462 research outputs found

    EUS-guided verteporfin photodynamic therapy for pancreatic cancer

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC) often causes obstruction. Verteporfin photodynamic therapy (PDT) can feasibly "debulk" tumor more safely than noncurative surgery and has multiple advantages over older PDT agents. We aimed to assess the feasibility of EUS-guided verteporfin PDT in ablating nonresectable LAPC. METHODS: Adults with LAPC with adequate biliary drainage were prospectively enrolled. Exclusion criteria included significant metastatic disease burden, disease involving >50% duodenal or major artery circumference, and recent treatment with curative intent. CT was obtained between day -28 to 0. On day 0, verteporfin 0.4 mg/kg was infused 60 to 90 minutes before EUS, during which a diffuser was positioned in the tumor and delivered light at 50 J/cm for 333 seconds. CT was obtained on day 2, with adverse event monitoring occurring on days 1, 2, and 14. Primary outcome was presence of necrosis. RESULTS: Of 8 patients (62.5% male, mean age 65±7.9 y) included in the study, 5 were staged at T3, 2 at T2, and 1 at T1. Most (4) had primary lesions in the pancreatic head. Mean pretrial tumor diameter was 33.3±13.4 mm. On day 2 CT, 5 lesions demonstrated a zone of necrosis measuring a mean diameter of 15.7±5.5 mm; 3 cases did not develop necrosis. No adverse events were noted during the procedure or postprocedure observation period (day 1-3), and no changes in patient reported outcomes were noted. CONCLUSIONS: In this pilot study, EUS-guided verteporfin PDT is feasible and shows promise as a minimally invasive ablative therapy for LAPC in select patients. Tumor necrosis is visible within 48 hours after treatment. Patient enrollment and data collection are ongoing

    Ripple modulated electronic structure of a 3D topological insulator

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    3D topological insulators, similar to the Dirac material graphene, host linearly dispersing states with unique properties and a strong potential for applications. A key, missing element in realizing some of the more exotic states in topological insulators is the ability to manipulate local electronic properties. Analogy with graphene suggests a possible avenue via a topographic route by the formation of superlattice structures such as a moir\'e patterns or ripples, which can induce controlled potential variations. However, while the charge and lattice degrees of freedom are intimately coupled in graphene, it is not clear a priori how a physical buckling or ripples might influence the electronic structure of topological insulators. Here we use Fourier transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy to determine the effects of a one-dimensional periodic buckling on the electronic properties of Bi2Te3. By tracking the spatial variations of the scattering vector of the interference patterns as well as features associated with bulk density of states, we show that the buckling creates a periodic potential modulation, which in turn modulates the surface and the bulk states. The strong correlation between the topographic ripples and electronic structure indicates that while doping alone is insufficient to create predetermined potential landscapes, creating ripples provides a path to controlling the potential seen by the Dirac electrons on a local scale. Such rippled features may be engineered by strain in thin films and may find use in future applications of topological insulators.Comment: Nature Communications (accepted

    British Association of Dermatologists National Clinical Audit on the Management of Hidradenitis Suppurativa in the UK.

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    BACKGROUND: The first UK guidelines for the management of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) were published by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) in 2018. The guidelines contained a set of audit criteria. AIM: To evaluate current HS management against the audit standards in the BAD guidelines. METHODS: BAD members were invited to complete audit questionnaires between January and May 2020 for five consecutive patients with HS per department. RESULTS: In total, 88 centres participated, providing data for 406 patients. Disease staging using the Hurley system and disease severity using a validated tool during follow-ups was documented in 75% and 56% of cases, respectively, while quality of life and pain were documented in 49% and 50% of cases, respectively. Screening for cardiovascular disease risk factors was as follows: smoking 75%, body mass index 27% and others such as lipids and diabetes 57%. Screening for depression and anxiety was performed in 40% and 25% of cases, respectively. Support for smokers or obese patients was documented in 35% and 23% of cases. In total, 182 patients were on adalimumab, of whom 68% had documentation of baseline disease severity, and 76% were reported as having inadequate response or contraindications to systemic treatments; 44% of patients continued on adalimumab despite having < 25% improvement in lesion count. CONCLUSION: UK dermatologists performed well against several audit standards, including documenting disease staging at baseline and smoking status. However, improvements are needed, particularly with regard to screening and management of comorbidities that could reduce the long-term complications associated with HS. A re-audit is required to evaluate changes in practice in the future

    Sustained release formulation of an anti-tuberculosis drug based on para-amino salicylic acid-zinc layered hydroxide nanocomposite

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB), is caused by the bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its a threat to humans since centuries. Depending on the type of TB, its treatment can last for 6-24 months which is a major cause for patients non-compliance and treatment failure. Many adverse effects are associated with the currently available TB medicines, and there has been no new anti-tuberculosis drug on the market for more than 50 year, as the drug development is very lengthy and budget consuming process.Development of the biocompatible nano drug delivery systems with the ability to minimize the side effects of the drugs, protection of the drug from enzymatic degradation. And most importantly the drug delivery systems which can deliver the drug at target site would increase the therapeutic efficacy. Nanovehicles with their tendency to release the drug in a sustained manner would result in the bioavalibilty of the drugs in the body for a longer period of time and this would reduce the dosing frequency in drug administration. The biocompatible nanovehicles with the properties like sustained release of drug of the target site, protection of the drug from physio-chemical degradation, reduction in dosing frequency, and prolong bioavailability of drug in the body would result in the shortening of the treatment duration. All of these factors would improve the patient compliance with chemotherapy of TB.Result: An anti-tuberculosis drug, 4-amino salicylic acid (4-ASA) was successfully intercalated into the interlamellae of zinc layered hydroxide (ZLH) via direct reaction with zinc oxide suspension. The X-ray diffraction patterns and FTIR analyses indicate that the molecule was successfully intercalated into the ZLH interlayer space with an average basal spacing of 24 Å. Furthermore, TGA and DTG results show that the drug 4-ASA is stabilized in the interlayers by electrostatic interaction. The release of 4-ASA from the nanocomposite was found to be in a sustained manner. The nanocomposite treated with normal 3T3 cells shows it reduces cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner.Conclusions: Sustained release formulation of the nanocomposite, 4-ASA intercalated into zinc layered hydroxides, with its ease of preparation, sustained release of the active and less-toxic to the cell is a step forward for a more patient-friendly chemotherapy of Tuberculosis

    Photodynamic Priming Mitigates Chemotherapeutic Selection Pressures and Improves Drug Delivery

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    Physiological barriers to drug delivery and selection for drug resistance limit survival outcomes in cancer patients. In this study, we present preclinical evidence that a subtumoricidal photodynamic priming (PDP) strategy can relieve drug delivery barriers in the tumor microenvironment to safely widen the therapeutic window of a nanoformulated cytotoxic drug. In orthotopic xenograft models of pancreatic cancer, combining PDP with nanoliposomal irinotecan (nal-IRI) prevented tumor relapse, reduce metastasis and increase both progression-free survival and 1-year disease-free survival. PDP enabled these durable improvements by targeting multiple tumor compartments to (1) increase intratumoral drug accumulation by >10-fold, (2) increase the duration of drug exposure above a critical therapeutic threshold, and (3) attenuate surges in CD44 and CXCR4 expression which mediate chemoresistance often observed after multi-cycle chemotherapy. Overall, our results offer preclinical proof of concept for the effectiveness of PDP to minimize risks of tumor relapse, progression and drug resistance and to extend patient survival

    Multifunctional light beam control device by stimuli-responsive liquid crystal micro-grating structures

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    There is an increasing need to control light phase with tailored precision via simple means in both fundamental science and industry. One of the best candidates to achieve this goal are electro-optical materials. In this work, a novel technique to modulate the spatial phase profile of a propagating light beam by means of liquid crystals (LC), electro-optically addressed by indium-tin oxide (ITO) grating microstructures, is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A planar LC cell is assembled between two perpendicularly placed ITO gratings based on microstructured electrodes. By properly selecting only four voltage sources, we modulate the LC-induced phase profile such that non-diffractive Bessel beams, laser stretching, beam steering, and 2D tunable diffraction gratings are generated. In such a way, the proposed LC-tunable component performs as an all-in-one device with unprecedented characteristics and multiple functionalities. The operation voltages are very low and the aperture is large. Moreover, the device operates with a very simple voltage control scheme and it is lightweight and compact. Apart from the demonstrated functionalities, the proposed technique could open further venues of research in optical phase spatial modulation formats based on electro-optical materials.This work was supported by the Comunidad de Madrid and FEDER Program (S2018/NMT-4326), the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (TEC2016-77242-C3-1-R and TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R), the FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (RTC2017-6321-1, PID2019-109072RB-C31 and PID2019-107270RB-C21). The authors also acknowledge the support by the Ministry of National Defense of Poland (GBMON/13-995/2018/WAT), Military University of Technology (Grant no. 23-895)

    The impact of iron overload and its treatment on quality of life: results from a literature review

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    BACKGROUND: To assess the literature for the impact of iron overload and infusion Iron Chelation Therapy (ICT) on patients' quality of life (QoL), and the availability of QoL instruments for patients undergoing infusion ICT. Also, to obtain patients' experiences of having iron overload and receiving infusion ICT, and experts' clinical opinions about the impact of treatment on patients' lives. METHODS: A search of studies published between 1966 and 2004 was conducted using Medline and the Health Economic Evaluation Database (HEED). Qualitative results from patient and expert interviews were analysed. Hand searching of relevant conference abstracts completed the search. RESULTS: Few studies measuring the impact of ICT with deferoxamine (DFO) on patients QoL were located (n = 15). QoL domains affected included: depression; fatigue; dyspnoea; physical functioning; psychological distress; decrease in QoL during hospitalization. One theme in all articles was that oral ICT should improve QoL. No iron overload or ICT-specific QoL instruments were located in the articles. Interviews revealed that the impact of ICT on patients with thalassemia, sickle cell disease, and myelodysplastic syndromes is high. CONCLUSION: A limited number of studies assessed the impact of ICT or iron overload on QoL. All literature suggested a need for easily administered, efficacious and well tolerated oral iron overload treatments, given the impact of current ICT on adherence. Poor adherence to ICT was documented to negatively impact survival. Further research is warranted to continue the qualitative and quantitative study of QoL using validated instruments in patients receiving ICT to further understanding the issues and improve patients QoL

    Use of traditional cooking fuels and the risk of young adult cataract in rural Bangladesh: a hospital-based case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study aimed to investigate the independent relationship between the use of various traditional biomass cooking fuels and the occurrence of cataract in young adults in rural Bangladesh.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A hospital-based age- and sex-matched case-control study incorporating two control groups was conducted. Cases were cataract patients aged 18 and 49 years diagnosed on the basis of any opacity of the crystalline lens or its capsule and visual acuity poorer than 6/18 on the Log Mar Visual Acuity Chart in either eye, or who had a pseudophakic lens as a result of cataract surgery within the previous 5 years. Non-eye-disease (NE) controls were selected from patients from ENT or Orthopaedics departments and non-cataract eye-disease (NC) controls from the Ophthalmology department. Data pertaining to history of exposure to various cooking fuels and to established risk factors for cataract were obtained by face-to-face interview and analyzed using conditional logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Clean fuels were used by only 4% of subjects. A majority of males (64-80% depending on group) had never cooked, while the rest had used biomass cooking fuels, mainly wood/dry leaves, with only 6 having used rice straw and/or cow dung. All females of each group had used wood/dry leaves for cooking. Close to half had also used rice straw and/or cow dung. Among females, after controlling for family history of cataract and education and combining the two control groups, case status was shown to be significantly related to lifetime exposure to rice straw, fitted as a trend variable coded as never, ≤ median of all exposed, > median of all exposed (OR = 1.52, 95%CI 1.04-2.22), but not to lifetime exposure to wood/dry leaves. Case status among females showed an inverse association with ever use of cow dung as a cooking fuel (OR 0.43, 95%CI 0.22-0.81).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this population, where cooking is almost exclusively done using biomass fuels, cases of young adult cataract among females were more likely to have had an increased lifetime exposure to cooking with rice straw fuel and not to have cooked using cow dung fuel. There is a possibility that these apparent associations could have been the result of uncontrolled founding, for instance by wealth. The nature of the associations, therefore, needs to be further investigated.</p