13 research outputs found
Ekonomiczno-społeczne uwarunkowania migracji wewnętrznych w Polsce w świetle metody drzew klasyfikacyjnych
This paper analyses socio-economic determinants of migration flows between Polish sub-regions in the years 2008–2010 by using the classification trees (CART) method. Six explanatory variables are selected to determine migration, including GDP per capita, number of economic entities (firms) per 100 inhabitants, investment assets and tangible assets per capita, registered unemployment rate, as well as average monthly salary. The CART method is then used to build models explaining the classification of migration flows into four quartile-based categories. The results confirm that the classification of internal migration flows is strongly determined by socio-economic features, in particular the number of economic entities, investment assets per capita and the unemployment rate. The suburbanisation from cities to neighbouring sub-regions is clearly demonstrated. Better developed regions, especially the largest Polish cities, have the highest migration outflows as well as inflows, yet retain positive net migration. We argue that the proposed analytical approach enables to determine the multidimensional relationships between explanatory social-economic variables and the migration coefficients under study
Intermediate metabolites of estrogen metabolism in oxidative DNA damage in pregnant women studied by paths
Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperW okresie ciąży stężenie hormonów płciowych, m.in. 17β-estradiolu (E2), progesteronu, a także metabolitów
pośrednich takich jak DHEA, czy cholesterol, będący substratem do ich syntezy. Ten wzrost
w stężeniu hormonów powoduje, że rośnie także stężenie potencjalnie genotoksycznych metabolitów
rozkładu E2, czyli katecholi estrogenowych, które, jeśli nie zostaną usunięte w reakcji sprzęgania, mogą
prowadzić do uszkodzeń oksydacyjnych DNA. Powodem powstawania uszkodzeń są reaktywne formy
tlenu (RFT) powstające w reakcjach między wolnorodnikowymi formami semichinonów i chinonów
tych związków. Dzieje się tak jednak jedynie wtedy, gdy poziom RFT przekroczy zdolności antyoksydacyjne
komórek. Taką ochronną rolę pełni także E2. Może to oznaczać, że powstające RFT, które są
także cząsteczkami istotnymi dla sygnalizacji komórkowej podczas rozwoju płodu po spełnieniu swej
roli są usuwane z komórek dzięki antyoksydacyjnym własnościom E2. Pytanie zatem o rolę E2, a także
innych produktów metabolizmu estrogenów, z punktu widzenia poziomu oksydacyjnych uszkodzeń
DNA w komórkach, wydaje się pytaniem istotnym. Aby przybliżyć odpowiedź na to pytanie, sprawdzono
poziom oksydacyjnych uszkodzeń zasad purynowych i pirymidynowych w DNA limfocytów
kobiet w ciąży (N=65) metodą kometową, zaś udział cholesterolu, E2, progesteronu i DHEA w poziomie
tych uszkodzeń analizowano wykorzystując analizę ścieżek. Pokazana hierarchia wpływów tych
metabolitów na uszkodzenia oksydacyjne DNA potwierdziła ochronna rolę E2, podczas gdy pozostałe
związki wykazują dodatni efekt. Model ten jednak wyjaśnia zaledwie kilka procent zmienności w poziomie
uszkodzeń.Oxidative stress in the human body is caused by excessive generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS),
in response to metabolism fluctuations and/or environmental conditions. The level of ROS level in
the body is controlled by antioxidative enzymes but also by ingredients of the diet. Excessive production
of ROS, exceeding the antioxidant capacity of body can lead to DNA damage. However ROS are
not only a destructive factor but they also play an important role in cell signaling and in hormonal
status during prenatal life. During pregnancy, sex hormone levels undergo drastic change. That refers
to 17β-estradiol, progesterone, and the intermediate metabolites such as DHEA or cholesterol. The
increase in concentration of sex hormones also enhances the level of catechol estrogens, which, if not
removed by conjugationj can cause oxidative DNA damage as a result of the formation of free radicals
in redox-cycling reactions. However, 17β-estradiol is also a naturally occurring antioxidant that during
pregnancy may play a protective role. During the entire pregnancy the 17β-estradiol, progesterone,
DHEA and cholesterol concentrations were measured in pregnant women (N=65). Using the same
blood samples the lymphocytes were isolated and the level of oxidative damage in DNA was evaluated
using comet assay. The results, presented as a path analysis, disclosed the hierarchy of influence of
theses metabolites on the oxidative damage of purine and pyrimidine bases as well as a protective role
of 17β-estradiol in oxidative damage produced in cells during pregnancy.Rozdział został sfinansowany w ramach grantu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Nr N N303 2403 33
Environment and hormone (im) balance in women
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed pape
Ekonometryczne modele zmian stopy bezrobocia rejestrowanego w Polsce oraz w woj. małopolskim 1997-2009
In the article rate of registered unemployment in communes of the Malopolskie voivodeship
in 2009 is presented. Analyses include type of commune, sex of the unemployment, a differentia-
tion of the unemployment rate in rural and urban areas, and changes related to year 2002. Methods
of statistical and econometric analyses were used. A discussed problem is shown on the back-
ground of whole country. Estimated models describing trend and seasonality in the unemployment
rate in Poland (13 last years’ period: 1997 to fourth quarter 2009) and in Malopolskie (8 years,
from 4 th quarter 2001 to the end 2009) are also presented. The analysis results were presented
in the tables and graphs
Ekonometryczne modele zmian stopy bezrobocia rejestrowanego w Polsce oraz w woj. małopolskim 1997-2009
In the article rate of registered unemployment in communes of the Malopolskie voivodeship
in 2009 is presented. Analyses include type of commune, sex of the unemployment, a differentia-
tion of the unemployment rate in rural and urban areas, and changes related to year 2002. Methods
of statistical and econometric analyses were used. A discussed problem is shown on the back-
ground of whole country. Estimated models describing trend and seasonality in the unemployment
rate in Poland (13 last years’ period: 1997 to fourth quarter 2009) and in Malopolskie (8 years,
from 4 th quarter 2001 to the end 2009) are also presented. The analysis results were presented
in the tables and graphs
Economic and Social Determinants of Internal Migration in Poland in the Light of the Classification Trees Method
This paper analyses socio-economic determinants of migration flows between Polish sub-regions in the years 2008-2010 by using the classification trees (CART) method. Six explanatory variables are selected to determine migration, including GDP per capita, number of economic entities (firms) per 100 inhabitants, investment assets and tangible assets per capita, registered unemployment rate, as well as average monthly salary. The CART method is then used to build models explaining the classification of migration flows into four quartile-based categories. The results confirm that the classification of internal migration flows is strongly determined by socio-economic features, in particular the number of economic entities, investment assets per capita and the unemployment rate. The suburbanisation from cities to neighbouring sub-regions is clearly demonstrated. Better developed regions, especially the largest Polish cities, have the highest migration outflows as well as inflows, yet retain positive net migration. We argue that the proposed analytical approach enables to determine the multidimensional relationships between explanatory social-economic variables and the migration coefficients under study
Analysis of Internal Migration in Poland with Application of the Gravity Model
The subject of this paper is to consider internal migration phenomena in Poland in the years
2008-2011 with application of the gravity model. The period of time covers world financial and
economic crisis which hinders economic growth in Poland and impedes internal migration flows.
In the investigation 16 Polish voivodships were considered. The values of migration flows
(for a permanent residence), related to inter- and intraregional flows constitute a dependent variable.
As explanatory variables GDP per capita and registered unemployment rate, for which separate
gravity models were specified, including also geographical distance, were selected. Estimation
results provide an evaluation of an intensity and direction influence of explanatory variables on
migration phenomena. Voivodships about relatively good economic situation are the centres
of population inflow (particularly from neighbouring regions) and their net migration is positive.
Territorial mobility of population of poor regions is very low
Wykorzystanie modelu równań strukturalnych do opisu migracji wewnętrznych w Polsce
Migrations form the size and structure of human resources in regions. For that reason they have not only a demographic but also a social and economic character. The existing research is often not enough due to a spatial, temporary and also a multidimensional character of this occurrence.
The subject of this paper is to apply Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) concept for analysing the population migration phenomena considering the gravity model. This approach allows describing the social and economic situation in regions considering a set of correlated variables and it also allows determining its influence on migration flows.
The first part of the article describes the construction and interpretation of the gravity model and the concept of the SEM model. In the second part the adopted research procedure and the research scope are presented. In the last part, the results of the investigation are explained. The strength and direction of the impact of the socio-economic development on the migration flows between subregions (NUTS 3) in Poland in the years 2008-2010 are discussed.Migracje kształtują wielkość i strukturę zasobów ludzkich w regionach, mają więc wymiar nie tylko demograficzny, ale także społeczno-gospodarczy. Prowadzone badania obejmujące najczęściej analizę wskaźnikową, są często niewystarczające ze względu na przestrzenno-czasowy i wielowymiarowy charakter tego zjawiska.
Celem artykułu jest propozycja zastosowania w analizie migracji metodologii SEM z uwzględnieniem modelu grawitacji. Takie podejście pozwala opisać sytuację społeczno-ekonomiczną regionów z wykorzystaniem zmiennych skorelowanych, a także określić jej wpływ na przepływy migracyjne.
W pierwszej części artykułu omówiona jest konstrukcja i interpretacja modelu grawitacji oraz koncepcja modelu SEM. W drugiej części omówiono przyjętą procedurę badawczą oraz zakres badań. W ostatniej części zaprezentowano wyniki prowadzonej analizy. Określono siłę i kierunek oddziaływania poziomu rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego na przepływy migracyjne między podregionami (NUTS 3) w Polsce w latach 2008-2010
Overweight and obesity risk factors in children aged 3-7 years : a prospective study in the city of Kraków
Background: Early identified factors determining overweight and obesity in childhood may be important for preventive purposes. Aim: To evaluate the influence of the commonly accepted and hypothetical risk factors for overweight/obesity and their mutual relations, using the method of classification trees. Subjects and methods: The data were collected during anthropometric surveys carried out in 2010 in Kraków, Poland. The study involved 1042 pre-school children aged 3–7 years. BMI was calculated for all subjects classified as underweight, normal body weight and overweight, according to the IOTF cut-offs. In order to determine the correlation between genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors and the child’s BMI, this study used information from a questionnaire filled in by the mothers. Results: Relatively high birth weights, relatively long times of breastfeeding and father’s obesity were conducive to the appearance of overweight and obesity in boys. Other overweight risk factors included alcohol consumption by the mother, her low education level and a relatively low mother’s age at birth. Among girls, factors leading to overweight included high birth weight, high father’s BMI and family situation reported as below very good by their mothers. It was found that a moderate duration of breastfeeding is conducive to a normal weight of children at pre-school age, although in boys this regularity is better documented. Conclusions: The biological, social and lifestyle factors related to the child’s mother significantly determined the child’s BMI