1,919 research outputs found

    Critical variables to predict technological expansion in traditional sugarcane productive region of north-east Brazil.

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    Abstract: Several critical variables are used to predict the technological expansion of traditional sugarcane productive region of Brazil's northeast (NE). Variables were selected after retrospective evaluation, present diagnosis and validation by expertise of the sugarcane sector. After the selection, the variables were classified based on impact levei and predictability. The matrix for morphological analysis was carried out to indicate the technological expansion pathway. It is possible to conclude that technological expansion of sugarcane production in this traditional region could be limited or enhanced by agricultural, social environrnental and economic variables. ln this study, a total of twenty five parameters were designated to evaluate the sugarcane expansion in this region, being eight agricultural, six natural resource, six market and five social variables. Therefore, straight analysis of the scenario lead to the possibility of immediate actions in agricultura I sugarcane production, natural resource preservation and social relationships variables, on the other hand the market actions agreements are more complex and complicated to apply

    Ecologia da polinização de Amburana cearensis (Fr. Allem.) A. C. Smith. na Reserva Legal do Projeto Salitre, Juazeiro, BA.

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo contribuir com informações sobre a ecologia da polinização de Amburana cearensis, em área da caatinga hiperxerófila, na Reserva Legal do Projeto Salitre, Juazeiro-BA

    Biologia reprodutiva de Passiflora cincinnata Mast. (Passifloraceae) na região de Petrolina (Pernambuco, Brazil).

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    O trabalho objetivou verificar a fenologia, a biologia floral, o comportamento e a freqüência dos visitantes florais em condições de cultivo. P. cincinnata apresentou antese diurna (06h), com tempo de vida da flor de aproximadamente nove horas

    Champignon do Brasil (Agaricus brasiliensis): ciência, saúde e sabor.

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    Aplicação de farinha de arroz em produtos alimentícios sem glúten.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi o de desenvolver massa para lasanha pré-cozida resfriada e mistura pré-pronta de bolinho de arroz a partir de farinhas cruas e extrusadas de diferentes cultivares de arroz, sendo estudada a influência da variação do teor de amilose nas formulações dos produtos

    Anotação Genômica de Bradyrhizobium japonicum estirpes CPAC 15 e CPAC 7: Resultados parciais e sua importância para a cultura de soja.

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    O solo é um importante complexo onde encontram-se nutrientes essenciais para as plantas. A maioria das plantas necessita de grandes quantidades de nitrogênio, todavia, este em geral se encontra de forma pouco assimilável no solo. Contudo, existem bactérias que são capazes de fixar o nitrogênio atmosférico (N2), disponibilizando-o para as plantas através de uma relação simbiõtica. Dentre estes, destaca-se a espécie Bradyrhizobium japonicum, com as estirpes CPAC 15 (=SEMIA 5079) e CPAC 7 (=SEMIA 5080), as quais são amplamente utilizadas como inoculantes para a cultura da soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) no Brasil. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a anotação manual do genoma de ambas as estirpes. Para isso, as sequências obtidas foram submetidas à anotação e à montagem utilizando o software ?System for Automated Bacterial Integrated Annotation? (SABIA), que integra vários programas de domínio público. Foram definidas as coding sequences (CDSs), que foram classificadas como hipotéticas, hipotéticas conservadas, válidas e não válidas. Os resultados mostraram elevada similaridade entre ambas as estirpes, com pequena diferença na quantidade de CDSs relacionadas ao transporte transmembrana e replicação em reparo, as quais estavam em maior quantidade na estirpe CPAC 15, provavelmente devido ao seu destaque como maior competitividade. Cerca de 50% do genoma apresentou CDSs classificadas como hipotéticas, sendo então necessários mais estudos para determinar a função desses genes.Fertbio

    Finding a minimal set of SNPs for paternity identification in Nelore cattle.

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    Cattle breeding programs often demand pedigree information to associate the herdability of genetic markers to animal performance, like milk and beef quality or disease predisposition. Paternity mistakes are a common problem in cattle herds and genetic markers have been used in parentage exclusion tests for resolving pedigree disagreements. The most common markers used in these tests are microsatellites and SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms). SNPs have also been used in GWAS (Genome Wide Association Studies) based on the novel commercial high density bovine SNP chips. Such platforms possess around 770k SNPs which can be used also as a rich resource for paternity exclusion tests. However genotyping such a large amount of SNPs for individuals of a whole flock to perform paternity exclusion tests is not economically feasible. Furthermore, many of these SNPs are non-informative because of high levels of linkage disequilibrium among them and because of low levels of minimum allele frequency (MAF), call rate and genotyping accuracy (GC score). In this work we devised a method to select a minimal set of SNPs from Nelore cattle samples, which are highly informative and are independent, so they could be used in a small genotyping panel for paternity exclusion tests. Samples from 32 Nelore sires chosen to represent the main genealogies marketed in Brazil and 762 nelore bulls produced by artificial insemination were genotyped. The platform used was Illumina BovineHD Genotyping Beadchip that has ~770k SNPs. The algorithm developed first run a quality control filter that selected, from the starting 770k SNPs, only markers that: i) were in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, ii) had MAF>0.4, iii) had Illumina's accuracy GC Score > 0.8, iv) had call rate >=0.95 and v) had a D?<0.5 with other marker. 126 pairs of father-sons (151 samples), with the paternity already resolved, were selected to compose the test set. The other 643 animals that were left composed the training set. From the training set, 325 SNPs passed the quality control filter. The selected 325 SNPs were used in the test set to perform paternity tests, following the methodology adapted from Fung et al., 2002. The results show that values of the combined power of exclusion (Q) for all markers, between 0.2 and 0.7, gives the correct paternity answer for all pairs of individuals. We believe that this set of 325 SNPs could be used in a small genotyping chip to perform paternity exclusion tests for Nelore cattle; a low-cost solution to be used by cattle producers to correct paternity disagreements. All procedures were performed using the R language in a local linux server machine.X-MEETING, 2011