16 research outputs found


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    During the recent active period, from April 1965 to March 1966, of the Volcano Aso, a swarm of volcanic earthquakes was observed at the Hondo observation room of Kyoto University. By analysing the data, the locations of foci of volcanic earthquakes are determined and the focal mechanism is discussed. The main results obtained are as follows: (1) the distribution of foci of volcanic earthquakes is varied with the volcanic activity, that is, the foci are located in comparatively narrow region before the eruption, but scattered after the eruption; (2) the characteristic earthquakes regarded as a rarefaction type are found, that is, the initial phases are all "pull" around the epicenter. These rarefaction type earthquakes are observed in the earlier time and the active time, but not in the later time


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    ワークショップの開催、実践的な教育・普及活動に取り組み、火山防災情報の質の向上にかかわる問題点の整理がかなり進んだ。また、火山活動の評価手法を目指して、薩南諸島の火山において地磁気の連続観測、近年開発されたDOASによる二酸化硫黄の放出率の測定等を行い、また、過去30年間の桜島の火山灰中の揮発成分の分析を行い、他の観測調査データ等と比較することによって、これらの観測・分析手法が火山活動評価や噴火機構研究の有効なツールとなりうることを確認した。さらに、複数の火山の火山性地震を自動分類し、その結果を必要に応じて携帯電話やE-mailで関係者に通報するシステムを開発し、試験運用を開始した。This paper is a preliminary report that describes the outline of targets and present results of our research project. Problems on volcanic information and education for mitigation of volcanic hazards fairly became clear by a workshop and educational activity. Present results on new tools applied for volcano monitoring at active volcanoes in southern Kyushu are described; geomagnetic observation, remote sensing for volcanic gases, and so on. Basic concept of a system of information processing on seismic data is described.ワークショップの開催、実践的な教育・普及活動に取り組み、火山防災情報の質の向上にかかわる問題点の整理がかなり進んだ。また、火山活動の評価手法を目指して、薩南諸島の火山において地磁気の連続観測、近年開発されたDOASによる二酸化硫黄の放出率の測定等を行い、また、過去30年間の桜島の火山灰中の揮発成分の分析を行い、他の観測調査データ等と比較することによって、これらの観測・分析手法が火山活動評価や噴火機構研究の有効なツールとなりうることを確認した。さらに、複数の火山の火山性地震を自動分類し、その結果を必要に応じて携帯電話やE-mailで関係者に通報するシステムを開発し、試験運用を開始した。This paper is a preliminary report that describes the outline of targets and present results of our research project. Problems on volcanic information and education for mitigation of volcanic hazards fairly became clear by a workshop and educational activity. Present results on new tools applied for volcano monitoring at active volcanoes in southern Kyushu are described; geomagnetic observation, remote sensing for volcanic gases, and so on. Basic concept of a system of information processing on seismic data is described

    Occult ovarian clear-cell carcinoma diagnosed as primary adenocarcinoma of the lung: A case report of a diagnostic pitfall for clinicians and pathologists

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    We present a case of ovarian clear-cell carcinoma that was initially diagnosed as adenocarcinoma of lung origin. This is an instructive diagnostic pitfall for clinicians and pathologists because of the unusual clinical course, small biopsy material, and noteworthy immunophenotype of the carcinoma. Imaging analysis identified only lung and liver lesions. In addition, the biopsy specimen from the lung was TTF-1 negative and napsin A positive, which is still possible for cancer of lung origin. Postmortem examination found that the cancer should be classified as ovarian clear-cell carcinoma distinguished by positive staining for napsin A and paired-box gene 8 (PAX8). Although PAX8 may not be usually investigated when tumoral lesions are identified in only the lung and liver, it is important to keep the necessity of PAX8 in mind to excluding carcinoma of Müllerian, renal, or thyroid origin. Keywords: Occult cancer, Ovarian clear-cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma of lung, Napsin