21 research outputs found

    Toolkit for sustainable decision making in its deployment

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    A number of EU-communications have addressed the fact that slow and uncoordinated decision making for ITS deployment on urban, regional and national level is the most urgent problem to be solved in order to utilise the benefits ITS deployment can gain for a sustainable European transportation system. As lack on easy and efficient access to a wide spread ITS knowledge as well as decision making for the deployment is recognised as the key factors for slow down investment on ITS on administration level. The toolkit solution presented in this paper addresses one of the most important ITS deployment related challenges on European level: Support and speed up consistent decision making related to ITS deployment for road and public transport (timely, cost-effective, interoperable, positive impact to urban and interurban mobility, positive cost/benefit ratio). It is planned to implement that solution in the 2DECIDE project, which is funded by the European Commission

    Analysis of Adaptive Traffic Control Systems Design of a Decision Support System for Better Choices

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    open3siNear half of the world population lives in cities. For many years big cities have faced the dif culties caused by junctions. Junctions and congestion are the cause of many other problems, like air pollution, time waste, delays, increased average trip time, decreased average cruise speed, increased fuel consumption and many others. These important issues cost a lot to governments in terms of both time and money. Cities suffer from the well-known problem of xed-time planning for traf c signals at intersections. In this paper the authors went through these problems and discussed about the dif culties of xed-time plan traf c lights and their solutions. Adaptive traf c control systems are one of the soltions which are exactly opposite to xed-time plans. Four different adaptive traf c control systems will be discussed. Each of them has unique characteristics that make it worthy to compare. The general architecture of these systems is based on a similar concept, but there is a great number of general and detailed differences that makes them interesting to compare. By making a deep comparison between these systems, which is one of the outputs of this research, governments and the authorities in charge can have an appropriate reference to look for their bene ts and choose an adaptive traf c control system to apply to their networks.Studer, Luca; Ketabdari, Misagh; Marchionni, GiovannaStuder, LUCA PASINO; Ketabdari, Misagh; Marchionni, Giovann

    La Gestione dei trasporti in emergenza: attività, prodotti e risultati dell'esercitazione nazionale di Protezione Civile in Valtellina

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    L'articolo riporta l’esperienza maturata dal Laboratorio Mobilità e Trasporti del Politecnico di Milano in qualità di Centro di Competenza per la Gestione e la Sicurezza dei Trasporti per il Dipartimento di Protezione Civile Nazionale durante l’esercitazione nazionale di Protezione Civile in Valtellina. Le attività svolte, i prodotti realizzati e utilizzati ma soprattutto i risultati e l’esperienza emersi da una esercitazione temporalmente estesa e di estremo rilievo in ambito di Protezione Civile, si ritiene siano ancora estremamente attuali e utili come esempio per la gestione dei trasporti in caso di emergenze rilevanti

    Road Users Exposed to Harm from Transportation of Dangerous Goods - Definition and Estimation

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    The Italian Interreg Project DESTINATION was intended to acquire data on the transportation of dangerous goods and use them, developing a tool to protect the territory. The Project developed a risk analysis model for examination and assessment of the elements exposed to harm in the event of accident scenarios involving hazardous substances. Defining the risk model, the need emerged for a procedure able of explicitly estimating the number of road users that could be affected in case of dangerous goods accident. After a brief presentation of the risk model, this paper describes the method adopted for the quantification of the possible involved road users, in coherence with the Project’s objectives and requirements. Due to the specific nature of the subject, it was necessary to consider parameters not included in traditional vehicle queuing models, such as the possibility of assessing users in transit on roads not directly affected by the accident and of differentiating analyses depending on the temporal development of the event (instantaneous vs. noninstantaneous events)

    Evaluation of the impact of ITS

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    The evaluation of ITS begins and takes root within a European policy focused on the diffusion and enhancement of ITS. This section briefly introduces the history of the European policies and actions supporting these technologies to describe their scope in Europe. ITS apply information and communication technologies to make the transport of people and goods easy and flowing. The potential of ITS was expressly mentioned in several White Papers of the European Commission (EC), which considers them as a way to reduce congestion and bottlenecks. The implementation of traffic management plans, information services before and during the journey, goods management services, assistance and emergency services in case of emergency as well as electronic fee systems is therefore a priority and shall contribute to reduce the saturation of the road network. To support the extension of services in Europe, the European Community supports ITS in the road sector by co-financing several projects. Community policies for the development of the Trans-European Road Network (TERN) aim at establishing the interconnection, the interoperability and the continuity of services, above all on long-distance corridors and at borders. Traffic management advanced systems were implemented before 2001 in many European areas. National and regional ITS services were never coordinated, thus resulting in a fragmented mosaic. Aiming at a wide diffusion of ITS services all over Europe, the EC launched the programme Trans-European intelligent transport systeMs PrOjects (TEMPO) in 2001-2006. The key objective of the programme TEMPO on ITS in the road sector was to promote a harmonious and coordinated development of ITS in the member states of the Union, as well as the cooperation among the several countries, and the safety and quality of the service on the TERN network thanks to the cooperation between bordering regions by means of the so-called Euroregional projects. The programmeTEMPO 2001-2006 includes sixprojects: ARTS, CENTRICO, CORVETTE, SERTI, VIKING and STREETWISE. The project CONNECT and the project ITHACA were added to the six projects, thus covering the whole Europe

    System Sizing Model—Simulation Model of the Service

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    The model estimates the number of vehicles of a fleet that are necessary to meet the expected requests, as well as the estimated number of bays needed to ensure the temporary parking of the vehicles in use or charging at any time. The model allows to reproduce the service trend during a typical day, simulating the pickup requests at each station and the trip of each vehicle from the pickup to the return station; the model monitors the number of vehicles at every station, therefore allowing an estimate of the minimum number of bays per station and of the number of vehicles in order to satisfy the expected requests

    Progetto DESTINATION: uno strumento per la tutela del territorio attraverso la conoscenza del rischio associato al trasporto di merci pericolose su strada

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    L'articolo illustra gli obiettivi del progetto strategico Interreg Italia - Svizzera DESTINATION - monItoraggIo del trasporto dI mercI pericolose come strumento dI tutela del territorio. In particolare viene descritto il funzionamento del SIIG - Sistema Informativo Integrato Globale svIluppato per raccogliere i datI territoriali, nonché I datI provenIentI dal monItoraggIo del trasporto delle mercI perIcolose. Il SIIG elabora talI datI per effettuare sImulazIonI fInalIzzate all’ImplementazIone dI mappe tematIche per la gestIone del rIschIo

    Il SIIG per la mappatura del rischio associato al trasporto di sostanze pericolose: applicazione in aree vulnerabili del contesto lombardo

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    Il progetto DESTINATION, "monitoraggio del trasporto di merci pericolose come strumento di tutela del territorio" nasce nel 2010 con il principale obiettivo di stimare e gestire il rischio associato al trasporto di merci pericolose su strada. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo è stata realizzata una rete di monitoraggio dei veicoli adibiti al trasporto di merci pericolose ed è stato implementato un modello di rischio innovativo che considera sia le vulnerabilità antropiche sia quelle ambientali. Rete di monitoraggio e modello di rischio alimentano il SIIG - Sistema Informativo Integrato Globale come strumento di supporto alle decisioni in grado di raccogliere ed elaborare i dati territoriali e quelli provenienti dalla rete di monitoraggio, consentendo l’esecuzione di simulazioni finalizzate all’implementazione di mappe tematiche per la gestione del rischio. Il presente lavoro illustra l’applicazione del SIIG ad aree vulnerabili lombarde valutando sia bersagli antropici sia ambientali