117 research outputs found


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    On cosmic-ray production efficiency at supernova remnant shocks propagating into realistic diffuse interstellar medium

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    Using three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics simulations, we show that the efficiency of cosmic-ray (CR) production at supernova remnants (SNRs) is over-predicted if it could be estimated based on proper motion measurements of Hα\alpha filaments in combination with shock-jump conditions. Density fluctuations of upstream medium make shock waves rippled and oblique almost everywhere. The kinetic energy of the shock wave is transferred into that of downstream turbulence as well as thermal energy which is related to the shock velocity component normal to the shock surface. Our synthetic observation shows that the CR acceleration efficiency as estimated from a lower downstream plasma temperature, is overestimated by 10-40%, because rippled shock does not immediately dissipate all upstream kinetic energy.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ; the paper with full resolution images is http://www.phys.aoyama.ac.jp/~ryo/papers/shimoda2015.pd

    Observed Features of Langmuir Turbulence Forced by Misaligned Wind and Waves Under Destabilizing Buoyancy Flux

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    Several features of Langmuir turbulence remain unquantified despite its potentially large impacts on ocean surface mixing. For example, its vertical velocity variance, expected to be proportional to based on numerical simulations, was proportional to in recent field observations, where is the friction velocity and is surface Stokes velocity. To investigate unquantified features of Langmuir turbulence, we conducted a field experiment around a marine observation tower in a shallow sea off the southern coast of Japan in early winter when winds and waves (often swells) were often misaligned. Coherent structures similar to Langmuir cells were successfully identified in the horizontal and vertical structures of turbulent flows measured with upward- and horizontally looking acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs). ADCPs and several anemometers attached at the tower showed that turbulent vertical velocity variance was large when the Langmuir number and Hoenikker number (; where B is surface buoyancy flux and H is the water depth) were both small and that the orientation of the cells was generally aligned in the direction of Lagrangian current shear. These results agree well with the previous numerical results. As in the previous observations, however, the vertical velocity variance appeared to be proportional to . In our experiment, this curious feature was explained by compensatory effects between waves and convection. Misaligned wind with waves also seems to characterize the observed Langmuir turbulence, though further quantitative analysis is required to confirm this result

    Response time differences during hand mental rotation

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    This study explored gender differences in correct response rates and response times on a task involving left or right arrow selection and another involving the transformation of mental rotation of the hand. We recruited 15 healthy, right-handed men (age 24.5 ± 6.4) and 15 healthy, right-handed women (age 21.3 ± 4.9). For the tasks, we used pictures of left and right arrows and 32 hand pictures (left and right, palm and back) placed in cons (each at 45° from 0° to 315°). Hand and arrow pictures alternated and were shown at random. Participants decided as quickly as possible whether each picture was left or right. To compare the time taken for the transformation of mental rotation of the hand, we subtracted the average arrow response time from that for the left and right hand pictures for each participant. Correct response rates did not differ significantly between men and women or left and right for either arrow or hand pictures. Regardless of gender, the response time was longer for the left arrow picture than right arrow picture. The response time for the hand picture was longest for both men and women for pictures at rotation angles that were most difficult to align with participants’ hands. While there was no difference between men’s responses for left and right hand pictures, the responses of women were longer for left than right hand pictures and also than those of men. These findings suggest that both men and women mainly perform the hand mental rotation task with implicit motor imagery. On the other hand, the gender difference in performance might be explained by the difference in balance with other strategies, such as visual imagery, and by cognitive, neurophysiological, and morphological differences

    MEGADOCK 3.0: a high-performance protein-protein interaction prediction software using hybrid parallel computing for petascale supercomputing environments

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    BACKGROUND: Protein-protein interaction (PPI) plays a core role in cellular functions. Massively parallel supercomputing systems have been actively developed over the past few years, which enable large-scale biological problems to be solved, such as PPI network prediction based on tertiary structures. RESULTS: We have developed a high throughput and ultra-fast PPI prediction system based on rigid docking, “MEGADOCK”, by employing a hybrid parallelization (MPI/OpenMP) technique assuming usages on massively parallel supercomputing systems. MEGADOCK displays significantly faster processing speed in the rigid-body docking process that leads to full utilization of protein tertiary structural data for large-scale and network-level problems in systems biology. Moreover, the system was scalable as shown by measurements carried out on two supercomputing environments. We then conducted prediction of biological PPI networks using the post-docking analysis. CONCLUSIONS: We present a new protein-protein docking engine aimed at exhaustive docking of mega-order numbers of protein pairs. The system was shown to be scalable by running on thousands of nodes. The software package is available at: http://www.bi.cs.titech.ac.jp/megadock/k/