324 research outputs found

    New Magnetic Excitations in the Spin-Density-Wave of Chromium

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    Low-energy magnetic excitations of chromium have been reinvestigated with a single-Q crystal using neutron scattering technique. In the transverse spin-density-wave phase a new type of well-defined magnetic excitation is found around (0,0,1) with a weak dispersion perpendicular to the wavevector of the incommensurate structure. The magnetic excitation has an energy gap of E ~ 4 meV and at (0,0,1) exactly corresponds to the Fincher mode previously studied only along the incommensurate wavevector.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    An 11-year-old boy with terminal hepatic failure due to Wilson's disease was treated 18 months ago with orthotopic liver transplantation. Postoperatively, there has been evidence of clearance of body copper stores but without accumulation of copper in biopsy specimens of the transplanted liver after 6 and 17 months. Further follow-up will be necessary before deciding whether the disorder has been cured by liver replacement and in turn whether this constitutes proof that Wilson's disease is an inborn error of hepatic metabolism. The observations so far are consistent with these conclusions. © 1971

    Antiferromagnetic Excitations and Van Hove Singularities in YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x}

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    We show that in quasi-two-dimensional dd-wave superconductors Van Hove singularities close to the Fermi surface lead to novel magnetic quasi-particle excitations. We calculate the temperature and doping dependence of dynamical magnetic susceptibility for YBCO and show that the proposed excitations are in agreement with inelastic neutron scattering experiments. In addition, the values of the gap parameter and in-plane antiferromagnetic coupling are much smaller than usually believed.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages + 3 PostScript (compressed) figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. B (Rap. Comm.

    Stripe order, depinning, and fluctuations in La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.125_{0.125}CuO4_{4} and La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.075_{0.075}Sr0.050_{0.050}CuO4_{4}

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    We present a neutron scattering study of stripe correlations measured on a single crystal of La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.125_{0.125}CuO4_{4}. Within the low-temperature-tetragonal (LTT) phase, superlattice peaks indicative of spin and charge stripe order are observed below 50 K. For excitation energies ω12\hbar\omega\le12 meV, we have characterized the magnetic excitations that emerge from the incommensurate magnetic superlattice peaks. In the ordered state, these excitations are similar to spin waves. Following these excitations as a function of temperature, we find that there is relatively little change in the {\bf Q}-integrated dynamical spin susceptibility for ω10\hbar\omega\sim10 meV as stripe order disappears and then as the structure transforms from LTT to the low-temperature-orthorhombic (LTO) phase. The {\bf Q}-integrated signal at lower energies changes more dramatically through these transitions, as it must in a transformation from an ordered to a disordered state. We argue that the continuous evolution through the transitions provides direct evidence that the incommensurate spin excitations in the disordered state are an indicator of dynamical charge stripes. An interesting feature of the thermal evolution is a variation in the incommensurability of the magnetic scattering. Similar behavior is observed in measurements on a single crystal of La1.875_{1.875}Ba0.075_{0.075}Sr0.050_{0.050}CuO4_{4}; maps of the scattered intensity in a region centered on the antiferromagnetic wave vector and measured at ω=4\hbar\omega=4 meV are well reproduced by a model of disordered stripes with a temperature-dependent mixture of stripe spacings. We discuss the relevance of our results to understanding the magnetic excitations in cuprate superconductors.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    Anomalous Spin Dynamics in Doped Quantum Antiferromagnets

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    Finite-temperature spin dynamics in planar t-J model is studied using the method based on the Lanczos diagonalization of small systems. Dynamical spin structure factor at moderate dopings shows the coexistence of free-fermion-like and spin-fluctuation timescales. At T<J, the low-frequency and static susceptibility show pronounced T dependence, supporting a scenario, related to the marginal Fermi-liquid one, for the explanation of neutron-scattering and NMR-relaxation experiments in cuprates. Calculated NMR relaxation rates reasonably reproduce experimental ones.Comment: 10 pages + 4 figures, Postscript in uuencoded compressed tar file, IJS-TP-94/2

    Small and large polarons in nickelates, manganites, and cuprates

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    By comparing the optical conductivities of La_{1.67}Sr_{0.33}NiO_{4} (LSNO), Sr_{1.5}La_{0.5}MnO_4 (SLMO), Nd_2CuO_{4-y} (NCO), and Nd_{1.96}Ce_{0.04}CuO_{4} (NCCO), we have identified a peculiar behavior of polarons in this cuprate family. While in LSNO and SLMO small polarons localize into ordered structures below a transition temperature, in those cuprates the polarons appear to be large, and at low T their binding energy decreases. This reflects into an increase of the polaron radius, which may trigger coherent transport.Comment: File latex, 15 p. incl. 4 Figs. epsf, to appear on the Journal of Superconductivity - Proc. "Stripes 1996" - Roma Dec 199

    Infrared response of ordered polarons in layered perovskites

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    We report on the infrared absorption spectra of three oxides where charged superlattices have been recently observed in diffraction experiments. In La1.67_{1.67}Sr0.33_{0.33}NiO4_4, polaron localization is found to suppress the low-energy conductivity through the opening of a gap and to split the E2uE_{2u}-A2uA_{2u} vibrational manifold of the oxygen octahedra. Similar effects are detected in Sr1.5_{1.5}La0.5_{0.5}MnO4_4 and in La2_2NiO4+y_{4+y}, with peculiar differences related to the type of charge ordering.Comment: File latex, 11 p. + 3 Figures, to appear on Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.), 1 Oct. 1996. The figures will be faxed upon request. E-mail:[email protected] Fax: +39-6-446315

    Charge and orbital order in half-doped manganites

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    An explanation is given for the charge order, orbital order and insulating state observed in half-doped manganese oxides, such as Nd1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_{3}. The competition between the kinetic energy of the electrons and the magnetic exchange energy drives the formation of effectively one-dimensional ferromagnetic zig-zag chains. Due to a topological phase factor in the hopping, the chains are intrinsically insulating and orbital-ordered. Most surprisingly, the strong Coulomb interaction between electrons on the same Mn-ion leads to the experimentally observed charge ordering. For doping less than 1/2 the system is unstable towards phase separation into a ferromagnetic metallic and charge-ordered insulating phase.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of New Incommensurate Magnetic Correlations at the Lower Critical Concentration for Superconductivity (x=0.05) in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4

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    Neutron-scattering experiments have been performed on lightly-doped La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4 single crystals in both the insulating (x=0.03,0.04,0.05) and superconducting (x=0.06) regions. Elastic magnetic peaks are observed at low temperatures in all samples with the maximum peak linewidth occuring at the critical concentration x_c=0.05. New incommensurate peaks are observed only at x=0.05, the positions of which are rotated by 45 degrees in reciprocal space about (pi,pi) from those observed for x>=0.06 in the superconducting phase.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures include