103,482 research outputs found

    Single-Server Multi-Message Private Information Retrieval with Side Information

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    We study the problem of single-server multi-message private information retrieval with side information. One user wants to recover NN out of KK independent messages which are stored at a single server. The user initially possesses a subset of MM messages as side information. The goal of the user is to download the NN demand messages while not leaking any information about the indices of these messages to the server. In this paper, we characterize the minimum number of required transmissions. We also present the optimal linear coding scheme which enables the user to download the demand messages and preserves the privacy of their indices. Moreover, we show that the trivial MDS coding scheme with KMK-M transmissions is optimal if N>MN>M or N2+NKMN^2+N \ge K-M. This means if one wishes to privately download more than the square-root of the number of files in the database, then one must effectively download the full database (minus the side information), irrespective of the amount of side information one has available.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to the 56th Allerton conferenc

    kkth power residue chains of global fields

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    In 1974, Vegh proved that if kk is a prime and mm a positive integer, there is an mm term permutation chain of kkth power residue for infinitely many primes [E.Vegh, kkth power residue chains, J.Number Theory, 9(1977), 179-181]. In fact, his proof showed that 1,2,22,...,2m11,2,2^2,...,2^{m-1} is an mm term permutation chain of kkth power residue for infinitely many primes. In this paper, we prove that for any "possible" mm term sequence r1,r2,...,rmr_1,r_2,...,r_m, there are infinitely many primes pp making it an mm term permutation chain of kkth power residue modulo pp, where kk is an arbitrary positive integer [See Theorem 1.2]. From our result, we see that Vegh's theorem holds for any positive integer kk, not only for prime numbers. In fact, we prove our result in more generality where the integer ring Z\Z is replaced by any SS-integer ring of global fields (i.e. algebraic number fields or algebraic function fields over finite fields).Comment: 4 page

    Incremental learning with respect to new incoming input attributes

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    Neural networks are generally exposed to a dynamic environment where the training patterns or the input attributes (features) will likely be introduced into the current domain incrementally. This paper considers the situation where a new set of input attributes must be considered and added into the existing neural network. The conventional method is to discard the existing network and redesign one from scratch. This approach wastes the old knowledge and the previous effort. In order to reduce computational time, improve generalization accuracy, and enhance intelligence of the learned models, we present ILIA algorithms (namely ILIA1, ILIA2, ILIA3, ILIA4 and ILIA5) capable of Incremental Learning in terms of Input Attributes. Using the ILIA algorithms, when new input attributes are introduced into the original problem, the existing neural network can be retained and a new sub-network is constructed and trained incrementally. The new sub-network and the old one are merged later to form a new network for the changed problem. In addition, ILIA algorithms have the ability to decide whether the new incoming input attributes are relevant to the output and consistent with the existing input attributes or not and suggest to accept or reject them. Experimental results show that the ILIA algorithms are efficient and effective both for the classification and regression problems

    Tolerating Correlated Failures in Massively Parallel Stream Processing Engines

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    Fault-tolerance techniques for stream processing engines can be categorized into passive and active approaches. A typical passive approach periodically checkpoints a processing task's runtime states and can recover a failed task by restoring its runtime state using its latest checkpoint. On the other hand, an active approach usually employs backup nodes to run replicated tasks. Upon failure, the active replica can take over the processing of the failed task with minimal latency. However, both approaches have their own inadequacies in Massively Parallel Stream Processing Engines (MPSPE). The passive approach incurs a long recovery latency especially when a number of correlated nodes fail simultaneously, while the active approach requires extra replication resources. In this paper, we propose a new fault-tolerance framework, which is Passive and Partially Active (PPA). In a PPA scheme, the passive approach is applied to all tasks while only a selected set of tasks will be actively replicated. The number of actively replicated tasks depends on the available resources. If tasks without active replicas fail, tentative outputs will be generated before the completion of the recovery process. We also propose effective and efficient algorithms to optimize a partially active replication plan to maximize the quality of tentative outputs. We implemented PPA on top of Storm, an open-source MPSPE and conducted extensive experiments using both real and synthetic datasets to verify the effectiveness of our approach