19 research outputs found

    Economic evaluation of HBV vaccination: a systematic review of recent publications (2000-2013).

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    Aim: To conduct a systematic review of the economic evaluations (EE) of HBV vaccination, taking also into account the studies published in the new millennium. Methods: An extensive scientific literature review was conducted using two electronic medical journal databases: Scopus and PubMed engines for published studies on EE of HBV vaccination. Results: 22 articles were reviewed, 9, 5 and 8 cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit and cost-utility analysis, respectively. Studies were mainly concerning EE of universal vaccination (UV), mostly with regards to low or low-medium income countries. For high income countries, EE were focused on the possible implementation of HBV vaccination in particular settings, such as diabetic, renal and other chronic conditions care, as well as infectious diseasesUV has usually a very good cost-effectiveness ratio (80%), ranging from cost-saving (China) or few Euro per LY/QALY gained (in Thailand, and Vietnam) to 630.00$/ QALY in USA (Asian and Pacific Islands) Moreover, EE of HBV vaccination are favorable in the infectious diseases field as well as for chronic conditions. In relation to diabetes the studies gave controversial results. Conclusion: This systematic review highlighted the importance of introducing HBV vaccination not only for infant UV program but also for other settings in which patients are people affected by communicable and non-communicable diseases

    Are bank employees stressed? job perception and positivity in the banking sector: an italian observational study

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    Background: The epidemiology of stress on bank workers in Europe is only at the introductory stages. This study investigated for the first time the association between occupational stress level in bank-employees using the BEST8, Karasek-Model and socio-demographic and working factors in Italy. Methods: The observational pilot study involved 384 employees. Three questionnaires were adopted to collect data: Karasek-Model, BEST8 (p < 0.001) and Positivity-Scale. Results: 25% of the sample belonged to high stress group. The workers more stressed were older with a commercial role and consumer of antidepressants/sedatives. Women were much more likely to agree with the perception of feeling unsafe in a possible robbery (OR = 2.42; 95% CI: 1.50-3.91) and with that sales requests were in conflict with one's own personal moral code (OR = 2.31; 95% CI: 1.38-3.87). Older employees declared feeling inadequate in the workplace (OR = 1.97; 95% CI: 1.07-3.65) and younger employees referred to be anxious about meeting financial budget goals. Workers who had a low positivity had a lower probability of adaptation (OR = 0.88; 95% CI: 0.83-0.93). Conclusions: The occupational stress level in the banking sector involves many aspects: gender, type of bank, role, personal morals, high job-demands, low level of decision-making. This study recommended that banks should implement strategic interventions for well-being of employees, and consequently for their productivity

    What Are the Effects of Vitamin A Oral Supplementation in the Prevention and Management of Viral Infections? A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials

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    Vitamin A (VA) deficiency is associated with increased host susceptibility to infections, but evidence on its role in the prevention and management of viral infections is still lacking. This review aimed at summarizing the effects of VA supplementation against viral infections to support clinicians in evaluating supplemental treatments. PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched. Randomized clinical trials comparing the direct effects of VA oral supplementation in any form vs. placebo or standard of care in the prevention and/or management of confirmed viral infections in people of any age were included. A narrative synthesis of the results was performed. The revised Cochrane Risk-Of-Bias tool was used to assess quality. Overall, 40 articles of heterogeneous quality were included. We found data on infections sustained by Retroviridae (n = 17), Caliciviradae (n = 2), Flaviviridae (n = 1), Papillomaviridae (n = 3), Pneumoviridae (n = 4), and Paramyxoviridae (n = 13). Studies were published between 1987 and 2017 and mostly conducted in Africa. The findings were heterogeneous across and within viral families regarding virological, immunological, and biological response, and no meaningful results were found in the prevention of viral infections. For a few diseases, VA-supplemented individuals had a better prognosis and improved outcomes, including clearance of HPV lesions or reduction in some measles-related complications. The effects of VA oral supplementation seem encouraging in relation to the management of a few viral infections. Difference in populations considered, variety in recruitment and treatment protocols might explain the heterogeneity of the results. Further investigations are needed to better identify the benefits of VA administration

    About cancer screenings and saving lives: measuring the effects of cancer screening programs through meta-analyses—A comment to the meta-analysis “Estimated Lifetime Gained With Cancer Screening Tests” by Bretthauer et al. (2023)

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    A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials conducted by Bretthauer et al. to evaluate the advantage of cancer screening, recently published by Jama Internal Medicine, concluded that “common cancer screenings do not save lives with the possible exception of sigmoidoscopy screening” (1). The Authors derive their conclusion from estimates of lifetime gained with screening by “comparing all-cause mortality in people who underwent screening with those who did not.” They used the relative risk of death from any cause measured from randomized trials of cancer screenings and the average follow-up time of the unscreened group to obtain estimates of lifetime gained with screening. Both Bretthauer et al. in their meta-analysis and a comment paper appeared in the same number of JAMA Internal Medicine express the view that only randomized controlled trials can provide evidence of (cancer) screening efficacy and that a reduction of all-cause mortality is the measure of choice to evaluate efficacy (instead of the commonly used cancer-specific mortality) (1, 2). The reason for their choice is that a reduced risk of cancer specific deaths, if it is not associated with a reduced risk of all- cause mortality, can be considered the consequence of deaths associated with harmful effects of screening counterbalancing the screening benefit or of substitution of cancer specific deaths with death from competing causes. Nevertheless, we contend that the use of too stringent criteria led to an underestimation of the influence of screening on all-cause mortality in the meta-analysis authored by Bretthauer et al. and that the use of all-cause mortality implies small and unreliable estimates of screening efficacy (1). We believe that small estimates of relative risk for all-cause mortality should not be interpreted as minor effect of a cancer screening but indicate the opportunity to investigate the presence of bias in cause of death assignment and eventual harm of screening. With respect to the results published by Bretthauer et al., we also remark that 10–15 years of follow-up are insufficient to fully evaluate the impact of screening. Furthermore, low adherence to screening and uptake of screening in the control arm led to underestimation of screening efficacy in some randomized trials. Finally, evidence from observational studies should not be completely ignored, particularly for cancer screening that reduces incidence of infiltrative cancers

    The effects of orally administered lactoferrin in the prevention and management of viral infections: A systematic review

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    It has been demonstrated that lactoferrin (LF) plays a role in host defence, but evidence on its potential antiviral property from clinical studies is fragmented. Our systematic review aimed at identifying the effects of orally administered LF against virus infections. The systematic search was conducted on PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, BioRxiv.org and ClinicalTrials.gov from database inception to 7th January 2021. Eligible articles investigated any virus family and provided data on the effects of orally administered LF of any origin in the prevention and/or management of confirmed viral infections in people of any age. A narrative synthesis of the results was performed. Quality was assessed with the Cochrane Risk-Of-Bias and ROBINS1 tools. A total of 27 records were included, nine of which were registered protocols. We found data on Flaviviridae (n = 10), Retroviridae (n = 3), Coronaviridae (n = 2), Reoviridae (n = 2) and Caliciviridae (n = 1). Most published trials were at high risk of bias. The findings were heterogeneous across and within viral families regarding virological, immunological and biological response, with no dear conclusion. Some weak but positive results were reported about decrease of symptom severity and duration, or reduction in viral loads. Despite high tolerability, the effects of LF as oral supplement are still inconsistent, both in preventing and managing viral infections. Small sample sizes, variety in recruitment and treatment protocols, and low study quality may have contributed to such heterogeneity. Better-designed studies are needed to further investigate its potential benefits against viral infections, including SARS-CoV-2

    The Efficacy of Multivitamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D Supplements in the Prevention and Management of COVID-19 and Long-COVID: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials

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    this review aims to evaluate the efficacy of any vitamin administration(s) in preventing and managing COVID-19 and/or long-COVID. databases were searched up to may 2023 to identify randomized clinical trials comparing data on the effects of vitamin supplementation(s) versus placebo or standard of care on the two conditions of interest. Inverse-variance random-effects meta-analyses were conducted to estimate pooled risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for all-cause mortality between supplemented and non-supplemented individuals. overall, 37 articles were included: two regarded COVID-19 and long-COVID prevention and 35 records the COVID-19 management. the effects of vitamin D in preventing COVID-19 and long-COVID were contrasting. similarly, no conclusion could be drawn on the efficacy of multivitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin B in COVID-19 management. a few positive findings were reported in some vitamin C trials but results were inconsistent in most outcomes, excluding all-cause mortality (RR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.72-0.97). Vitamin D results were mixed in most aspects, including mortality, in which benefits were observed in regular administrations only (RR = 0.67; 95% CI: 0.49-0.91). despite some benefits, results were mostly contradictory. Variety in recruitment and treatment protocols might explain this heterogeneity. netter-designed studies are needed to clarify these vitamins' potential effects against SARS-CoV-2

    What are the effects of Vitamin A oral supplementation in the prevention and management of viral infections? A systematic review of randomized clinical trials

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    Vitamin A (VA) deficiency is associated with increased host susceptibility to infections, but evidence on its role in the prevention and management of viral infections is still lacking. This review aimed at summarizing the effects of VA supplementation against viral infections to support clinicians in evaluating supplemental treatments. PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched. Randomized clinical trials comparing the direct effects of VA oral supplementation in any form vs. placebo or standard of care in the prevention and/or management of confirmed viral infections in people of any age were included. A narrative synthesis of the results was performed. The revised Cochrane Risk-Of-Bias tool was used to assess quality. Overall, 40 articles of heterogeneous quality were included. We found data on infections sustained by Retroviridae (n = 17), Caliciviradae (n = 2), Flaviviridae (n = 1), Papillomaviridae (n = 3), Pneumoviridae (n = 4), and Paramyxoviridae (n = 13). Studies were published between 1987 and 2017 and mostly conducted in Africa. The findings were heterogeneous across and within viral families regarding virological, immunological, and biological response, and no meaningful results were found in the prevention of viral infections. For a few diseases, VA-supplemented individuals had a better prognosis and improved outcomes, including clearance of HPV lesions or reduction in some measles-related complications. The effects of VA oral supplementation seem encouraging in relation to the management of a few viral infections. Difference in populations considered, variety in recruitment and treatment protocols might explain the heterogeneity of the results. Further investigations are needed to better identify the benefits of VA administration

    The Role of New Technological Opportunities and the Need to Evaluate the Activities Performed in the Prevention of Diabetic Foot with Exercise Therapy

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    The diabetic foot (DF) is one of the most feared conditions among chronic complications of diabetes, which affects a growing number of patients. Although exercise therapy (ET) has always been considered a pillar in the treatment of patients at risk of DF it is not usually used. Several causes can contribute to hindering both the organization of ET protocols for Diabetes Units and the participation in ET programs for patients at different levels of risk of foot ulceration. The risk of favoring the occurrence of ulcers and the absence of clear evidence on the role played by ET in the prevention of ulcers could be considered among the most important causes leading to the low application of ET. The increased availability of new technologies and in particular of systems and devices equipped with sensors can enable the remote monitoring and management of physical activity performed by patients. Consequently, they can become an opportunity for introducing the systematic use of ET for the treatment of patients at risk. Considering the complexity of the clinical conditions that patients at risk or with diabetic foot ulcer can show, the evaluation of how patients perform the ET proposed can consequently be very important. All this can contribute to improving the treatment of patients and avoiding possible adverse effects. The aim of this brief review was to describe that the use of new technologies and the assessment of the execution of the ET proposed allows an important step forward in the management of patients at risk

    Let’s play! Let’s move and let’s eat healthy! Promote the knowledge the food pyramid in the children: protocol of a randomized field trial

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    It’s necessary to increase the knowledge of children aged 5-9 years and their parents on the subject of eating and promoting physical activity. The present paper describes the research protocol of a randomized field trial that aims: a) to increase the knowledge of food pyramid and b) to modify the nutrition behavior in order to improve the Mediterranean diet, especially: to increase fruit and vegetables consumption. The subjects enrolled in the trial will be children of the primary schools that will be randomized to receive or not an intervention through the use of games (cards and table games), which include also physical activities