13 research outputs found
Long-term surgical outcomes of levator resection in patients with Marcus-Gunn jaw-winking ptosis
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Orbital leiomyoma: a case report with clinical, radiological and pathological correlation
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Rail-Roading Technique Using 18 Gauge Intravenous Catheter and Silicon Rod for Frontalis Suspension in Blepharophimosis Syndrome
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Orbital hydatid cyst
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Orbital metastasis as primary clinical manifestation of thyroid carcinoma: case report and literature review
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy (CDCR) success rates and complications in endoscopic vs non‐endoscopic approaches: a systematic review
- Author
- Aakalu V
- Abdulhafez M
- Ahn ES
- Ali MJ
- Arden RL
- Bagdonaite L
- Bagdonaite L
- Betharia SM
- Boboridis KG
- Campbell CC
- Choi WC
- Devoto MH
- Fan X
- Fang CH
- Fernández AM
- Goel R
- Henderson PN
- Hurwitz JJ
- Kaynak P
- Komínek P
- Kulwin DR
- Lee JS
- Liu D
- Moola S
- Murube J
- Murube‐del‐Castillo J
- Perry CB
- Pushker N
- Putterman AM
- Schwarcz RM
- Sendul SY
- Sindwani R
- Song Y
- Steele EA
- Vigo RL
- Witters E
- Wojno T
- Yu S
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hydatidosis of the Orbit
- Author
- A Bagheri
- A Danziger
- A D’Alessandro
- A Gomez Morales
- A Rastogi
- A Sami
- A Xiao
- A Yurt
- AB Handousa
- AH Khalili
- AM Fink
- AM Tonjum
- AT Turgut
- AV Ciurea
- C Amaya
- C Gokcek
- CI Menghi
- CL Guerinel
- CW Sperryn
- D Basset
- D Sevel
- DJ Apple
- DJ Wood
- F Gelisken
- F Limaiem
- FG Aksoy
- G Bhaduri
- GB Okelo
- GE Nahri
- H Kiratli
- H Somay
- H Souhail
- H Talib
- H Talib
- HB Diren
- HM Karakaş
- HM Malde
- HM Zahawi
- HS Chana
- HS Saygi
- HS Zakharia
- J Saenz-Santamaria
- J Selm Van
- JA Garrity
- JL Crompton
- JL Sangawe
- K Lidgett
- KS Mehra
- L Alparslan
- M Ali
- M Belmekki
- M Chaabouni
- M Kaymaz
- M Mazhar
- M Mehta
- M Papathanassiou
- M Sanli
- M Subrahmanyam
- M Turgut
- M Zaidi
- MA Siddiqui
- MB Agarwal
- ME Jimenenez-Mejias
- MM Ozek
- MV Reddy
- MW Groves
- N Yazdani
- O Akhan
- O Staindl
- P Sodhani
- PA Lamba
- R Abbassi
- R Ergün
- R Hamza
- R Kahveci
- R Murthy
- R Sharma
- R Sihota
- RD Lopera
- RL Sharma
- RM Cooney
- S Benazzou
- S Hanioglu
- S Kashyap
- SF Lerner
- SH Kargi
- SM Betharia
- SM Betharia
- V Diatchuk
- V Klauss
- Y Jeblaoui
- Y Li
- Z Kars
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effects of combined arsenic and lead exposure on the brain monoaminergic system and behavioral functions in rats: Reversal effect of MiADMSA
- Author
- Abbas S
- Agrawal S
- Al-Saleh I
- Alfano DP
- Ansell GB
- Ashok A
- Basha CD
- Basha DC
- Basha DC
- Betharia S
- Beyrouty P
- Bressler J
- Carignan CC
- Chand Basha Davuljigari
- Choudhury H
- Cohen I
- Costa LG
- Dietrich KN
- Dufly CJ
- Flora SJ
- Flora SJS
- Flora SJS
- Flora SJS
- Fortune T
- G Rajrami Reddy
- Gamino-Gutierrez S
- Giordano G
- Govarts E
- Green AL
- Izquierdo I
- Jiang YM
- K Praveen Kumar
- Kadeyala PK
- Kari HP
- Karri V
- Kim SM
- Kreppel H
- Lai JC
- Liu J
- Liu S
- Mehta A
- Mejia JJ
- Modabbernia A
- Modi M
- Naoi M
- Netto CA
- Ollson CJ
- Perlroth NH
- Prasanthi RP
- Rai A
- Rai NK
- Rebelo FM
- Rice D
- Rocha RA
- S Saritha
- Saritha S
- Saxena G
- Uttara B
- Valeri L
- Wang G
- Wu X
- Yadav RS
- Zhang J
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Metastatic Tumors
- Author
- A Capone
- A Hornblass
- A Saitoh
- AA Valenzuela
- AM Whyte
- AP Ferry
- AS Mann
- BH Burmeister
- C Muir
- C Repanos
- CE Thirkill
- CL Shields
- CW Spraul
- D Klimstra
- D Liu
- D Reeves
- D Shome
- DA Abramson
- DH Char
- DM Albert
- E Altman
- EL Seretan
- EO Hanrahan
- ET Drake
- FA Jakobiec
- FM Honrubia
- G Bonavolontà
- GB Krohel
- H Mori
- HC Boldt
- HR Snidermann
- I Günalp
- I Rojas-Marcos
- I Sterker
- J Rootman
- J Rosenbluth
- J Tijl
- J Yan
- J Zidan
- JA Garrity
- JA Rush
- JA Shields
- JA Shields
- JA Shields
- JA Shields
- JB Taylor
- JC Orcutt
- JD Bullock
- JD Bullock
- JE Kopelman
- JF Healy
- JF Leyson
- JH Sher
- JM Leske
- JR Glasburn
- JS Han
- JS Kennerdell
- JS Kennerdell
- JS Mehta
- JT Fan
- JW Henderson
- K Hashimoto
- K Kubota
- KK Toller
- L Mottow-Lippa
- L Schwab
- L Zografos
- LC Glazer
- LM Krug
- M Amichetti
- M Konoglou
- MA Burnstine
- MA Zubler
- MI Abdalla
- MI Freedman
- MW Hanson
- N Ashton
- N Fatima
- ND Schlaen
- OA Jensen
- P Denby
- P Mehta
- PE Alonso
- R Shinder
- RA Cline
- RA Goldberg
- RA Goldberg
- RB Saxena
- RD Divine
- RE Kennedy
- RF Spaide
- RG Peyster
- RJ Motzer
- RL Font
- RL Font
- RL Font
- RW Ruddon
- RY Kim
- S Ahmed
- S Wickremasinghe
- SD Dresner
- SE Coupland
- SH Huh
- SJ Wolstencroft
- SM Betharia
- SS Smiley
- T Amemiya
- T Mitsudomi
- TA Bersani
- TL Slamovits
- V Ratanatharathorn
- V Varma
- VM Carriere
- WB Stewart
- WD Lagreze
- WH Ballinger Jr
- WM Hart
- Y Koma
- ZA Karcioglu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cancers of the eye
- Author
- A Kokoszka
- A Kopecky
- A Saitoh
- Abhilasha Maheshwari
- AC Mallipatna
- AD Singh
- AD Singh
- AJM Ferreri
- American Brachytherapy Society - Ophthalmic Oncology Task Force. ABS – OOTF Committee
- AP Ferry
- B Esmaeli
- BE Cook
- BS Hawkins
- C Jenkins
- C-C Chan
- CC Teng
- CE Margo
- CL Karp
- CL Shields
- CL Shields
- CL Shields
- CL Shields
- CL Shields
- CL Shields
- CL Shields
- CM Vajdic
- Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study Group
- CY Fung
- D Lorenzano
- D-N Hu
- DG Maloney
- DH Abramson
- DH Abramson
- DH Char
- DH Char
- DH Char
- DJ Ainbinder
- DJ Wilson
- DM Knowles
- EA Semenova
- EC Sun
- EL Seretan
- EMS Macedo de
- EN Gichigo
- ES Gragoudas
- ET Drake
- FH Svendsen
- FL Munier
- FT Fraunfelder
- G Gerbino
- G Lindgren
- GA Lee
- GA Lee
- GA Leget
- GF Graue
- GO Karabulut
- H Krema
- I Günalp
- I Leibovitch
- J Earle
- J Wachtlin
- J-M Lutz
- JA Rush
- JA Shields
- JA Shields
- JC Erie
- JC Hernandez
- JE Kopelman
- JF English
- JF Healy
- JJ Augsburger
- JJ Augsburger
- JO Bishop
- JR Glassburn
- K Tuppurainen
- K-H Hui
- LD Sjö
- M Belmajdoub
- M Jefford
- MA Macha
- MM Kirkegaard
- MW Hanson
- OK Ozgur
- P Guénel
- P McLaughlin
- P Potter De
- PA McKelvie
- Paul T. Finger
- PD Inskip
- PK Rasmussen
- PT Finger
- PT Finger
- PT Finger
- PT Finger
- PT Finger
- PT Finger
- PT Finger
- R Gupta
- R Murthy
- RA Goldberg
- RB Saxena
- RE Kennedy
- RM Conway
- RS Hepler
- S Bakis
- S Heegaard
- S Lemaître
- S-C Kuo
- S-T Chiu-Tsao
- SE Coupland
- SE Coupland
- SG Honavar
- SM Betharia
- SS Chaugule
- SS Smiley
- T Kivela
- TA Bersani
- VM Carriere
- WB Stewart
- WJ Iliff
- WL Hughes
- YA Yousef
- ZA Karcioglu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study