1 research outputs found
Obesity and Weight Regulation
- Author
- A Bruch
- A Hartz
- A Kreze
- A Prader
- A Stunkard
- A Wallen
- AF Rotatori
- AF Rotatori
- AF Rotatori
- AF Rotatori
- AF Rotatori
- AF Rotatori
- AF Rotatori
- AJ Stunkard
- AJ Stunkard
- AJ Stunkard
- AJ Stunkard
- AJ Stunkard
- AM Chirico
- AN Howard
- AP Simopoulos
- AR Feinstein
- AS Bellack
- AW Meyers
- BA Bullen
- BD Hall
- BG Kousseff
- CC Seltzer
- CE Cronk
- D Altman
- D Craddock
- D Craddock
- E Friedman
- E Sohar
- EA Sims
- EE Abramson
- EE Abramson
- EJ Menolascino
- ER Buskirk
- EV Leckie
- GA Bray
- GR Leon
- GR Leon
- H Bakwin
- H Levitt
- HJ Jackson
- IR Schenker
- J Clancy
- J Gumaer
- JE Burkhart
- JK Thompson
- JT Niesworth
- KH Cooper
- L Crome
- L Ross
- LM Buford
- MB Harris
- MF Heiman
- MI Johnson
- ML Bauman
- ML Held
- MM Cohen
- MM Robinson
- MT Nardella
- N Adams
- OR Schurrer
- OW Wooley
- OW Wooley
- P Doyard
- PA Stefanik
- PR Evans
- R Fox
- RA Fox
- RA Fox
- RA Fox
- RA Fox
- RA Fox
- RA Fox
- RA Fox
- RA Fox
- RB Stuart
- RE Nisbett
- RFL Withers
- RH DuRant
- RH DuRant
- RJ McKenna
- RM Atkinson
- RM Foxx
- RS Dean
- S Abraham
- S Agras
- S Schachter
- S Schachter
- S Schachter
- SA Haskin
- SC Wooley
- SD Staugaitis
- SL Garfield
- SL Werkuran
- SM Garn
- SW Hill
- T Silverstone
- T Thompson
- T. Goecke
- TB Itallie Van
- TR Dawber
- WB Kannel
- WB Saunders
- WC Chumlea
- WG Johnson
- Y Yokoyama
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1989
- Field of study