3 research outputs found

    Sonographic Association of Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index with Hypertension During Third Trimester of Pregnancy

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    Background: Hypertension (HTN) in pregnancy is the second most basic reason for maternal death and cause obstetric complications in 5-10% of all pregnancies. HTN directly affects the blood flow of uterine artery.  Doppler screening test is a valuable method to do safe and non-invasive detection and has high reliability in the detection of uterine artery blood flow characteristics. Objective: The purpose of the present study is to find association between predictive value of uterine artery pulsatility index in normal and hypertensive pregnancy during third trimester. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with the sample size of 138 patients by selecting the convenient sampling from Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital, Lahore. The pulsatility index of uterine artery of all the women with normal singleton pregnancy and hypertensive during third trimester of pregnancy were obtained using Doppler ultrasound. Data was analyzed with the help of Anova .The results were derived by mean, frequency and standard deviation . Results: The significance between groups was 0.002. The mean values of right and left uterine artery pulsatility index of 36 hypertensive patients were 1.40 and 1.41 and standard deviation 0.4 and 0.5 respectively whereas the mean values of right and left uterine artery pulsatility index of 102 normal patients were 0.739 and 0.77 and standard deviation 0.23 and 0.5 respectively Conclusion: Our study concluded that there was an association between uterine atery pulsatility index and hypertension during pregnancy. The uterine artery pulsatiltiy index has increased with hypertension in third trimester of pregnancy. Keywords: Hypertension, Pulsatility Index, Doppler Ultrasound DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/72-07 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Phenotypic Variations of Drought Tolerance Parameters in Maize (Zea mays L.) under Water Stress at Vegetative and Reproductive Stages

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    Two field experiments were conducted at Shambat and Medani in Sudan under water stress in vegetative and reproductive growth stages during the season (2003/2004). The objective of the study was to assess phenotypic variability and phenotypic correlation between drought tolerance parameters in maize genotypes. A split-plot layout within randomized complete block design with three replications was used for the experiment. Fifteen genotypes of maize were examined through the study. The effect due to genotypes x location was highly significant for all drought tolerance parameters studied. Highly significant and favorable correlation for Yw with SSI2, SSI3, GMP2, GMP3, STI2 and STI3, while highly significant and negative with Yd2/Yw and Yd3/Yw. Based on the result's drought stress at vegetative and reproductive stages of maize results in a drastic reduction in grain yield, and the strong positive correlation of Yw with SSI, GMP and STI, indicates that selection for high values of these parameters improves yield under stress and non-stress environments. Drought tolerance parameters can be used for improving grain yield and facilitate further efforts in maize breeding programs. Keywords: Correlation, drought, genetic variability, heritability, Maize (Zea mays L.).

    Comparative Efficiency of Soil and Foliar Applied Zinc in Improving Yield and Yield Components of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Variety Kiran-95

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    A field study was undertaken to evaluate the comparative efficacy of zinc application through soil and foliar spray on growth and yield of wheat variety Kiran-95 at Soil Chemistry Section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam during Rabi 2013-14. The experiment was laid out in three replicated randomized complete block design. The treatments comprised Control (No Zinc), Soil applied Zinc 5.0 kg ha-1 at tillering stage, Soil applied Zinc 10.0 kg ha-1 at tillering stage, Soil applied Zinc 5.0 kg ha-1 at tillering + 5.0 kg ha-1 at booting stage, Foliar applied Zinc 0.2% at tillering stage, Foliar applied Zinc 0.4% at tillering and Foliar applied Zinc 0.2% at tillering stage + 0.2% at booting stage. The statistical analysis of data suggested that soil and foliar applied zinc affected significantly (P<0.05) growth and yield traits of wheat variety Kiran-95. The results illustrated that Soil applied Zinc 5.0 kg ha-1 at tillering + 5.0 kg ha-1 at booting stage produced maximum plant height (99.0 cm), tillers (410.7 m-2), spike length (13.1 cm), spikelets per spike (23.0), grains per  spike (45.1), seed index (43.4 g), biological yield (9354.4 kg ha-1) and grain yield (5123.4 kg ha-1), closely followed by Foliar applied Zinc 0.2% at tillering stage + 0.2% at booting stage with 97.6 cm plant height, 408.8 tillers m-2, 13.0 cm spike length, 22.8 spikelets per spike, 45.0 grains per spike, 43.2 g seed index, 9273.4 kg ha-1 biological yield and 5080.7 kg ha-1 grain yield. The performance of wheat variety Kiran-95 ranked 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th almost in all the growth and yield parameters particularly grain yield (kg ha-1) when fertilized with Soil applied Zinc 10.0 kg ha-1 at tillering stage, Foliar applied Zinc 0.4% at tillering, Soil applied Zinc 5.0 kg ha-1 at tillering stage and Foliar applied Zinc 0.2% at tillering stage.  However, minimum growth and yield traits were registered in Control (No Zinc). Furthermore, the results concluded that although numerically maximum growth and yield values were recorded in Soil applied Zinc 5.0 kg ha-1 at tillering + 5.0 kg ha-1 at booting stage but statistically the differences between Soil applied Zinc 5.0 kg ha-1 at tillering + 5.0 kg ha-1 at booting stage and Foliar applied Zinc 0.2% at tillering stage + 0.2% at booting stage were non-significant. Hence, Foliar applied Zinc 0.2% at tillering stage + 0.2% at booting stage were found the most economical treatment for obtaining optimum yield of wheat variety Kiran-95. Keywords: Wheat, Comparative Efficiency, Soil, Foliar, Zinc, Improving Yield and Yield Component