1,220 research outputs found

    Human Galectins Induce Conversion of Dermal Fibroblasts into Myofibroblasts and Production of Extracellular Matrix: Potential Application in Tissue Engineering and Wound Repair

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    Members of the galectin family of endogenous lectins are potent adhesion/growth-regulatory effectors. Their multi-functionality opens possibilities for their use in bioapplications. We studied whether human galectins induce the conversion of human dermal fibroblasts into myofibroblasts (MFBs) and the production of a bioactive extracellular matrix scaffold is suitable for cell culture. Testing a panel of galectins of all three subgroups, including natural and engineered variants, we detected activity for the proto-type galectin-1 and galectin-7, the chimera-type galectin-3 and the tandem-repeat-type galectin-4. The activity of galectin-1 required the integrity of the carbohydrate recognition domain. It was independent of the presence of TGF-beta 1, but it yielded an additive effect. The resulting MFBs, relevant, for example, for tumor progression, generated a matrix scaffold rich in fibronectin and galectin-1 that supported keratinocyte culture without feeder cells. Of note, keratinocytes cultured on this substratum presented a stem-like cell phenotype with small size and keratin-19 expression. In vivo in rats, galectin-1 had a positive effect on skin wound closure 21 days after surgery. In conclusion, we describe the differential potential of certain human galectins to induce the conversion of dermal fibroblasts into MFBs and the generation of a bioactive cell culture substratum. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) : 1758 to the end of the second millennium.

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    7 v. (vi, 4218 p.) : ill. (1 col.), ports. ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (v. 7, p. 3841-4075) and index.This catalog (published in seven parts, all released on the same day) is based on only the published literature for the Staphylinidae. Of the 32 subfamilies, the following 28 are included herein: Apateticinae, Dasycerinae, Empelinae, Euaesthetinae, Glypholomatinae, Habrocerinae, Leptotyphlinae, Megalopsidiinae, Micropeplinae, Microsilphinae, Neophoninae, Olisthaerinae, Omaliinae, Osoriinae, Oxyporinae, Oxytelinae, Phloeocharinae, Piestinae, Protactinae†, Proteininae, Protopselaphinae, Pseudopsinae, Solieriinae, Staphylininae, Steninae, Tachyporinae, Trichophyinae, and Trigonurinae. The Aleocharinae, Paederinae, Pselphinae, and Scaphidiinae are excluded from this edition of the catalog. References to the original citation or description are given for available family-group, genus-group, and species-group names of both extant and extinct forms. The type genus is cited for each family-group name, the type species for each genus-group name, and the type locality for each species-group name. Where appropriate, all subgenera, subspecies, or synonyms are listed for each valid name. Annotated subsequent references are presented for all names. Distributional summaries are given for each valid taxon. Full bibliographic citations are in Part VII. A short historical review, coauthored with Aleš Smetana, follows the Introduction (Part I), with the main focus on biographical sketches that include many photographs. The goal of this catalog is to summarize the current state of knowledge of the family and to stimulate worldwide monographic studies.v. 1. Introduction, history, biographical sketches, and omaliine group -- v. 2. Tachyporine group -- v. 3. Oxyteline group -- v. 4. Staphylinine group. pt. 1, Euaesthetinae, Leptotyphlinae, Megalopsidiinae, Oxyporinae, Pseudopsinae, Solieriinae, Steninae -- v. 5. Staphylinine group. pt. 2, Staphylininae: Diochini, Maorothiini, Othiini, Platyprosopini, Staphylinini (Amblyopinina, Anisolinina, Hyptiomina, Philonthina) -- v. 6. Staphylinine group. pt. 3, Staphylininae: Staphylinini (Quediina, Staphylinina, Tanygnathinina, Xanthopygina), Xantholinini. Staphylinidae incertae sedis : fossils, Protactinae -- v. 7. Bibliography and index

    Magnetocardiography with a modular spin-exchange relaxation free atomic magnetometer array

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    We present a portable four-channel atomic magnetometer array operating in the spin exchange relaxation-free regime. The magnetometer array has several design features intended to maximize its suitability for biomagnetic measurement, specifically foetal magnetocardiography, such as a compact modular design, and fibre coupled lasers. The modular design allows the independent positioning and orientation of each magnetometer, in principle allowing for non-planar array geometries. Using this array in a magnetically shielded room, we acquire adult magnetocadiograms. These measurements were taken with a 6-11 fT Hz^(-1/2) single-channel baseline sensitivity that is consistent with the independently measured noise level of the magnetically shielded room.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Ternary Polar Intermetallics within the Pt/Sn/R Systems (R = La− Sm): Stannides or Platinides?

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    Starting generally with a 4:6:3 molar ratio of Pt, Sn, and R (where R = La–Sm), with or without the application of a NaCl flux, seven ternary compounds were obtained as single crystals. The platinides Pt4Sn6R3 (R = La–Nd) crystallize with the Pt4Ge6Pr3 type of structure (oP52, Pnma, a = 27.6–27.8 Å, b = 4.59–4.64 Å, c = 9.33–9.40 Å). With R = Pr, Pt4Sn6Pr3–x (oP52, Pnma, a = 7.2863(3) Å, b = 4.4909(2) Å, c = 35.114(1) Å) is also obtained, which might be considered a high-temperature polymorph with disorder on the Sn- and Pr-sites. For R = Nd and Sm, a structurally related isostructural series with a slightly different composition Pt3Sn5R2–x (oP52, Cmc21, a = 4.50–4.51 Å, b = 26.14–26.30 Å, c ≈ 7.29 Å) has been observed, together with Pt7Sn9Sm5 (oS42, Amm2, a = 4.3289(5) Å, b = 28.798(4) Å, c = 7.2534(9) Å) under the same conditions. The latter exhibits the rare Zr5Pd9P7-type structure, linking polar intermetallics to metal phosphides, in accord with P7Pd9Zr5≡Pt7Sn9Sm5. All structures may be described in terms of either negative Pt/Sn networks encapsulating positive R atoms, or {PtSnx} clusters (x = 5, 6, or rarely 7) sharing vertices and edges with R in the second coordination sphere and with considerable heterometallic Pt–R bonding contributions

    Early adolescent disclosure and parental knowledge regarding online activities: Social anxiety and parental rule-setting as moderators

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    Early adolescents spend a lot of time online, yet little is currently known about the links between parental rule-setting, adolescent disclosure about online activities, and whether social anxiety may interfere with these processes. Using a longitudinal sample of 526 adolescents (269 girls; Mage = 14.00) and their parents (79% mothers, Mage = 43.66), the results from the current study showed low correspondence between parental knowledge, adolescent disclosure, as well as parents’ and adolescents’ ratings of parental legitimacy to set boundaries about online activities. High social anxiety interacted with high adolescent-rated parental rule-setting in predicting the least disclosure about chatting with strangers and posting online content over time. Also, high social anxiety interacted with low parent-rated control to predict more adolescent disclosure about chatting with strangers and money spent online over time. Thus, social anxiety and parental rule-setting moderated the links between disclosure and knowledge for some early adolescent online activities. Our results conflict with the value typically placed on parental rule-setting in online contexts, at least for socially anxious adolescents

    Magnetic phase transitions in Eu(Co1-xNix)(2-y)As-2 single crystals

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    The effects of Ni doping in Eu(Co1-xNix)(2-y)As-2 single crystals with x = 0 to 1 grown out of self-flux are investigated via crystallographic, electronic transport, magnetic, and thermal measurements. All compositions adopt the body-centered-tetragonal ThCr2Si2 structure with space group I4/mmm. We also find 3%-4% of randomly distributed vacancies on the Co/Ni site. Anisotropic magnetic susceptibility chi(alpha) (alpha = ab, c) data versus temperature T show clear signatures of an antiferromagnetic (AFM) c-axis helix structure associated with the Eu+2 spins 7/2 for x = 0 and 1 as previously reported. The chi(alpha)(T) data for x = 0.03 and 0.10 suggest an anomalous 2q magnetic structure containing two helix axes along the c axis and in the ab plane, respectively, whereas for x = 0.75 and 0.82 a c-axis helix is inferred as previously found for x = 0 and 1. At intermediate compositions x = 0.2, 0.32, 0.42, 0.54, and 0.65, a magnetic structure with a large ferromagnetic (FM) c-axis component is found from magnetization versus field isotherms, suggested to be an incommensurate FM c-axis cone structure associated with the Eu spins, which consists of both AFM and FM components. In addition, the chi(T) and heat capacity C-p(T) data for x = 0.2-0.65 indicate the occurrence of itinerant FM order associated with the Co/Ni atoms with Curie temperatures from 60 to 25 K, respectively. Electrical resistivity rho(T) measurements indicate metallic character for all compositions with abrupt increases in slope on cooling below the Eu AFM transition temperatures. In addition to this panoply of magnetic transitions, Eu-151 Mossbauer measurements indicate that ordering of the Eu moments proceeds via an incommensurate sine amplitude-modulated structure with additional transition temperatures associated with this effect

    Model order reduction for seismic waveform modelling: inspiration from normal modes

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    The computational cost of full waveform simulation in seismological contexts is known to be expensive and generally requires large clusters of computers working in parallel. Although there have been many methods proposed over recent years to reduce this burden, in this work, we focus on a particular method called model order reduction (MOR) whereby a full waveform system of equations is projected onto a lower dimensional space to reduce computational and memory requirements at the cost of introducing approximation errors. In this paper, inspired by normal mode (NM) theory, we use the eigenmodes of the seismic wave equation to span this lower dimensional space. From this we argue that NM theory can be seen as an early form of MOR. Using this as inspiration, we demonstrate how free body oscillations and a form of Petrov–Galerkin projection can be applied in regional scale problems utilizing recent advanced eigensolvers to create a MOR scheme. We also demonstrate how this can be applied to inverse problems. We further conjecture that MOR will have an important role to play in future full waveform applications, particularly those of a time-critical nature such as seismic hazard monitoring

    PHarmacist Avoidance or Reductions in Medical Costs in CRITically Ill Adults: PHARM-CRIT Study

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    OBJECTIVES: To comprehensively classify interventions performed by ICU clinical pharmacists and quantify cost avoidance generated through their accepted interventions. DESIGN: A multicenter, prospective, observational study was performed between August 2018 and January 2019. SETTING: Community hospitals and academic medical centers in the United States. PARTICIPANTS: ICU clinical pharmacists. INTERVENTIONS: Recommendations classified into one of 38 intervention categories (divided into six unique sections) associated with cost avoidance. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Two-hundred fifteen ICU pharmacists at 85 centers performed 55,926 interventions during 3,148 shifts that were accepted on 27,681 adult patient days and generated 23,404,089ofcostavoidance.Thequantityofacceptedinterventionsandcostavoidancegeneratedinsixestablishedsectionswasadversedrugeventprevention(5,777interventions;23,404,089 of cost avoidance. The quantity of accepted interventions and cost avoidance generated in six established sections was adverse drug event prevention (5,777 interventions; 5,822,539 CA), resource utilization (12,630 interventions; 4,491,318),individualizationofpatientcare(29,284interventions;4,491,318), individualization of patient care (29,284 interventions; 9,680,036 cost avoidance), prophylaxis (1,639 interventions; 1,414,465costavoidance),handsoncare(1,828interventions;1,414,465 cost avoidance), hands-on care (1,828 interventions; 1,339,621 cost avoidance), and administrative/supportive tasks (4,768 interventions; 656,110costavoidance).Meancostavoidancewas656,110 cost avoidance). Mean cost avoidance was 418 per intervention, 845perpatientday,and845 per patient day, and 7,435 per ICU pharmacist shift. The annualized cost avoidance from an ICU pharmacist is 1,784,302.Thepotentialmonetarycostavoidancetopharmacistsalaryratiowasbetween1,784,302. The potential monetary cost avoidance to pharmacist salary ratio was between 3.3:1 and 9.6:1.CONCLUSIONS:Pharmacistinvolvementinthecareofcriticallyillpatientsresultsinsignificantavoidanceofhealthcarecosts,particularlyintheareasofindividualizationofpatientcare,adversedrugeventprevention,andresourceutilization.ThepotentialmonetarycostavoidancetopharmacistsalaryratioemployinganICUclinicalpharmacistisbetween9.6:1. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist involvement in the care of critically ill patients results in significant avoidance of healthcare costs, particularly in the areas of individualization of patient care, adverse drug event prevention, and resource utilization. The potential monetary cost avoidance to pharmacist salary ratio employing an ICU clinical pharmacist is between 3.3:1 and $9.6:1