzeszowskiAdamus W., Szara K. 2000 Zastosowanie Analitycznego Procesu Hierarchicznego (AHP) do racjonalizacji i organizacji gospodarstw przedsiębiorstw, „Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej”, nr 4-5.Analiza potrzeb i rozwoju przemysłów kreatywnych. Raport z badań, 2009, Ministerstwo Gospodarki, Ecorys, Warszawa, dokument elektroniczny, tryb dostępu: [http://www.mg. gov.pl/files/upload/10147/Analiza%20potrzeb%20i%20rozwoju%20przemyslow%20kreatywnych.pdf, data wejścia: 12.03.2014].Bogacz-Wojtanowska E. 2013 Zdolności organizacyjne a współdziałanie organizacji pozarządowych, Monografie Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków.Brzeziński M. 2009 Organizacja kreatywna, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Castels M. 2010 Społeczeństwo sieci, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Churski P. 2008 Czynniki rozwoju regionalnego i polityka regionalna w Polsce w okresie integracji z Unią Europejską, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM w Poznaniu, Poznań.Czerny M. 2005 Globalizacja a rozwój, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Drucker P. R. 1992 Innowacje i przedsiębiorczość. Praktyka i zasady, PWE, Warszawa.Florida R. 2002 The Rise of the Creative Class. Why cities without gays and rock banda are losing the economic development race, Washington monthly, Washington, dokument elektroniczny, tryb dostępu:[http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0205. florida.html, data wejścia: 12.03.2014].Florida R. 2003 Cities and the creative class, American Sociological Assiociation, Nowy Jork.Florida R. 2004 The rise of the creative class, Basic Books, Nowy Jork.Florida R. 2010 Narodziny klasy kreatywnej, NCK, Warszawa.Klasa kreatywna w Polsce. Technologia, talent i tolerancja jako źródła rozwoju regionalnego, K. Klincewicz (red.), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa.Klasik A. 2010 Sektor kultury i przemysły kreatywne nowym fundamentem rozwoju dużych miast i aglomeracji miejskich, [w:] Rola kultury i przemysłów kreatywnych w rozwoju miast i aglomeracji, A. 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L. 2001b The Analytic Network Process, Decision Making with Dependence and Feedback, RWS Publikation, Pittsburgh.Schumpeter J. 1969 Teoria rozwoju gospodarczego, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Stawasz E. 2005 Rodzaje innowacji, [w]: Innowacje i transfer technologii – słownik pojęć, K. B. Matusiak (red.), PARP, Warszawa.Strzelecki Z. 2008 Gospodarka regionalna i lokalna, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Zieleniewski J. 1969 Organizacja i zarządzanie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.1(73)17818

    Uneven Distribution Possibilities of Creative Capital Development in Rural Aareas (Case Study of the Podkarpackie Communes, Poland)

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          This paper presents the results of the research, which is an attempt to modify the assumptions of R.  Florida’s theory regarding the creative class. The measurement is based on indices that are the basis for the measurement of three categories: talent, technology, tolerance is not always possible due to the lack of data. The purpose of the study was to identify factors determining activation of creative capital in the areas of communes (local level). The objective results from the need to determine whether or not such conditions are present at the local level. Using the available literature, a questionnaire was prepared. Its results obtained from a survey among the Podkarpackie residents, were presented in the paper. It was found, as in the case of the results of the work of other authors, that in municipal communes there were better conditions for the development of creative capital

    Technology as a stimulus for the development of creative capital at the local level on the example of municipalities of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship

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    Motivation: Development is influenced by various determinants whose strength, direction and range of influence change over time. Creative capital is considered to be a variable that affects the development of countries and cities. The concept of creative capital results from the theory of R. Florida, which defines them by presenting the assumptions of the creative class. Both technology, talent and tolerance are factors that affect local development but, according to the concept mentioned above, they also stimulate the development of creative capital.Aim: The purpose of the paper is to assess technology as determinants of the development of creative capital in the communes of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.Results: The author’s modification of Florida’s methodology related to one of the criteria, i.e. technology is a novelty in the research approach is. It is also a new approach to technology analysis as determinants not only of local development but also of creative capital at the local level. Features indicating technology assessed using statistical data place the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in a lower position compared to the whole country. Only the share of newly registered creative sector entities is close to the result for Poland. The assessment, which applied indirect measures, shows that technological conditions in municipalities to the largest extent describe the ability of people to use specialized knowledge in the municipality in their work and personal life. Technology, which determines development, and also indicates the advancement of society, is important at the global level but also at the local level as evidenced by responses regarding openness to new technologies. The comparison of both groups of respondents shows that the possibilities of developing creative capital through the lens of features describing technology were rated by residents of municipalities rather than officials

    Przegląd narzędzi badawczych do oceny wydajności pracy pielęgniarek

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    Managers willingly use performance as the key element in the motivation of employees, evaluation of their work, as well as an important indicator in the bonus system. The measurement of performance allows not only the explanation of the cause of the occurrence of a deviation in the efficiency of nurses’ work, but also facilitates the implementation of actions improving the quality of performance of occupational activities. The objective of the study was analysis of literature concerning the structure and principles of the application of instruments used for the assessment of performance of nurses. The review of literature pertaining to the tools for the evaluation of efficiency of performance of nurses showed a large number of international reports; however, there is a total lack in the Polish literature. Analysis of literature allowed the formulation of the following conclusions: in Poland, there is a lack of studies concerning the measurement of performance of nurses. The performance of nurses should be measured by the tool which enables its evaluation in a multi-aspect context, and possesses a high reliability and validity.Menedżerowie chętnie stosują wydajność jako element kluczowy w motywowaniu pracowników, ocenie ich pracy, a także jako istotny wskaźnik w systemach premiowania.  Pomiar wydajności pozwala nie tylko na objaśnienie przyczyny powstania odchylenia w wydajności pracy pielęgniarek, ale także ułatwia wprowadzenie działań poprawiających jakość realizacji czynności zawodowych.Celem pracy była analiza piśmiennictwa, dotycząca struktury oraz zasad stosowania narzędzi, używanych w pomiarze wydajności pracy pielęgniarek. Przegląd piś-miennictwa dotyczącego narzędzi do oceny wydajności pracy pielęgniarek wykazał ich dużą liczbę w piśmiennictwie zagranicznym oraz zupełny brak w piśmiennictwie polskim. Analiza piśmiennictwa pozwoliła na sformułowanie nastę-pujących wniosków: w Polsce brak jest badań dotyczących pomiaru wydajności pracy pielęgniarek. Pomiar wydajności pracy należy dokonać narzędziem, które umożliwia ocenę wydajności pracy w kontekście wieloaspektowym oraz posiada wysoki współczynnik rzetelności i trafności

    The behavior of museum employees during COVID‑19 in the perspective of behavioral economics on the example of the District Museum in Rzeszów

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    Cel – Pandemia utrudniła funkcjonowanie wszystkich instytucji kultury, w tym muzeów. Jednym ze sposobów na ograniczenie transmisji wirusa w populacji była zmiana zachowań. NPI (nonpharmaceutical interventions) to narzędzia, za których pomocą próbowano kontrolować przebieg pandemii. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja błędów behawioralnych w pracy pracowników merytorycznych Muzeum Okręgowego w Rzeszowie w okresie pandemii COVID‑19. Metoda badań – Zastosowano metodę krytycznej analizy literatury. W formie case study dokonano analizy pracy Muzeum Okręgowego w Rzeszowie, wykorzystując informacje z obserwacji uczestniczącej oraz wywiadów ustrukturalizowanych. Wnioski – Kryzys związany z pandemią doprowadził do wzmożenia działań w zakresie transformacji cyfrowej, uwydatnił problemy związane z aspektem finansowania. Zidentyfikowane błędy w zachowaniu pracowników muzeum były błędami wynikającymi z nadmiaru informacji, niepewności jutra, obaw o stosowanie interwencji, myślenia życzeniowego. Oryginalność / wartość / implikacje / rekomendacje – Oryginalność opracowania wynika z diagnozy luki badawczej odnoszącej się do pracowników muzeum w zakresie ich reakcji na niemedyczne interwencje w miejscu pracy podczas pandemii COVID-19. Nie są znane analizy błędów behawioralnych na stanowisku pracy w odniesieniu do interwencji niemedycznych. Jest to więc nowatorskie ujęcie tematu, ważne z punktu widzenia implementacji rozwiązań regulacyjnych podczas kryzysu.Purpose – The pandemic has hampered the functioning of all cultural institutions, including museums. The only way to reduce the transmission of the virus in the population was to change behavior. NPI (nonpharmaceutical interventions) are tools that tried to control the course of the pandemic. The aim of the article was to identify behavioral errors in the work of professional employees of the District Museum in Rzeszów during the COVID‑19 pandemic. Research method – The method of critical literature analysis was used. In the form of a case study, the work of the District Museum in Rzeszów was analyzed, using information from participant observation and structured interviews. Results – The pandemic crisis has led to increased digital transformation activities and highlighted problems related to the financing aspect. The identified errors in the behavior of museum employees were errors resulting from information overload, uncertainty of the future, concerns about the use of interventions, and wishful thinking. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – The originality of the study results from the diagnosis of the research gap relating to museum employees in terms of their response to non‑medical interventions in the workplace during the COVID pandemic. There are no known analyzes of behavioral errors at the workplace in relation to non‑medical interventions. Therefore, this is an innovative approach to the topic and important from the point of view of implementing regulatory solutions during the crisis.Publikacja jest efektem projektu realizowanego przez Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, finansowanego ze środków MNiE w ramach programu „Doskonała nauka – wsparcie konferencji naukowych”, numer umowy DNK/SP/549102/[email protected] RzeszowskiBadanie kryzysu i zmian w kulturze w czasie pandemii COVID-19, czyli kondycja kultury miejskiej w Gdańsku, Krakowie, Lublinie, Łodzi, Szczecinie, Warszawie i Wrocławiu, na przestrzeni lat 2020–2021, 2021, http://www.publicprofits.pl/aktualnosci/kultura-w-po-pandemii-ankieta.html [data dostępu: 28.02.202].Buchner A., Urbańska M., Wierzbicka M., Janus A., Cetera N., 2021, Kultura w pandemii. Doświadczenie polskich instytucji kultury, https://centrumcyfrowe.pl/czytelnia/jak-polskie-instytucje-kultury-radza-sobie-w-czasie-pandemii-premiera-raportu [data dostępu: 20.05.2022].Działalność muzeów w czasach pandemii COVID-19, 2021, NIMOZ, Warszawa.Głodów-Legiędź J., 2013, Ekonomia behawioralna: od koncepcji racjonalności do wizji ustroju ekonomicznego, „Ekonomia”, nr 25, s. 24–41.Instytucje kultury w woj. mazowieckim w okresie pandemii, 2021, Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury, Warszawa.Jurkiewicz J., 2022, Wpływ ograniczeń sanitarnych COVID-19 na funkcjonowanie instytucji kultury w Polsce, „Acta Politica Polonica”, nr 1(53), s. 89–100, DOI: 10.18276/ap.2022.53-07.Kaczmarek M., 2021, Pandemia vs sztuka. Ekonomiczne, finansowe i prawne skutki pandemii COVID-19 na przykładzie Filharmonii Łódzkiej, „Zarządzanie w Kulturze”, z. 22, cz. 2, s. 237–254.Kahneman D., 2012, Pułapki myślenia. 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O cyfrowych formach komunikacji na przykładzie Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie oraz Zachęty – Narodowej Galerii Sztuki, Wydawnictwo IBL PAN, Warszawa.Karpińska K., Matel A., Protasiewicz A., 2017, Konsument w działalności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw, Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne, Białystok.Kawa A., Jęczalik J., Skakowska O., 2020, Kultura w czasie zarazy w województwie podkarpackim, Estrada Rzeszowska, Rzeszowski Inkubator Kultury.Kotlarek P., 2014, Racjonalność w ujęciu ekonomii behawioralnej, „Studia Ekonomiczne, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu”, cz. 1, s. 106–116.Krawczyk-Wasilewska V., 2020, COVID-19 jako paradygmat choroby globalnej, „Lud”, t. 104, s. 155–184.Kultura i dziedzictwo narodowe w 2021 r., 2022, Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie, Warszawa–Kraków.Lipski Ł., 2021, Przeciwdziałanie zagrożeniom w funkcjonowania muzeów w Polsce podczas pandemii COVID-19 w 2020 roku w kontekście roli muzeów w tworzeniu tożsamości kulturowej oraz zabezpieczenia dziedzictwa kulturowego, „Rozprawy Społeczne/Social Dissertations”, vol. 15(1), s. 97–112, DOI: 10.29316/rs/135342.Mendez-Britoa A., El Bcheraouia Ch., Pozo-Martina F., 2021, Systematic review of empirical studies comparing the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19, “Journal of Infection”, vol. 83, s. 281–293, DOI: 10.1016/j.jinf.2021.06.018.Montalto V., Sacco P., Alberti V., Panella F., Saisana M., 2020, European Cultural and Creative Cities in COVID-19 times, https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC120876 [data dostępu: 9.02.2024].Narinder K., 2020, COVID-19 cognitive bias, https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/06/09/covid-19-and-cognitive-bias [data dostępu: 13.05.2023].Nicola P., 2021, Non- pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A review, “Physics Reports”, vol. 913, s. 1–52, DOI: 10.1016/j.physrep.2021.02.001.Nieczynne do odwołania? 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    The application of the germination index in the assessment of the phytotoxicity of bottom sediments from the Rybnik Reservoir

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    The aims of the study were to assess the phytoxicity of bottom sediments collected from the Rybnik Reservoir. The water reservoir in Rybnik is located in the Silesian Voivodeship. The reservoir constitutes a part of the technological chain of Elektrownia Rybnik S.A. as a direct receiver of industrial and rainwater sewage, sewage from a water treatment plant, blowdowns from cooling towers, and as an essential source of cooling water. Sediment samples were collected with an Eckman sampler from 33 locations. The toxicity of bottom sediments was determined using the Phytotoxkit direct contact test, carried out for 3 plants: Sorghum saccharatum, Sinapis alba and Lepidium sativum. On the basis of the data received, the germination index (GI) was calculated. We found the mean value of the germination index indicated the dominance of the inhibitory effect of bottom sediments on plant growth. Sorghum saccharatum was the most sensitive to pollutants in sediments, while Lepidium sativum was the least sensitive. The Phytotoxkit is a good tool for assessing the toxicity of bottom sediments

    The content and composition of organic matter in bottom sediments of the Rybnik reservoir - preliminary studies

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    Organic matter has important influences on the fate of environmental pollution in water dam reservoirs. The aim of the studies was to assess content of organic matter fractions in Rybnik reservoir bottom sediments, and to determine their influence on the content of heavy metals and PAHs. In three sediment samples, the content of C organic (Corg), C extracted (Cex), C humic acid (Cha), C fulvic acid (Cfa) and C non-hydrolyzed (Cnh), buffer capacity, and content of heavy metals and PAHs was analyzed. We found the highest content of Corg, Cex, Cha, Cfa and Cnh in sample 3 (the outlet, near the dam), while the lowest content was found in sample 2 (middle). The fraction of Cnh was dominant in sediment sample 3 (outlet, near dam) and 1 (inlet), whereas the fraction of Cha dominated in sample 2 (middle). Rybnik bottom sediments are characterized by their high buffer capacities (samples 3, 1) shaped among others by the high content of organic matter. The high organic matter content in samples 3 (outlet) and 1 (inlet) and also high total contents of heavy metals and PAHS in these sediments demonstrate that these pollutants have a strong affinity for organic matter in the sediments. Moreover, the highest mobility of metals, from sample 2 (middle), is connected with the low content of organic matter substances and the low buffer capacities of sediments

    Holistic assessment of biochar and brown coal waste as organic amendments in sustainable environmental and agricultural applications

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    Organic amendments can improve soil quality which has knock-on environmental and agronomic benefits. However, the use of new and emerging organic amendments such as biochar and brown coal waste (BCW) in soil systems requires continuous holistic assessments for robust consensus building in their environmental and agricultural applications. To examine the application of BCW and woodchip biochar (BIO) in agroecosystems, secondary data from literature on environmental (soil, air and water) aspects were compiled with primary agronomic data from a 3-year multicropping field trial and collated with supplementary data on economic factors (e.g. cost and availability). For the field trial, replicated plots were amended with FYM (for comparative reasons), BCW and BIO at 30, 24.2 and 12.8 for t ha–1, respectively, with and without NPK and cultivated in a cropping sequence of maize, potato and barley. At the end of each season, soils were characterised for pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and fertility (macronutrient contents) in addition to nutrient uptake, nutritional quality and yield of crops. Compared with FYM, biochar and BCW were found to be associated with greater improvements in soil quality (e.g. building of soil structure and C sequestration) and knock-on water and air quality benefits mainly facilitated via increased cation retention and humic-linked sorption which abated gaseous emission and mitigated nutrient and heavy metal leaching. These along with variable improvements in soil chemistry, fertility and nutrient uptake in the agronomic field trial accounted for increased mean crop yield across treatments (higher with NPK): FYM (32.7 and 71.7%), BCW (33.5 and 60.1%) and BIO (21.8 and 48.2%). Additionally, biochar and BCW have lower pollutant (e.g. heavy metals) contents and were found to provide additional sustainability and net abatement cost-benefits. While the agronomic benefits of biochar and BCW were slightly lower compared with that of FYM, their lower environmental footprints and associated sustainability benefits are clear advantages for their adoption in environmental and agricultural applications

    Efficacy of woodchip biochar and brown coal waste as stable sorbents for abatement of bioavailable cadmium, lead and zinc in soil

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    Organic sorbents alter physicochemical soil properties and mitigate heavy metal (HM) bioavailability. However, some sorbents are labile and, therefore, introduce the risk of HM release into soil after mineralisation. Before field application, new stable organic sorbents such as woodchip biochar (BIO) and brown coal waste (BCW) need to be tested and compared with standard organic amendments like farmyard manure (FYM). An incubated pot experiment was conducted to investigate the efficacy of FYM, BIO and BCW (added to soil in pots at 5 and 10% w/w) to alter soil physicochemical properties and mitigate bioavailability of Cd, Pb and Zn spiked in treatments at different doses (in mg kg−1); 0 (not spiked), 1 (1 Cd, 70 Pb, 100 Zn) and 2 (3 Cd, 500 Pb, 700 Zn), and incubated for 9 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the EDTA-extractable HM fractions, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and specific surface area (SSA, to check trends) were determined in all treated soils. Results showed that FYM, BCW and BIO generally improved all soil properties (except reduced pH from BCW and apparent SSA reduction from FYM) and accounted for respective maximum abatements of Cd (50.2, 69.9 and 25.5%), Pb (34.2, 64.3 and 17.4%) and Zn (14.9, 17.7 and 11.8%) bioavailability in soil. FYM and BCW were more effective at 10% w/w especially in the low contaminated soil, whereas the highest efficacy for BIO was at 5% w/w and in the high contaminated soil. The efficacies of sorption by the organic sorbents varied for different HMs and were in the orders: BCW > FYM > BIO for Cd, FYM > BCW > BIO for Pb and BIO > BCW > FYM for Zn. Soil pH and CEC were strongly correlated with HM bioavailability in all treatments and implied that immobilisation of HMs occurred via complex formation, ion exchange and pH-dependent specific adsorption. All three sorbents were beneficial as soil amendments, and in terms of HM mitigation, BCW had the highest efficacy, followed by FYM and then BIO. Considering the documented high soil stability of BCW and BIO, these results are promising for further trialling at field scale