68 research outputs found

    Short Proofs for Cut-and-Paste Sorting of Permutations

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    We consider the problem of determining the maximum number of moves required to sort a permutation of [n][n] using cut-and-paste operations, in which a segment is cut out and then pasted into the remaining string, possibly reversed. We give short proofs that every permutation of [n][n] can be transformed to the identity in at most \flr{2n/3} such moves and that some permutations require at least \flr{n/2} moves.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Embedding multidimensional grids into optimal hypercubes

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    Let GG and HH be graphs, with V(H)V(G)|V(H)|\geq |V(G)| , and f:V(G)V(H)f:V(G)\rightarrow V(H) a one to one map of their vertices. Let dilation(f)=max{distH(f(x),f(y)):xyE(G)}dilation(f) = max\{ dist_{H}(f(x),f(y)): xy\in E(G) \}, where distH(v,w)dist_{H}(v,w) is the distance between vertices vv and ww of HH. Now let B(G,H)B(G,H) = minf{dilation(f)}min_{f}\{ dilation(f) \}, over all such maps ff. The parameter B(G,H)B(G,H) is a generalization of the classic and well studied "bandwidth" of GG, defined as B(G,P(n))B(G,P(n)), where P(n)P(n) is the path on nn points and n=V(G)n = |V(G)|. Let [a1×a2××ak][a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ] be the kk-dimensional grid graph with integer values 11 through aia_{i} in the ii'th coordinate. In this paper, we study B(G,H)B(G,H) in the case when G=[a1×a2××ak]G = [a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ] and HH is the hypercube QnQ_{n} of dimension n=log2(V(G))n = \lceil log_{2}(|V(G)|) \rceil, the hypercube of smallest dimension having at least as many points as GG. Our main result is that B([a1×a2××ak],Qn)3k,B( [a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ],Q_{n}) \le 3k, provided ai222a_{i} \geq 2^{22} for each 1ik1\le i\le k. For such GG, the bound 3k3k improves on the previous best upper bound 4k+O(1)4k+O(1). Our methods include an application of Knuth's result on two-way rounding and of the existence of spanning regular cyclic caterpillars in the hypercube.Comment: 47 pages, 8 figure

    Bounds for Permutation Arrays under Kendall Tau Metric

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    Permutation arrays under the Kendall-τ\tau metric have been considered for error-correcting codes. Given nn and d[1..(n2)]d\in [1..\binom{n}{2}], the task is to find a large permutation array of permutations on nn symbols with pairwise Kendall-τ\tau distance at least dd. Let P(n,d)P(n,d) denote the maximum size of any permutation array of permutations on nn symbols with pairwise Kendall-τ\tau distance dd. New algorithms and several theorems are presented, giving improved lower bounds for P(n,d)P(n,d). Also, (n,m,d)(n,m,d)-arrays are defined, which are permutation arrays on n symbols with Kendall-τ\tau distance d, with the restriction that symbols {1...(n-m)} appear in increasing order. Let P(n,m,d)P(n,m,d) denote the maximum size of any (n,m,d)(n,m,d)-array. For example, (n,m,d)-arrays are useful for recursively computing lower bounds for P(n,d)P(n,d). Lower and upper bounds are given for P(n.m,d)P(n.m,d)

    Branching Programs for Tree Evaluation

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    Abstract. The problem FT h d (k) consists in computing the value in [k] = {1,..., k} taken by the root of a balanced d-ary tree of height h whose internal nodes are labelled with d-ary functions on [k] and whose leaves are labelled with elements of [k]. We propose FT h d (k) as a good candidate for witnessing L � LogDCFL. We observe that the latter would follow from a proof that k-way branching programs solving FT h d (k) require Ω(k unbounded function(h) ) size. We introduce a “state sequence ” method that can match the size lower bounds on FT h d (k) obtained by the Ne˘ciporuk method and can yield slightly better (yet still subquadratic) bounds for some nonboolean functions. Both methods yield the tight bounds Θ(k 3) and Θ(k 5/2) for deterministic and nondeterministic branching programs solving FT 3 2 (k) respectively. We propose as a challenge to break the quadratic barrier inherent in the Ne˘ciporuk method by adapting the state sequence method to handle FT 4 d (k).

    Parity Games of Bounded Tree- and Clique-Width

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    Abstract. In this paper it is shown that deciding the winner of a parity game is in LogCFL, if the underlying graph has bounded tree-width, and in LogDCFL, if the tree-width is at most 2. It is also proven that parity games of bounded clique-width can be solved in LogCFL via a log-space reduction to the bounded tree-width case, assuming that a k-expression for the parity game is part of the input.