181 research outputs found

    The Unstable Experience Worlds of School-aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders ―Review the Notes of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    学校現場において、教員が発達障害児の言動に対する理解や対応に困難さを感じている現状がある。一方で、その問題の背景には、発達障害児自身が困難に感じている状況もある。特に自閉症スペクトラムに関しては、表面的に現れやすいコミュニケーションの問題やこだわりの強さ等の背景に、外からでは気づかれにくい特有の感じ方や捉え方(不安定な経験世界)があると考えられる。本研究では、学校生活で生じる可能性のある自閉症スペクトラム児が抱える不安定な経験世界とは何かを明らかにするため、学齢期の自閉症スペクトラム当事者手記を分析した。その結果、「外からの刺激を捉える感覚」、「物の見え方」等の特有の感じ方や捉え方が11 のカテゴリーに整理された。本研究の結果から、自閉症スペクトラム児が安心して学校生活を送るためには、教員による不安定な経験世界への理解、その理解に応じた環境調整によって困難さを軽減することが重要であると考察した。Teachers have difficulty in understanding of and teaching to the problem behaviors which students with developmental disabilities show at school. Teachers struggle with their students' behaviors, however students with developmental disabilities themselves also really get into trouble. Behind the troubles of social communication and strong persistence in autism students, they have unique perceptions and cognitions of the events inside and outside the body. In this study, we call them "unstable experience worlds". To examine the unstable experience worlds of autism students at school, we reviewed the notes and books written by the students with autism. The results showed that the 11 items, such as “external perception” and“ vision”, were suggested. The findings provided that it was important for teachers to understand the autism students’ unstable experience world s and adjust the environ mental factors that brings difficulties

    Estimating dynamics of fern species richness and assemblages for 30 years in Japan capital and along planning belt of linear motor car from Tokyo to Nagoya

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    We surveyed species density of ferns in Musashi (Tokyo and Saitama Prefs.), around capital of Japan, and planning belt of Linea express of 250km from Tokyo to Nagoya during 1997-2017, considering with records 30 years (mainly 1960-1980). The species richness (species richness per 10km X 10km) and similarity of species assemblages represented by species overlap were recorded and calculated between them of the past and present. Recent species richness is about half or less and the similarity ranged 0-48% in Musashi and 20-50% in the similarity along the Linea express planning belt.ArticleForestry Research and Engineering: International Journal. 2(2):68-73 (2018)journal articl

    Thermal Conductivity in the Bose-Einstein Condensed State of Triplons in the Bond-Alternating Spin-Chain System Pb2V3O9

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    In order to clarify the origin of the enhancement of the thermal conductivity in the Bose-Einstein Condensed (BEC) state of field-induced triplons, we have measured the thermal conductivity along the [101] direction parallel to spin-chains, kappa[101]kappa_{\|[101]}, and perpendicular to spin-chains, kappa[101]kappa_{\perp[101]}, of the S=1/2 bond-alternating spin-chain system Pb2V3O9 in magnetic fields up to 14 T. With increasing field at 3 K, it has been found that both kappa[101]kappa_{\|[101]} and kappa[101]kappa_{\perp[101]} are suppressed in the gapped normal state in low fields. In the BEC state of field-induced triplons in high fields, on the other hand, kappa[101]kappa_{\|[101]} is enhanced with increasing field, while kappa[101]kappa_{\perp[101]} is suppressed. That is, the thermal conductivity along the direction, where the magnetic interaction is strong, is markedly enhanced in the BEC state. Accordingly, our results suggest that the enhancement of kappa[101]kappa_{\|[101]} in the BEC state is caused by the enhancement of the thermal conductivity due to triplons on the basis of the two-fluid model, as in the case of the superfluid state of liquid 4He.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A Study on Influential Factors on Building Damage in Kesennuma, Japan from the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami

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    A number of buildings were damaged by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami in the Tohoku area. The research objective is to determine the significant predictor variables of the level of building damage. This paper used detailed data on damaged buildings in Kesennuma City, Japan, collected by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). The tested explanatory parameters included the inundation depth, number of floors, volume of the building, debris flow, structural material, and function of the building. Through multinomial logistic regression, the results found that the number of floors was significantly associated with the damage level; the inundation depth, structural material (reinforced concrete and masonry), and function of the building (commercial facility, transportation/storage facility, and public facility) were partially associated with the damage level. This study can contribute to academic research by assessing the contribution of different variables to observed damage data by applying statistical analysis, as well as the practical contribution of providing an examination of the predominant factors driving tsunami damage to buildings

    Multidisciplinary treatment system for bone metastases for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of malignant spinal cord compression

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    Malignant spinal cord compression (MSCC) is a serious complication of cancers. The present study aimed to establish a multidisciplinary treatment system for urgent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and referral to orthopedists in order to prevent neurological deficits caused by MSCC. In the present study, the extent to which this system achieved early diagnosis and treatment and prevented MSCC‑caused neurological deficits was examined. The records from patients with neurological deficits caused by MSCC before (between April 2007 and March 2012; group A) and after (between April 2012 and March 2017; group B) the establishment of the multidisciplinary system at the Shikoku Cancer Center (Ehime, Japan) were retrospectively evaluated. The numbers of patients with neurological deficits were 38 and 7 in groups A and B, respectively. All patients received radiotherapy. The incidence of neurological deficits was 13.2 and 3.4% in groups A and B, respectively (P<0.001). The proportion of patients with improvement in the severity of neurological deficits was 5.3 and 28.6% in groups A and B, respectively (P<0.001). The interval between physicians' recognition of a neurological deficit and MRI and the start of treatment, the number of cases, and the severity of neurological deficits were evaluated in groups A and B. The median interval between recognition of a neurological deficit by physicians and MRI was 3 and 0 days in groups A and B, respectively (P<0.001). The median interval between physicians' recognition of a neurological deficit and the start of treatment was 3 and 0 days in groups A and B, respectively (P<0.001). By using a multidisciplinary treatment system, the incidence and severity of neurological deficits following treatment were significantly improved. Therefore, the multidisciplinary treatment system used in the present study may be useful for early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of MSCC in patients with bone metastases

    Crystal structure of the hemolytic lectin CEL-III isolated from the marine invertebrate Cucumaria echinata : Implications of domain structure for its membrane pore-formation mechanism

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    CEL-III is a Ca^+ -dependent and galactose-specific lectin purified from the sea cucumber, Cucumaria echinata, which exhibits hemolytic and hemagglutinating activities. Six molecules of CEL-III are assumed to oligomerize to form an ion-permeable pore in the cell membrane. We have determined the crystal structure of CEL-III by using single isomorphous replacement aided by anomalous scattering in lead at 1.7 Å resolution. CEL-III consists of three distinct domains as follows: the N-terminal two carbohydrate-binding domains (1 and 2), which adopt β-trefoil folds such as the B-chain of ricin and are members of the (QXW)_3 motif family; and domain 3, which is a novel fold composed of two α-helices and one β-sandwich. CEL-III is the first Ca^ -dependent lectin structure with two β-trefoil folds. Despite sharing the structure of the B-chain of ricin, CEL-III binds five Ca^ ions at five of the six subdomains in both domains 1 and 2. Considering the relatively high similarity among the five subdomains, they are putative binding sites for galactose-related carbohydrates, although it remains to be elucidated whether bound Ca^ is directly involved in interaction with carbohydrates. The paucity of hydrophobic interactions in the interfaces between the domains and biochemical data suggest that these domains rearrange upon carbohydrate binding in the erythrocyte membrane. This conformational change may be responsible for oligomerization of CEL-III molecules and hemolysis in the erythrocyte membranes.This research was originally published in Journal of Biological Chemistry. Tatsuya Uchida, Takayuki Yamasaki, Seiichiro Eto, Hajime Sugawara, Genji Kurisu, Atsushi Nakagawa, Masami Kusunoki and Tomomitsu Hatakeyama. Crystal structure of the hemolytic lectin CEL-III isolated from the marine invertebrate Cucumaria echinata : Implications of domain structure for its membrane pore-formation mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004; 279, 37133-37141. © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    DNA topoisomerase II interacts with Lim15/Dmc1 in meiosis

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    Lim15/Dmc1 is a meiosis specific RecA-like protein. Here we propose its participation in meiotic chromosome pairing-related events along with DNA topoisomerase II. Analysis of protein–protein interactions using in vitro binding assays provided evidence that Coprinus cinereus DNA topoisomerase II (CcTopII) specifically interacts with C.cinereus Lim15/Dmc1 (CcLim15). Co-immunoprecipitation experiments also indicated that the CcLim15 protein interacts with CcTopII in vivo. Furthermore, a significant proportion of CcLim15 and CcTopII could be shown to co-localize on chromosomes from the leptotene to the zygotene stage. Interestingly, CcLim15 can potently activate the relaxation/catenation activity of CcTopII in vitro, and CcTopII suppresses CcLim15-dependent strand transfer activity. On the other hand, while enhancement of CcLim15's DNA-dependent ATPase activity by CcTopII was found in vitro, the same enzyme activity of CcTopII was inhibited by adding CcLim15. The interaction of CcLim15 and CcTopII may facilitate pairing of homologous chromosomes

    Pharmacotherapeutic outcomes in atypical odontalgia : determinants of pain relief

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    Objectives: There has been considerable research which has focused on clarifying the origin of pain in patients with atypical odontalgia (AO), also known as “idiopathic toothache”, and on identifying effective treatment, but there has been limited success so far. In this study, we assessed the outcomes of treatment and attempted to identify factors that could account for pain remission in patients with AO. Patients and methods: Data for 165 patients diagnosed with AO from June 2015 to August 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. The patients’ sex, age, duration of pain, and psychiatric history were collected, along with information on pain intensity, depressive status, and catastrophizing scores. Responses at 4 and 16 weeks from the start of treatment were observed. The associations between potentially associated factors and outcome were investigated using Bayesian model averaging. Results: A 30% reduction in pain was reported by 38 patients (46.3%) at 4 weeks and by 54 patients (65.9%) at 16 weeks. The pain intensity decreased as the depression and catastrophizing score improved; all of the changes were statistically significant (P<0.001). Four elements, that is, patient sex, depression score at baseline, pain score at 4 weeks, and change in the catastrophizing score, explained 52.5% of the variation in final outcome between individual patients. Conclusion: Our findings confirm the efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) as a treatment for AO and indicate that other medications, especially aripiprazole used in combination with a TCA, may be useful. A considerable number of patients, especially women, those with lower levels of depression at baseline, and those who responded to 4 weeks of treatment, achieved pain relief