1 research outputs found

    Building A Malware Finding System Using A Filter-Based Feature Selection Algorithm

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    Flexible Mutual Information Feature Selection is another supervised filter-based feature selection formula that has recently been proposed. With FMIFS, there's no doubt about it, MIFS and MMIFS are outdated. According to FMIFS, a revision to Battiti's formula would help cut down on redundancy among features. Redundancy parameters are no longer required in MIFS and MMIFS because of FMIFS. MIFS and MMIFS are unquestionably better alternatives to FMIFS. Based on the advice of FMIFS, Battiti's formula should be updated to minimize redundancy. In FMIFS, the redundant parameter is eliminated and it results in MIFS and MMIFS. None of the existing technologies are capable of fully safeguarding the internet software and operating networks against threats like DoS attacks, spyware, and adware. Incredible amounts of network traffic pose a major obstacle to IDSs. Our function selection formula contributed significantly more important functionality to LSSVM-IDS in regards to improving LSSVM-IDS' accuracy while minimizing the use of computation in comparison to other approaches. This feature selection method is especially suitable for features that are dependent on either a linear or nonlinear relationship. To provide accurate classification, we have provided a formula based on mutual knowledge, which mathematically selects the perfect function. Its utility is measured by taking into account the use of network intrusion detection. Data with redundant and irrelevant functionality has created a long-term traffic condition. It not only slows the overall classification process, but it also impedes classifiers from making correct decisions, specifically when handling large amounts of data