21 research outputs found

    β-Arrestin-1 links mitogenic sonic hedgehog signaling to the cell cycle exit machinery in neural precursors

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    Development of the cerebellum, a brain region regulating posture and coordination, occurs post-natally and is marked by rapid proliferation of granule neuron precursors (CGNPs), stimulated by mitogenic Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling. β-Arrestin (βArr) proteins play important roles downstream of Smoothened, the Shh signal transducer. However, whether Shh regulates βArrs and what role it plays in Shh-driven CGNP proliferation remains to be determined. Here, we report that Shh induces βArr1 accumulation and localization to the nucleus, where it participates in enhancing expression of the cyclin dependent kinase (cdk) inhibitor p27, whose accumulation eventually drives CGNP cell cycle exit. βArr1 knockdown enhances CGNP proliferation and reduces p27 expression. Thus, Shh-mediated βArr1 induction represents a novel negative feedback loop within the Shh mitogenic pathway, such that ongoing Shh signaling, while required for CGNPs to proliferate, also sets up a cell-intrinsic clock programming their ultimate exit from the cell cycle

    Bax deficiency prolongs cerebellar neurogenesis, accelerates medulloblastoma formation and paradoxically increases both malignancy and differentiation

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    Neurogenesis requires negative regulation through differentiation of progenitors or their programmed cell death (PCD). Growth regulation is particularly important in the postnatal cerebellum, where excessive progenitor proliferation promotes medulloblastoma, the most common malignant brain tumor in children. We present evidence that PCD operates alongside differentiation to regulate cerebellar granule neuron progenitors (CGNPs) and to prevent medulloblastoma. Here we show that genetic deletion of pro-apoptotic Bax disrupts regulation of cerebellar neurogenesis and promotes medulloblastoma formation. In Bax(−/−) mice, the period of neurogenesis was extended into the third week of postnatal life, and ectopic neurons and progenitors collected in the molecular layer of the cerebellum and adjacent tectum. Importantly, genetic deletion of Bax in medulloblastoma-prone ND2:SmoA1 transgenic mice greatly accelerated tumorigenesis. Bax-deficient medulloblastomas exhibited strikingly distinct pathology, with reduced apoptosis, increased neural differentiation and tectal migration. Comparing Bax(+/+) and Bax(−/−) medulloblastomas, we were able to identify up-regulation of Bcl-2 and nuclear exclusion of p27 as tumorigenic changes that are required to mitigate the tumor suppressive effect of Bax. Studies on human tumors confirmed the importance of modulating Bax in medulloblastoma pathogenesis. Our results demonstrate that Bax-dependent apoptosis regulates postnatal cerebellar neurogenesis, suppresses medulloblastoma formation, and imposes selective pressure on tumors that form. Functional resistance to Bax-mediated apoptosis, required for medulloblastoma tumorigenesis, may be a tumor-specific vulnerability to be exploited for therapeutic benefit