47,418 research outputs found

    Gauge fields in a string-cigar braneworld

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    In this work we investigate the properties of an Abelian gauge vector field in a thin and in a smoothed string-like braneworld, the so-called string-cigar model. This thick brane scenario satisfies the regularity conditions and it can be regarded as an interior and exterior string-like solution. The source undergoes a geometric Ricci flow which is connected to a variation of the bulk cosmological constant. The Ricci flow changes the width and amplitude of the massless mode at the brane core and recover the usual thin string-like behavior at large distances. By numerical means we obtain the Kaluza-Klein (KK) spectrum for both the thin brane and the string-cigar. It turns out that both models exhibit a mass gap between the massless and the massive modes and between the high and the low mass regimes. The KK modes are smooth near the brane and their amplitude are enhanced by the string-cigar core. The analogue Schr\"odinger potential is also tuned by the geometric flow.Comment: The discussion about the Kaluza-Klein spectrum of the gauge field was improved. Numerical analysis was adapted to the conventional notation on Kaluza-Klein number. Some graphics were modified for considering other notation. Results unchanged. References added. Corrected typos. 17 pages. 6 figures. To match version to appears in Physics Letters

    Quantitative chemical tagging, stellar ages and the chemo-dynamical evolution of the Galactic disc

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    The early science results from the new generation of high-resolution stellar spectroscopic surveys, such as GALAH and the Gaia-ESO survey, will represent major milestones in the quest to chemically tag the Galaxy. Yet this technique to reconstruct dispersed coeval stellar groups has remained largely untested until recently. We build on previous work that developed an empirical chemical tagging probability function, which describes the likelihood that two field stars are conatal, that is, they were formed in the same cluster environment. In this work we perform the first ever blind chemical tagging experiment, i.e., tagging stars with no known or otherwise discernable associations, on a sample of 714 disc field stars with a number of high quality high resolution homogeneous metal abundance measurements. We present evidence that chemical tagging of field stars does identify coeval groups of stars, yet these groups may not represent distinct formation sites, e.g. as in dissolved open clusters, as previously thought. Our results point to several important conclusions, among them that group finding will be limited strictly to chemical abundance space, e.g. stellar ages, kinematics, colors, temperature and surface gravity do not enhance the detectability of groups. We also demonstrate that in addition to its role in probing the chemical enrichment and kinematic history of the Galactic disc, chemical tagging represents a powerful new stellar age determination technique.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS

    Regular string-like braneworlds

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    In this work, we propose a new class of smooth thick string-like braneworld in six dimensions. The brane exhibits a varying brane-tension and an AdSAdS asymptotic behavior. The brane-core geometry is parametrized by the Bulk cosmological constant, the brane width and by a geometrical deformation parameter. The source satisfies the dominant energy condition for the undeformed solution and has an exotic asymptotic regime for the deformed solution. This scenario provides a normalized massless Kaluza-Klein mode for the scalar, gravitational and gauge sectors. The near-brane geometry allows massive resonant modes at the brane for the ss state and nearby the brane for l=1l=1.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Some modifications to match the published version in EPJ

    Calculation of pure dephasing for excitons in quantum dots

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    Pure dephasing of an exciton in a small quantum dot by optical and acoustic phonons is calculated using the ``independent boson model''. Considering the case of zero temperature the dephasing is shown to be only partial which manifests itself in the polarization decaying to a finite value. Typical dephasing times can be assigned even though the spectra exhibits strongly non-Lorentzian line shapes. We show that the dephasing from LO phonon scattering, occurs on a much larger time scale than that of dephasing due to acoustic phonons which for low temperatures are also a more efficient dephasing mechanism. The typical dephasing time is shown to strongly depend on the quantum dot size whereas the electron phonon ``coupling strength'' and external electric fields tend mostly to effect the residual coherence. The relevance of the dephasing times for current quantum information processing implementation schemes in quantum dots is discussed

    c-axis transport and phenomenology of the pseudo-gap state in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δBi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}

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    We measure and analyze the resistivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δBi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} crystals for different doping δ\delta. We obtain the fraction of carrier η(T,δ)=ng/nTOT\eta(T,\delta) = n_g/n_{TOT} that do not participate to the c-axis conductivity. All the curves η(T,δ)\eta(T,\delta) collapse onto a universal curve when plotted against a reduced temperature x=[T−Θ(δ)]/Δ∗(δ)x=[T-\Theta(\delta)]/\Delta^{*}(\delta). We find that at the superconducting transition ngn_g is doping independent. We also show that a magnetic field up to 14 T does not affect the degree of localization in the (a,b) planes but widens the temperature range of the x-scaling by suppressing the superconducting phase coherence.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Exchange interaction effects in the thermodynamic properties of quantum dots

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    We study electron-electron interaction effects in the thermodynamic properties of quantum-dot systems. We obtain the direct and exchange contributions to the specific heat C_v in the self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation at finite temperatures. An exchange-induced phase transition is observed and the transition temperature is shown to be inversely proportional to the size of the system. The exchange contribution to C_v dominates over the direct and kinetic contributions in the intermediate regime of interaction strength (r_s ~ 1). Furthermore, the electron-electron interaction modifies both the amplitude and the period of magnetic field induced oscillations in C_v.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; To appear in Phys. Rev.
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