33 research outputs found

    La LIM per favorire l\u2019apprendimento: proposte di attivit\ue0 per futuri insegnanti primari sui fenomeni elettrostatici e magnetici,

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    La lavagna Interattiva Multimediale (LIM) sta diffondendosi nelle scuole e si hanno i primi risultati sul suo impiego in classe, che troppo spesso riguardano il trasferimento in ambiente LIM di attivit\ue0 proprie di altri strumenti multimediali. Serve sviluppare contributi propri della LIM per favorire il processo di apprendimento sia in merito ai metodi dell\u2019attivit\ue0 didattica sia in merito ai contenuti degli specifici campi disciplinari. Il processo di modellizzazione e costruzione del pensiero formale in fisica \ue8 uno di questi. Vengono proposti due esempi di attivit\ue0 su elettrostatica ed elettromagnetismo destinati alla scuola di base, che impiegano semplici strumenti della LIM per stimolare alla formalizzazione anche attraverso la discussione collaborativa delle problematiche. Esse sono state proposte per una prima validazione a futuri insegnanti di scuola primaria

    The IWB for the construction of formal thinking: proposals for prospective primary teachers concerning motion, electrical and magnetic phenomena

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    The Interactive Whiteboard is a multimedia tool that has a continuous increasing diffusion in schools, but, too often, it is used to a simple transposition of activities designed for other multimedia tools. The development of specific designed activities centered on the development of learning process as regards the methods of teaching and the contents of the specific disciplines is needed. In teaching/learning physics, IWB can become a tool for conceptual modeling. In this paper, examples of activities designed for primary school pupils are discussed in relation with motion, electrostatic, magnetism phenomena evidencing the role of simple tools of the IWB to stimulate the formalization and the collaborative discussion between pupils

    Introducing Quantum Technologies at Secondary School Level: Challenges and Potential Impact of an Online Extracurricular Course

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    Stimulated by the European project “QTEdu CSA”, within the flagship “Quantum Technologies”, a community of researchers active in the fields of quantum technologies and physics education has designed and implemented an extracurricular course on quantum physics concepts and quantum technologies applications for high school. The course, which featured eight interactive lectures, was organized online between March and May 2021 and attended by about 250 students from all over Italy. In this paper, we describe the main tenets and activities of the course. Moreover, we report on the effectiveness of the course on students’ knowledge of the basic concepts of quantum physics and students’ views about epistemic aspects and applications of quantum technologies. Results show that the designed activities were effective in improving students’ knowledge about fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics and familiarizing them with quantum technology applications

    Evaluating pedagogical content knowledge of energy of prospective teachers

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    A Formative Intervention Module on Energy (FIME) was implemented for two different groups of 250 prospective primary teachers over two years. FIME included a preliminary subject centered part (CK) and an innovative proposal on energy for primary school, based on simple qualitative exploration and inquiry strategy by means of tutorials. From the first application of the FIME emerged a progression in CK, but no evident gain was obtained in pedagogical competencies of the prospective teachers. In the second year a part of the FIME was restructured to include a Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) laboratory involving prospective teachers in a personal reection and a group discussion of the main conceptual knots and learning problems documented in the literature on energy. A post questionnaire combining CK and PCK was carried out. Data emerging from the answers to the questionnaire are correlated with those obtained from the tutorial worksheets completed during the PCK lab, the portfolios of the prospective teachers and the discussions in large groups on the educational path. Results evidenced a relevant and generalized increase in the CK, as well PCK