71 research outputs found

    Protease-induced leukocyte chemotaxis and activation: roles in host defense and inflammation

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    The migration of leukocytes such as neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes into inflamed lesions is one of the critical events of inflammation. Although the traditional function of neutrophil-derived antimicrobial proteases is to ingest and kill bacteria, some neutrophil serine proteases have been shown to induce leukocyte migration and activation. Mast cell-derived chymase also has the chemotactic activity for leukocytes. During the acute phase of inflammatory and allergic diseases, the predominantly migrated cells are neutrophils and mast cells, respectively, and in the subsequent chronic phase, monocytes and lymphocytes are mainly migrated. The chemotactic activity for monocytes and lymphocytes of neutrophil-derived serine proteases and mast cell-derived chymase may have a role in switching acute inflammation to chronic inflammation and delayed-type hypersensitivity. Recently, aminopeptidase N and endothelin were shown to induce chemotactic migration of leukocyes. Thus, protease-induced leukocyte chemotaxis and activation may play an important role in immunologic events of inflammatory and allergic diseases

    Technetium-99m Methoxyisobutyl Isonitrile Scintigraphy of Bone Metastasis in Three Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

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    We studied the usefulness of ^Tc-methoxyisobutyl isonitrile (MIBI) scintigraphy in the detection of bone metastases and in evaluation of therapeutical response to ^I-Na in three patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. On ^Tc-MIBI scintigraphy, increased accumulations were observed in all bone metastatic lesions (14 lesions), whereas on bone scintigraphy using ^Tc-hydroxymethylene diphosphonate (^Tc-HMDP) both increased (eight lesions, 57%) and decreased (six lesions, 43%) accumulations were observed. Within two months after ^I-Na treatment, all 14 lesions were unchanged on bone scintigraphy. However, on ^Tc-MIJBI scintigraphy, disappearance of uptake (six lesions, 43%) and decreased uptake (seven lesions, 50%) were observed in 13/14 lesions (93%). Therefore, ^Tc-MIBI scintigraphy was useful not only in the detection of bone metastatic lesions but also in evaluation of the therapeutical response to ^I-Na in differentiated thyroid cancer

    CT画像を用いて算出したHip Structural Analysis(HSA)指標の検討

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    骨粗鬆症に伴う脆弱性骨折を起こすか否かは,骨量,骨構造,骨の石灰化,ダメージの蓄積および骨代謝などに依存するとされているが,近年,骨量測定に臨床で広く用いられているDXA装置に大腿骨近位部の構造力学的解析が可能なHip Structural Analysis (HSA) のプログラムが組み込まれ,骨強度の評価に用いられている.そこで我々は,CT画像からHSA指標の算出が可能か否か,また,その手法による指標の計算精度について,DXA装置で得られた指標と比較することによって検討した.その結果,CT画像からHSA指標の算出は可能であったが,その計算精度に若干の問題があり,撮影時の整位および計算位置の解剖学的なズレ等を補正する必要があることがわかった

    MRI Appearance of Prostatic Stromal Sarcoma in a Young Adult

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    Prostatic stromal sarcoma (PSS) is quite rare. Herein, we describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of a PSS identified in a 26-year-old man with dysuria and hematuria. MRI clearly depicted the extent and multinodular appearance of the tumor, which was mainly located in the central zone of the prostate. The tumor appeared as a heterogeneously signal-hyperintense mass with a pseudocapsule on T2-weighted imaging. Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI showed necrotic portions in the gradually enhanced solid mass, and diffusion-weighted imaging permitted the accurate assessment of the local extent of the tumor. Thus, the appearance on MRI was quite different from that of adenocarcinoma of the prostate

    Comparison of clinical course of polymyositis and dermatomyositis : a follow-up study in Tokushima University Hospital

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    Polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM) are systemic inflammatory disorders affecting skeletal muscles and other organs, and are associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. In this study, we studied the prevalence, clinical features and its comparative outcome of PM/DM, comparing PM and DM. Twenty-three PM/DM patients (9 PM and 14 DM) were included in this study. The complication of interstitial pneumonia (IP) was found in 17 patients (74%). HRCT showed that non-specific interstitial pneumonia pattern was the most common in patterns of lung involvement. Twenty-one patients (91%) with PM/DM received high dose of prednisolone therapy. The percentage of patients who received methylprednisolone (mPSL) pulse and cyclosporin A was higher in DM patients than in PM patients. The percentage of patients who received mPSL pulse and cyclosporin A was higher in later (after Apr 2004) patients than in former (before Mar 2004) patients. Malignant diseases appeared in 3 patients with DM which consisted of breast cancer, epipharyngeal cancer and gastric cancer. We observed 2 deaths in DM patients during the course of therapy ; one was due to IP, and the other due to miliary tuberculosis. This study showed that a poorer prognosis was observed in patients with DM when compared with those with PM, and immunosuppressive medications may be implicated at least partially in increased risk of infections and malignancies in PM/DM patients especially DM patients, indicating that patients with PM/DM may require careful monitoring during the clinical course

    Efficacy and safety of monthly oral minodronate in patients with involutional osteoporosis

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    Summary Monthly minodronate at 30 or 50 mg had similar efficacy as 1 mg daily in terms of change in bone mineral density (BMD) and bone turnover markers with similar safety profiles. This new regimen provides patients with a new option for taking minodronate. Introduction Minodronate at a daily oral dose of 1 mg has been proven to have antivertebral fracture efficacy. In the present study, the efficacy and safety of oral minodronate at monthly doses of either 30 mg or 50 mg were compared with a daily dose of 1 mg. Methods A total of 692 patients with involutional osteoporosis were randomized to receive minodronate at either 30 or 50 mg monthly or a daily dose of 1 mg. The primary endpoint was the percent change from baseline in lumbar spine (LS) BMD at 12 months. Total hip BMD, bone turnover markers, serum calcium (Ca), and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were also evaluated. Results Minodronate at monthly doses of 30 or 50 mg were noninferior to the 1 mg daily dose in terms of change in LS-BMD. Changes in total hip BMD were also comparable. Although a transient decrease in serum Ca and increase in PTH levels were observed in all three groups at slightly different magnitudes and time courses, changes in bone turnover markers were comparable among the differentdosage groups with a similar time course. Safety profiles were also comparable. Conclusion Minodronate at monthly doses of 30 or 50 mg has similar efficacy to the daily 1 mg dose in terms of BMD and bone turnover markers with similar tolerability