36 research outputs found
Influence of long-range dipolar interactions on the phase stability and hysteresis shapes of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric multilayers
Phase transition and field driven hysteresis evolution of a two-dimensional Ising grid consisting of ferroelectric-antiferroelectric multilayers that take into account the long range dipolar interactions were simulated by a Monte-Carlo method. Simulations were carried out for a 1+1 bilayer and a 5+5 superlattice. Phase stabilities of components comprising the structures with an electrostatic-like coupling term were also studied. An electrostatic-like coupling, in the absence of an applied field, can drive the ferroelectric layers towards 180º domains with very flat domain interfaces mainly due to the competition between this term and the dipole-dipole interaction. The antiferroelectric layers do not undergo an antiferroelectric-to-ferroelectric transition under the influence of an electrostatic-like coupling between layers as the ferroelectric layer splits into periodic domains at the expense of the domain wall energy. The long-range interactions become significant near the interfaces. For high periodicity structures with several interfaces, the interlayer long-range interactions substantially impact the configuration of the ferroelectric layers while the antiferroelectric layers remain quite stable unless these layers are near the Neel temperature. In systems investigated with several interfaces, the hysteresis loops do not exhibit a clear presence of antiferroelectricity that could be expected in the presence of anti-parallel dipoles, i. e., the switching takes place abruptly. Some recent experimental observations in ferroelectric-antiferroelectric multilayers are discussed where we conclude that the different electrical properties of bilayers and superlattices are not only due to strain effects alone but also long-range interactions. The latter manifests itself particularly in superlattices where layers are periodically exposed to each other at the interfaces
SACK-Expanded Hair Follicle Stem Cells Display Asymmetric Nuclear Lgr5 Expression With Non-Random Sister Chromatid Segregation
We investigated the properties of clonally-expanded mouse hair follicle stem cells (HF-SCs) in culture. The expansion method, suppression of asymmetric cell kinetics (SACK), is non-toxic and reversible, allowing evaluation of the cells' asymmetric production of differentiating progeny cells. A tight association was discovered between non-random sister chromatid segregation, a unique property of distributed stem cells (DSCs), like HF-SCs, and a recently described biomarker, Lgr5. We found that nuclear Lgr5 expression was limited to the HF-SC sister of asymmetric self-renewal divisions that retained non-randomly co-segregated chromosomes, which contain the oldest cellular DNA strands, called immortal DNA strands. This pattern-specific Lgr5 association poses a potential highly specific new biomarker for delineation of DSCs. The expanded HF-SCs also maintained the ability to make differentiated hair follicle cells spontaneously, as well as under conditions that induced cell differentiation. In future human cell studies, this capability would improve skin grafts and hair replacement therapies
Dipoid-Specific Genome Stability Genes of S. cerevisiae: Genomic Screen Reveals Haploidization as an Escape from Persisting DNA Rearrangement Stress
Maintaining a stable genome is one of the most important tasks of every living cell and the mechanisms ensuring it are similar in all of them. The events leading to changes in DNA sequence (mutations) in diploid cells occur one to two orders of magnitude more frequently than in haploid cells. The majority of those events lead to loss of heterozygosity at the mutagenesis marker, thus diploid-specific genome stability mechanisms can be anticipated. In a new global screen for spontaneous loss of function at heterozygous forward mutagenesis marker locus, employing three different mutagenesis markers, we selected genes whose deletion causes genetic instability in diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. We have found numerous genes connected with DNA replication and repair, remodeling of chromatin, cell cycle control, stress response, and in particular the structural maintenance of chromosome complexes. We have also identified 59 uncharacterized or dubious ORFs, which show the genome instability phenotype when deleted. For one of the strongest mutators revealed in our screen, ctf18Δ/ctf18Δ the genome instability manifests as a tendency to lose the whole set of chromosomes. We postulate that this phenomenon might diminish the devastating effects of DNA rearrangements, thereby increasing the cell's chances of surviving stressful conditions. We believe that numerous new genes implicated in genome maintenance, together with newly discovered phenomenon of ploidy reduction, will help revealing novel molecular processes involved in the genome stability of diploid cells. They also provide the clues in the quest for new therapeutic targets to cure human genome instability-related diseases
Expanding frontiers in materials chemistry and physics with multiple anions
During the last century, inorganic oxide compounds laid foundations for materials synthesis, characterization, and technology translation by adding new functions into devices previously dominated by main-group element semiconductor compounds. Today, compounds with multiple anions beyond the single-oxide ion, such as oxyhalides and oxyhydrides, offer a new materials platform from which superior functionality may arise. Here we review the recent progress, status, and future prospects and challenges facing the development and deployment of mixed-anion compounds, focusing mainly on oxide-derived materials. We devote attention to the crucial roles that multiple anions play during synthesis, characterization, and in the physical properties of these materials. We discuss the opportunities enabled by recent advances in synthetic approaches for design of both local and overall structure, state-of-the-art characterization techniques to distinguish unique structural and chemical states, and chemical/physical properties emerging from the synergy of multiple anions for catalysis, energy conversion, and electronic materials