243 research outputs found


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    In the title compound, C12H8Cl3NO2S, the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 87.9 (1)° and the C—S—N—C torsion angle is 77.8 (2)°. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds occur


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    In the title compound, C10H13NO3S, the conformations of the N—H and C=O bonds of the SO2—NH—CO—C segment are anti to each other, while the amide H atom is syn with respect to the ortho-methyl group in the benzene ring. The C—S—N—C torsion angle is −66.7 (2)°. The crystal structure features inversion-related dimers linked by pairs of N—H⋯O(S) hydrogen bonds


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    In the title compound, C11H14ClNO3S, the C—S—N—C torsion angle is −61.69 (17)°. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds occur, generating R 2 2(8) loops

    Environmental restraints on the food intake, growth and conversion efficiency of Gambusia affinis: influence of Living space

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    Food intake, growth and conversion efficiency of juvenile Gambusia affinis are considerably influenced by the volume of water available per fish. On an 'ad libitum' diet of Tubifex tubifex worms, juveniles reared in intermediate amounts of "living space" of 500 and 800 ml water per 4 individuals, exhibited maximum growth and conversion efficiency. Both below and beyond these volumes of water, the above parameters decreased indicating the inhibitory influence of 'limited' as well as 'abundant' living space on the food conversion of the fish. © 1977 Indian Academy of Sciences

    Influence of body weight/age on the food intake, growth and conversion efficiency of Gambusia affinis

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    On a restricted food supply of Tubifex tubifex (2h/day) the fish consumed only 69.5 mg dry food/g live fish/day and grew only to 25.6 mg live body weight by the 30th day of it's age, while those fed ad libitum consumed 94.7 mg/g/day and attained a body weight of 125.9 mg live weight by the 30th day. Conversion efficiency (K1) averaged to 8.3% in the former and 14.1% in the latter series, throughout the 30 day experimental period. Feeding rate of the test series fed individually and at ad libitum, decreased from 780 mg dry food/g dry fish/day for a fish weighing 4 mg dry weight to 180 mg/g/ day for one weighing 41 mg, exhibiting a log-log relationship to the body weight (Y = 2.20140-0.5639 X). Growth rate also decreased as a log-log function with increasing body weight (Y = 1.2309-0.4384 X). © 1977 Dr. W. Junk b.v. Publishers

    Comparative studies on the food intake, growth and food conversion of two larvivorous fishes

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    Food intake, growth and conversion efficiency of two larvivorous fishes have been studied by supplying different proportions of first instar Culex fatigans larvae and Tubifex tubifex worms. The worms inhibit the preferential feeding on mosquito larvae by Gambusia affinis and Poecilia reticulata. The reduction is more marked in G. affinis than in P. reticulata. Growth and conversion efficiency of P. reticulata surpassed the values observed for G. affinis indicating that the mosquito larvae are better utilised by P. reticulata than by G. affinis. © 1979, Indian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved

    Studies on the spermatogenesis of two Indian freshwater brachyurans

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    The events of spermatogenesis in two species of brachyuran crabs (Barytelphusa jacquemonti (Rathbun) and Oziotelphusa senex (Fabricius) were studied by light microscopy. Four different cell types were categorised in the testis, namely 1. Spermatogonia, 2. Spermatocytes, 3. Spermatids and 4. Spermatozoa. Each cell type has been studied in detail, for its structure, morphometry and the process of transformation into the next stage. Comparisons are drawn with the observations on the spermatogenesis of other decapods


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    In the title compound, C12H8Cl3NO2S, the two aromatic rings are tilted relative to each other by 56.5 (1)°. The crystal structure features centrosymmetric dimers in which mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds


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    In the title compound, C14H14ClNO2S, the amido H atom orients itself away from both the ortho-methyl groups in the adjacent aromatic ring. The mol­ecule is twisted at the S atom with an C—SO2—NH—C torsion angle of −69.9 (2)°. The two aromatic rings are tilted relative to each other by 31.9 (1)°. In the crystal, the mol­ecules are packed into zigzag chains along the b axis via inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds