137,503 research outputs found

    Similarity Renormalization Group for Few-Body Systems

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    Internucleon interactions evolved via flow equations yield soft potentials that lead to rapid variational convergence in few-body systems.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (EFB20), Pisa, September 10-14, 200

    Noether symmetry in f(T)f(T) teleparallel gravity

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    Hao Wei et.al. has claimed in Phys.Lett.B707,298(2012)\mathrm{Phys. Lett. \textbf{B707}, 298 (2012)} that Noether symmetry in the context of teleparallel f(T)f(T) theory of gravity admits f(T)Tnf(T)\propto T^{n}, (where nn is an arbitrary) in matter domain era in Friedmann- Robertson universe. But, it has been shown that the conserved current obtained under the process does not satisfy the field equations in general. Here, it is shown that Noether Symmetry admits f(T)T32f(T)\propto T^\frac{3}{2} along with a conserved current aa˙T12 a \dot a T^\frac{1}{2} in teleparallel f(T)f(T) gravity. Thus, their claim is not correct.Comment: Appear in Physics Letters B, 9 Page

    Remarks on the fractional Moser-Trudinger inequality

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    In this article, we study the connection between the fractional Moser-Trudinger inequality and the fractional (kpp1,p)\left(\frac{kp}{p-1},p\right)-Poincar\'e type inequality for any Euclidean domain and discuss the sharpness of this inequality whose analogous results are well known in the local case. We further provide sufficient conditions on domains for fractional (q,p)(q,p)-Poincar\'e type inequalities to hold. We also derive Adachi-Tanaka type inequalities in the non-local setting.Comment: 20 pages, to appea

    Does the World Bank have any impact on human development in the poorest countries? Some preliminary evidence from Africa

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    In an attempt to better understand the impact of the World Bank on human development in poor countries, we use cross-country data on African countries, for the 1990-2002 period, to examine this relationship. The coefficient estimates of our parsimonious fixed-effects models indicate that while loans and grants of the Bank have had a positive impact on some relatively short-term indicators of health and education in an average African country, there is little evidence to suggest that such loans and grants have helped these countries to consolidate on the short-term gains

    Effect of the strength of attraction between nanoparticles on Wormlike micelle-nanoparticle system

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    The nanoparticle-Equilibrium polymer (or Wormlike micellar) system shows morphological changes from percolating network-like structures to non-percolating clusters with a change in the minimum approaching distance (EVP-excluded volume parameter) between nanoparticles and the matrix of equilibrium polymers. The shape anisotropy of nanoparticle clusters can be controlled by changing the polymer density. In this paper, the synergistic self-assembly of nanoparticles inside equilibrium polymeric matrix (or Wormlike micellar matrix) is investigated with respect to the change in the strength of attractive interaction between nanoparticles. A shift in the point of morphological transformation of the system to lower values of EVP as a result of a decrease in the strength of the attractive nanoparticle interaction is reported. We show that the absence of the attractive interaction between nanoparticles leads to the low packing of nanoparticle structures, but does not change the morphological behaviour of the system. We also report the formation of the system spanning sheet-like arrangement of nanoparticles which are arranged in alternate layers of matrix polymers and nanoparticles