5 research outputs found

    The molecular basis of differential morphology and bleaching thresholds in two morphs of the coral Pocillopora acuta

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    Abstract Processes of cnidarian evolution, including hybridization and phenotypic plasticity, have complicated the clear diagnosis of species boundaries within the phylum. Pocillopora acuta, a species of scleractinian coral that was recently split from the widespread Pocillopora damicornis species complex, occurs in at least two distinct morphs on the Great Barrier Reef. Contrasting morphology combined with evidence of differential bleaching thresholds among sympatrically distributed colonies suggest that the taxonomy of this recently described species is not fully resolved and may represent its own species complex. To examine the basis of sympatric differentiation between the two morphs, we combined analyses of micro- and macro-skeletal morphology with genome wide sequencing of the coral host, as well as ITS2 genotyping of the associated Symbiodinium communities. We found consistent differences between morphs on both the macro- and micro-skeletal scale. In addition, we identified 18 candidate functional genes that relate to skeletal formation and morphology that may explain how the two morphs regulate growth to achieve their distinct growth forms. With inconclusive results in endosymbiotic algal community diversity between the two morphs, we propose that colony morphology may be linked to bleaching susceptibility. We conclude that cryptic speciation may be in the early stages within the species P. acuta

    Effects of coral bleaching and coral loss on the structure and function of reef fish assemblages

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    Mass coral bleaching, caused by elevated ocean temperatures, has now emerged as a major, if not the single most important, contributor to elevated rates of coral mortality (Hughes et al. 2017; Chaps. 3, 4, and 13), greatly accelerating the degradation of coral reef ecosystems throughout the world. Coral reefs have been subject to increasing anthropogenic disturbances and threats throughout the last few decades (if not centuries), resulting in sustained declines in the cover or abundance of scleractinian corals and corresponding shifts in the structure of reef habitats (Hughes et al. 2003; Alvarez-Filip et al. 2011). Climate change (specifically resulting in coral bleaching) is almost always considered, along with a variety of other more localised anthropogenic disturbances and threats, as a key contributor to sustained and ongoing coral loss (e.g. De'ath et al. 2012). However, mass coral bleaching has previously been considered to be a relatively minor, though emerging and increasingly important, contributor to coral loss, especially relative to other major disturbances such as severe tropical storms and outbreaks of coral predators (Pratchett et al. 2011a; De'ath et al. 2012). The extent and severity of the latest (2014–2017) global bleaching event (Hughes et al. 2017, 2018), as well as successive years of severe bleaching in many locations, have firmly heralded in an era where global climate change is the foremost threat to coral reef ecosystems