34,028 research outputs found

    Canonical Quantization of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory in the Coulomb Gauge

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    The Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory is canonically quantized in the Coulomb gauge by using the Dirac bracket quantization procedure. The determination of the Coulomb gauge polarization vector turns out to be intrincate. A set of quantum Poincar\'e densities obeying the Dirac-Schwinger algebra, and, therefore, free of anomalies, is constructed. The peculiar analytical structure of the polarization vector is shown to be at the root for the existence of spin of the massive gauge quanta.The Coulomb gauge Feynman rules are used to compute the M\"oller scattering amplitude in the lowest order of perturbation theory. The result coincides with that obtained by using covariant Feynman rules. This proof of equivalence is, afterwards, extended to all orders of perturbation theory. The so called infrared safe photon propagator emerges as an effective propagator which allows for replacing all the terms in the interaction Hamiltonian of the Coulomb gauge by the standard field-current minimal interaction Hamiltonian.Comment: 21 pages, typeset in REVTEX, figures not include

    Avaliação de genótipos de mandioca para mesa em Ivinhema, MS.

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    O desenvolvimento de variedades de mandioca é hoje considerado o fator de maior demanda por parte da cadeia produtiva da mandiocultura do mundo. Basicamente, pode-se dividir as variedades como de dois tipos, baseando-se na concentração de compostos cianogênicos nas raízes: as mandiocas bravas (ou para indústria), possuem uma concentração mais alta, normalmente acima de 100 ppm, e são destinadas ao processamento (fécula, farinha, amidos modificados, etc.); já as mandiocas mansas, também conhecidas como aipins, macaxeiras e para mesa, possuem concentração de cianeto nas raízes mais baixa, o que permite o seu consumo após cozimento e/ou fritura (SCHWENGBER, 2002; FUKUDA & OTSUBO, 2003). Os programas de melhoramento genético das grandes culturas são conduzidos em várias etapas, abrangendo desde a gestão dos recursos genéticos, seleção, cruzamentos, até as avaliações de adaptação em diversos ambientes (FUKUDA & IGLESIAS, 2006). A partir de 2008, com o desenvolvimento das ações do projeto ?Rede Cooperativa de Avaliação e Transferência de genótipos de Mandioca?, passou-se a avaliar os genótipos de mandioca de forma sistematizada, com metodologia clara, em todas as regiões do Brasil. O presente trabalho consta da avaliação de genótipos de mandioca para mesa, na região de Ivinhema, MS, no período entre 2010 e 2011.Melhoramento genético. Resumo n. 242

    Far Infrared Slab Lensing and Subwavelength Imaging in Crystal Quartz

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    We examine the possibility of using negative refraction stemming from the phonon response in an anisotropic crystal to create a simple slab lens with plane parallel sides, and show that imaging from such a lens should be possible at room temperature despite the effects of absorption that are inevitably present due to phonon damping. In particular, we consider the case of crystal quartz, a system for which experimental measurements consistent with all-angle negative refraction have already been demonstrated. Furthermore, we investigate the possibility of subwavelength imaging from such materials, and show that it should be possible for certain configurations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Bioelectrical impedance analysis of body composition for the anesthetic induction dose of propofol in older patients

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    BACKGROUND: Older people are currently the fastest growing segment of the worldwide population. The present study aimed to estimate propofol dose in older patients based on size descriptors measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). METHODS: A cross sectional study in adult and older patients with body mass index equal to or lower than 35 kg/m2 was carried out. BIA and Clinical Frail Scale scoring were performed during pre-operative evaluation. Propofol infusion was started at 2000 mg/h until loss of consciousness (LOC) which was defined by "loss of eye-lash reflex" and "loss of response to name calling". Total dose of propofol at LOC was recorded. Propofol plasma concentration was measured using gas chromatography/ion trap-mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Forty patients were enrolled in the study. Total propofol dose required to LOC was lower in Age ≥ 65 group and a higher plasma propofol concentration was measured in this group. 60% of old patients were classified as "apparently vulnerable" or "frail" and narrow phase angle values were associated with increasing vulnerability scores. In the Age ≥ 65 group, the correlation analysis showed that the relationship between propofol dose and total body weight (TBW) scaled by the corresponding phase angle value is stronger than the correlation between propofol dose and TBW or fat free mass (FFM). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that weight-based reduction of propofol is suitable in older patients; however FFM was not seen to be more effective than TBW to predict the propofol induction dose in these patients. Guiding propofol induction dose according to baseline frailty score should also be considered to estimate individualized dosage profiles. Determination of phase angle value appears to be an easy and reliable tool to assess frailty in older patients.Financial support from the “Fundo para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento do Centro Hospitalar do Porto” is gratefully acknowledge. The medical technology and services company Medtronic™ provided BIS brain monitoring sensors. Fresenius Medical Care Portugal™ made available BCM monitor during the study period. None of the funding sources participated in the design of the study, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, or in writing of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil socioeconômico e ecológico dos agricultores familiares irrigantes do Semiárido sergipano.

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    A FUNDER, em parceria com a Embrapa Semiárido, divulga com este trabalho o perfil socioeconômico e ecológico dos agricultores familiares irrigantes do semiárido sergipano. As pesquisas foram realizadas em nove municípios, treze localidades e 248 Unidades de Produção (UPI). Realizaram-se a validação e qualificação dos microdados armazenados nos Bancos de Dados, os quais permitiram identificar as Análises de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle do uso de agrotóxicos associados ao Código de Boas Práticas Agrícola (BPAs). Dos nove municípios pesquisados, um terço deles não apresentou nenhum agricultor que atendesse ao requisito de rastreabilidade do produto. O maior nível de aceitação para a rastreabilidade do produto foi Neópolis (69,2%). Quanto ao requisito de registro do produto e rastreabilidade do processo produtivo foi atendido por apenas 29,3% dos agricultores pesquisados, destacando-se, também, o município de Neópolis, com um índice de 84,6% de atendimento a este requisito. Diante da realidade apresentada, resulta serem necessários à adoção de medidas mitigadoras e de educação ambiental continuada, por meio da implementação de um Centro Vocacional Tecnológico de Modernização da Agricultura Irrigada Familiar no Semiárido Sergipano, principalmente, dirigido aos jovens agricultores irrigantes, visando minimizar os riscos observados