1,916 research outputs found

    Lying Aversion and Vague Communication: An Experimental Study

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    An agent may strategically employ a vague message to mislead an audience's belief about the state of the world, but this may cause the agent to feel guilt or negatively impact how the audience perceives the agent. Using a novel experimental design that allows participants to be vague while at the same time isolating the internal cost of lying from the social identity cost of appearing dishonest, we explore the extent to which these two types of lying costs affect communication. We find that participants exploit vagueness to be consistent with the truth, while at the same time leveraging the imprecision to their own benefit. More participants use vague messages in treatments where concern with social identity is relevant. In addition, we find that social identity concerns substantially affect the length and patterns of vague messages used across the treatments

    GCN-RL Circuit Designer: Transferable Transistor Sizing with Graph Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning

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    Automatic transistor sizing is a challenging problem in circuit design due to the large design space, complex performance trade-offs, and fast technological advancements. Although there has been plenty of work on transistor sizing targeting on one circuit, limited research has been done on transferring the knowledge from one circuit to another to reduce the re-design overhead. In this paper, we present GCN-RL Circuit Designer, leveraging reinforcement learning (RL) to transfer the knowledge between different technology nodes and topologies. Moreover, inspired by the simple fact that circuit is a graph, we learn on the circuit topology representation with graph convolutional neural networks (GCN). The GCN-RL agent extracts features of the topology graph whose vertices are transistors, edges are wires. Our learning-based optimization consistently achieves the highest Figures of Merit (FoM) on four different circuits compared with conventional black-box optimization methods (Bayesian Optimization, Evolutionary Algorithms), random search, and human expert designs. Experiments on transfer learning between five technology nodes and two circuit topologies demonstrate that RL with transfer learning can achieve much higher FoMs than methods without knowledge transfer. Our transferable optimization method makes transistor sizing and design porting more effective and efficient.Comment: Accepted to the 57th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2020); 6 pages, 8 figure

    Interface engineering for highly efficient polymer solar cells

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    Mining patterns of unsatisfiable constraints to detect infeasible paths

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    Detection of infeasible paths is required in many areas including test coverage analysis, test case generation, security vulnerability analysis, etc. Existing approaches typically use static analysis coupled with symbolic evaluation, heuristics, or path-pattern analysis. This paper is related to these approaches but with a different objective. It is to analyze code of real systems to build patterns of unsatisfiable constraints in infeasible paths. The resulting patterns can be used to detect infeasible paths without the use of constraint solver and evaluation of function calls involved, thus improving scalability. The patterns can be built gradually. Evaluation of the proposed approach shows promising results

    Retroperitoneal hemorrhage caused by enoxaparin-induced spontaneous lumbar artery bleeding and treated by transcatheter arterial embolization: a case report

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    Lumbar artery bleeding with retroperitoneal hematoma is an uncommon life-threatening complication secondary to enoxaparin use. We present a case of 73-year-old Chinese woman with acute retroperitoneal hemorrhage one month following hip surgery, due to enoxaparine. Enoxaparin induced hemorrhage caused by spontaneous rupture of lumbar artery was suspected and treated successfully by transcatheter arterial embolization

    Cyclosporine A Eye Drop-Induced Elongated Eyelashes: A Case Report

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    Purpose: The most common ocular adverse event following the use of cyclosporine A (CsA) 0.05% ophthalmic emulsion is ocular burning (17%). Other adverse effects that have been reported include conjunctival hyperemia (1–5%), discharge, epiphora, eye pain, foreign body sensation, pruritus, stinging and blurred vision. Here, we report a specific side effect of CsA, namely eye drop-induced eyelash elongation in a patient with refractory giant papillary conjunctivitis. Design: Observational case report. Methods: Case report and review of the literature. Results: A 32-year-old female with giant papillary conjunctivitis on the left eye, who had undergone papillectomy 3 years previously and was refractory to topical steroid therapy, was treated with CsA 0.05% ophthalmic emulsion (Restasis) 4 times a day, preservative-free artificial tears and gentamicin ophthalmic solution in the left eye. After 5 months of topical CsA treatment, elongated eyelashes of her left eye were observed without other adverse effects. Conclusion: Although hypertrichosis and trichomegaly have been documented in the literature as side effects of systemic CsA, topical CsA 0.05% eye drop-induced elongated eyelashes have not been reported, and we believe ophthalmologists should be mindful and inform patients about this specific side effect

    The ancient function of RB-E2F Pathway: insights from its evolutionary history

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The RB-E2F pathway is conserved in most eukaryotic lineages, including animals and plants. E2F and RB family proteins perform crucial functions in cycle controlling, differentiation, development and apoptosis. However, there are two kinds of E2Fs (repressive E2Fs and active E2Fs) and three RB family members in human. Till now, the detail evolutionary history of these protein families and how RB-E2F pathway evolved in different organisms remain poorly explored.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We performed a comprehensive evolutionary analysis of E2F, RB and DP (dimerization partners of E2Fs) protein family in representative eukaryotic organisms. Several interesting facts were revealed. First, orthologues of RB, E2F, and DP family are present in several representative unicellular organisms and all multicellular organisms we checked. Second, ancestral E2F, RB genes duplicated before placozoans and bilaterians diverged, thus E2F family was divided into E2F4/5 subgroup (including repressive E2Fs: E2F4 and E2F5) and E2F1/2/3 subgroup (including active E2Fs: E2F1, E2F2 and E2F3), RB family was divided into RB1 subgroup (including RB1) and RBL subgroup (including RBL1 and RBL2). Third, E2F4 and E2F5 share more sequence similarity with the predicted E2F ancestral sequence than E2F1, E2F2 and E2F3; E2F4 and E2F5 also possess lower evolutionary rates and higher purification selection pressures than E2F1, E2F2 and E2F3. Fourth, for RB family, the RBL subgroup proteins possess lower evolutionary rates and higher purification selection pressures compared with RB subgroup proteins in vertebrates,</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Protein evolutionary rates and purification selection pressures are usually linked with protein functions. We speculated that function conducted by E2F4/5 subgroup and RBL subgroup proteins might mainly represent the ancient function of RB-E2F pathway, and the E2F1/2/3 subgroup proteins and RB1 protein might contribute more to functional diversification in RB-E2F pathway. Our results will enhance the current understanding of RB-E2F pathway and will also be useful to further functional studies in human and other model organisms.</p> <p>Reviewers</p> <p>This article was reviewed by Dr. Pierre Pontarotti, Dr. Arcady Mushegian and Dr. Zhenguo Lin (nominated by Dr. Neil Smalheiser).</p