8 research outputs found

    MRK-409 (MK-0343), a GABAA receptor subtype-selective partial agonist, is a non-sedating anxiolytic in preclinical species but causes sedation in humans

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    MRK-409 binds to α1-, α2-, α3- and α5-containing human recombinant GABAA receptors with comparable high affinity (0.21–0.40 nM). However, MRK-409 has greater agonist efficacy at the α3 compared with α1 subtypes (respective efficacies relative to the full agonist chlordiazepoxide of 0.45 and 0.18). This compound readily penetrates the brain in rats and occupies the benzodiazepine site of GABAA receptors, measured using an in vivo [3H]flumazenil binding assay, with an Occ50 of 2.2 mg/kg p.o. and a corresponding plasma EC50 of 115 ng/mL. Behaviourally, the α3-preferring agonist efficacy profile of MRK-409 produced anxiolytic-like activity in rodent and primate unconditioned and conditioned models of anxiety with minimum effective doses corresponding to occupancies, depending on the particular model, ranging from ∼35% to 65% yet there were minimal overt signs of sedation at occupancies greater than 90%. In humans, however, safety and tolerability studies showed that there was pronounced sedation at a dose of 2 mg, resulting in a maximal tolerated dose of 1 mg. This 2 mg dose corresponded to a Cmax plasma concentration of 28 ng/mL, which, based on the rodent plasma EC50 for occupancy of 115 ng/mL, suggested that sedation in humans occurs at low levels of occupancy. This was confirmed in human positron emission tomography studies, in which [11C]flumazenil uptake following a single dose of 1 mg MRK-409 was comparable to that of placebo, indicating that occupancy of GABAA receptor benzodiazepine binding sites by MRK-409 was below the limits of detection (i.e. <10%). Taken together, these data show that MRK-409 causes sedation in humans at a dose (2 mg) corresponding to levels of occupancy considerably less than those predicted from rodent models to be required for anxiolytic efficacy (∼35–65%). Thus, the preclinical non-sedating anxiolytic profile of MRK-409 did not translate into humans and further development of this compound was halted

    Preclinical and clinical pharmacology of TPA023B, a GABAA receptor α2/α3 subtype-selective partial agonist

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    In the accompanying paper we describe how MRK-409 unexpectedly produced sedation in man at relatively low levels of GABAA receptor occupancy (∼10%). Since it was not clear whether this sedation was mediated via the α2/α3 or α1 GABAA subtype(s), we characterized the properties of TPA023B, a high-affinity imidazotriazine which, like MRK-409, has partial agonist efficacy at the α2 and α3 subtype but is an antagonist at the α1 subtype, at which MRK-409 has weak partial agonism. TPA023B gave dose- and time-dependent occupancy of rat brain GABAA receptors as measured using an in vivo [3H]flumazenil binding assay, with 50% occupancy corresponding to a respective dose and plasma drug concentration of 0.09 mg/kg and 19 ng/mL, the latter of which was similar to that observed in mice (25 ng/mL) and comparable to values obtained in baboon and man using [11C]flumazenil PET (10 and 5.8 ng/mL, respectively). TPA023B was anxiolytic in rodent and primate (squirrel monkey) models of anxiety (elevated plus maze, fear-potentiated startle, conditioned suppression of drinking, conditioned emotional response) yet had no significant effects in rodent or primate assays of ataxia and/or myorelaxation (rotarod, chain-pulling, lever pressing), up to doses (10 mg/kg) corresponding to occupancy of greater than 99%. In man, TPA023B was well tolerated at a dose (1.5 mg) that produced occupancy of >50%, suggesting that the sedation previously seen with MRK-409 is due to the partial agonist efficacy of that compound at the α1 subtype, and highlighting the importance of antagonist efficacy at this particular GABAA receptor population for avoiding sedation in man

    GlyT-1 Inhibitors: From Hits to Clinical Candidates

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