11 research outputs found

    Development of Ac2-26 Mesoporous Microparticle System as a Potential Therapeutic Agent for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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    Milena Fronza Broering,1,2 Pedro Leonidas Oseliero Filho,3,4 Pâmela Pacassa Borges,1 Luis Carlos Cides da Silva,3 Marcos Camargo Knirsch,5 Luana Filippi Xavier,1 Pablo Scharf,1 Silvana Sandri,1 Marco Antonio Stephano,5 Fernando Anselmo de Oliveira,6 Ibrahim M Sayed,2 Lionel Fernel Gamarra,6 Soumita Das,2 Márcia CA Fantini,3 Sandra HP Farsky1 1Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analyses, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; 2Department of Biomedical and Nutritional Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, USA; 3Department of Applied Physics, Physics Institute, University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; 4Materials Innovation Factory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, MSY, UK; 5Department of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; 6Instituto do Cérebro, Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa, Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Hospital Albert Einstein, São Paulo, SP, BrazilCorrespondence: Sandra HP Farsky, Email [email protected]: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) disrupt the intestinal epithelium, leading to severe chronic inflammation. Current therapies cause adverse effects and are expensive, invasive, and ineffective for most patients. Annexin A1 (AnxA1) is a pivotal endogenous anti-inflammatory and tissue repair protein in IBD. Nanostructured compounds loading AnxA1 or its active N-terminal mimetic peptides improve IBD symptomatology.Methods: To further explore their potential as a therapeutic candidate, the AnxA1 N-terminal mimetic peptide Ac2-26 was incorporated into SBA-15 ordered mesoporous silica and covered with EL30D-55 to deliver it by oral treatment into the inflamed gut.Results: The systems SBA-Ac2-26 developed measurements revealed self-assembled rod-shaped particles, likely on the external surface of SBA-15, and 88% of peptide incorporation. SBA-15 carried the peptide Ac2-26 into cultured Raw 264.7 macrophages and Caco-2 epithelial cells. Moreover, oral administration of Eudragit-SBA-15-Ac2-26 (200 μg; once a day; for 4 days) reduced colitis clinical symptoms, inflammation, and improved epithelium recovery in mice under dextran-sodium sulfate-induced colitis.Discussion: The absorption of SBA-15 in gut epithelial cells is typically low; however, the permeable inflamed barrier can enable microparticles to cross, being phagocyted by macrophages. These findings suggest that Ac2-26 is successfully delivered and binds to its receptors in both epithelial and immune cells, aligning with the clinical results.Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate a simple and cost-effective approach to delivering Ac2-26 orally into the inflamed gut, highlighting its potential as non-invasive IBD therapy. Keywords: annexin A1, SBA-15, oral route, tissue recovery, inflammatio

    Effects of PI and PIII Snake Venom Haemorrhagic Metalloproteinases on the Microvasculature: A Confocal Microscopy Study on the Mouse Cremaster Muscle

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    The precise mechanisms by which Snake Venom Metalloproteinases (SVMPs) disrupt the microvasculature and cause haemorrhage have not been completely elucidated, and novel in vivo models are needed. In the present study, we compared the effects induced by BaP1, a PI SVMP isolated from Bothrops asper venom, and CsH1, a PIII SVMP from Crotalus simus venom, on cremaster muscle microvasculature by topical application of the toxins on isolated tissue (i.e., ex vivo model), and by intra-scrotal administration of the toxins (i.e., in vivo model). The whole tissue was fixed and immunostained to visualize the three components of blood vessels by confocal microscopy. In the ex vivo model, BaP1 was able to degrade type IV collagen and laminin from the BM of microvessels. Moreover, both SVMPs degraded type IV collagen from the BM in capillaries to a higher extent than in PCV and arterioles. CsH1 had a stronger effect on type IV collagen than BaP1. In the in vivo model, the effect of BaP1 on type IV collagen was widespread to the BM of arterioles and PCV. On the other hand, BaP1 was able to disrupt the endothelial barrier in PCV and to increase vascular permeability. Moreover, this toxin increased the size of gaps between pericytes in PCV and created new gaps between smooth muscle cells in arterioles in ex vivo conditions. These effects were not observed in the case of CsH1. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that both SVMPs degrade type IV collagen from the BM in capillaries in vivo. Moreover, while the action of CsH1 is more directed to the BM of microvessels, the effects of BaP1 are widespread to other microvascular components. This study provides new insights in the mechanism of haemorrhage and other pathological effects induced by these toxins

    Mechanisms of the effectiveness of poly(ε-caprolactone) lipid-core nanocapsules loaded with methotrexate on glioblastoma multiforme treatment

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    Natália Rubio Claret Pereira,1,* Rodrigo Azevedo Loiola,1,* Stephen Fernandes Rodrigues,1 Catiuscia P de Oliveira,2 Sabrina L Büttenbender,3 Silvia S Guterres,2 Adriana R Pohlmann,3 Sandra H Farsky1 1Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 3Department of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil *These authors contributed equally to this work Purpose: The low penetration of drugs across the blood–brain barrier (BBB) compromises the delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to the brain parenchyma and contributes to the poor prognosis of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). We investigated the efficacy of methotrexate-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules (MTX-LNC) administered by the oral route to treat murine GBM, its ability to cross the BBB, and the mechanisms of MTX-LNC uptake by cultured GL261 glioma and BV2 microglia cells. Materials and methods: Female C57B/6 mice were used in intravital microscopy assays to investigate the penetrance of rhodamine B-label MTX-LNC (RhoB/MTX-LNC) in the brain after oral or IV administration, and to evaluate the BBB integrity. Intracranial implantation of GL261 cells was undertaken to induce a murine GBM model, and the effectiveness of oral MTX or MTX-LNC treatments (started on Day 10 of GBM, every 2 days for 12 days) was quantified by tumor size, body weight, and leukogram. Pharmacological blockade of endocytic pathways was done to investigate the mechanisms of MTX-LNC uptake by cultured GL261 and microglia BV2 cells by using fluorescence microscopy. The effect of MTX-LNC or MTX on GL261 and BV2 proliferation was evaluated to compare the cytotoxicity of such compounds. Results: RhoB/MTX-LNC was detected in brain parenchyma of mice after IV or oral administration, without any damage on BBB. Oral treatment with MTX-LNC reduced tumor volume and prevented weight loss and leukopenia in comparison to MTX-treated mice. MTX-LNC uptake by GL261 is caveolae-dependent, whereas endocytosis of MTX-LNC by BV2 occurs via phagocytosis and macropinocytosis. Both MTX-LNC and MTX reduced GL261 and BV2 proliferation; however, MTX-LNC showed higher efficacy in the inhibition of glioma proliferation. Conclusion: Together, we infer that the higher ability of MTX-LNC to cross the BBB and be captured by cancer and immune brain cells by different mechanisms is responsible for the higher efficacy of oral MTX-LNC treatment in GBM. Keywords: glioma, nanomedicine, blood–brain barrier, microglia, endocytosi

    Ultrasmall cationic superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as nontoxic and efficient MRI contrast agent and magnetic-targeting tool

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    Mayara Klimuk Uchiyama,1 Sergio Hiroshi Toma,1 Stephen Fernandes de Paula Rodrigues,2 Ana Lucia Borges Shimada,2 Rodrigo Azevedo Loiola,2 Hernán Joel Cervantes Rodríguez,3 Pedro Vitoriano Oliveira,4 Maciel Santos Luz,4 Said Rahnamaye Rabbani,3 Henrique Eisi Toma,1 Sandra Helena Poliselli Farsky,2 Koiti Araki11Laboratory of Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Department of Fundamental Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, 2Laboratory of Experimental Toxicology, Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, Department of General Physics, Institute of Physics, 4Analysis and Research Group in Spectrometry, Department of Fundamental Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilAbstract: Fully dispersible, cationic ultrasmall (7 nm diameter) superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, exhibiting high relaxivity (178 mM-1s-1 in 0.47 T) and no acute or subchronic toxicity in Wistar rats, were studied and their suitability as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging and material for development of new diagnostic and treatment tools demonstrated. After intravenous injection (10 mg/kg body weight), they circulated throughout the vascular system causing no microhemorrhage or thrombus, neither inflammatory processes at the mesentery vascular bed and hepatic sinusoids (leukocyte rolling, adhesion, or migration as evaluated by intravital microscopy), but having been spontaneously concentrated in the liver, spleen, and kidneys, they caused strong negative contrast. The nanoparticles are cleared from kidneys and bladder in few days, whereas the complete elimination from liver and spleen occurred only after 4 weeks. Ex vivo studies demonstrated that cationic ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles caused no effects on hepatic and renal enzymes dosage as well as on leukocyte count. In addition, they were readily concentrated in rat thigh by a magnet showing its potential as magnetically targeted carriers of therapeutic and diagnostic agents. Summarizing, cationic ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles are nontoxic and efficient magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents useful as platform for the development of new materials for application in theranostics.Keywords: cationic USPIOs, MRI, contrast agent, magnetic targeting, in vivo toxicity, intravital microscop

    Role of poly(ε-caprolactone) lipid-core nanocapsules on melanoma–neutrophil crosstalk

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    Carine C Drewes,1 Aline de CS Alves,2,3 Cristina B Hebeda,1 Isabela Copetti,2,3 Silvana Sandri,1 Mayara K Uchiyama,4 Koiti Araki,4 Silvia S Guterres,2 Adriana R Pohlmann,2,3 Sandra H Farsky1 1Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analyses, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3Department of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 4Department of Fundamental Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Abstract: Metastatic melanoma is an aggressive cancer with increasing incidence and limited therapies in advanced stages. Systemic neutrophilia or abundant neutrophils in the tumor contribute toward its worst prognosis, and the interplay of cancer and the immune system has been shown in tumor development and metastasis. We recently showed the in vivo efficacy of poly(ε-caprolactone) lipid-core nanocapsule (LNC) or LNC loaded with acetyleugenol (AcE-LNC) to treat B16F10-induced melanoma in mice. In this study, we investigated whether LNC or AcE-LNC toxicity could involve modifications on crosstalk of melanoma cells and neutrophils. Therefore, melanoma cells (B16F10) were pretreated with vehicle, LNC, AcE or AcE-LNC for 24 h, washed and, further, cocultured for 18 h with peritoneal neutrophils obtained from C57Bl/6 mice. Melanoma cells were able to internalize the LNC or AcE-LNC after 2 h of incubation. LNC or AcE-LNC pretreatments did not cause melanoma cells death, but led melanoma cells to be more susceptible to death in serum deprivation or hypoxia or in the presence of neutrophils. Interestingly, the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which causes cell death, was increased by neutrophils in the presence of LNC- and AcE-LNC-pretreated melanoma cells. LNC or AcE-LNC treatments reduced the concentration of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in the supernatant of melanoma cells, a known factor secreted by cancer cells to induce pro-tumoral actions of neutrophils in the tumor microenvironment. In addition, we found reduced levels of pro-tumoral chemical mediators VEGF, arginase-1, interleukin-10 (IL-10) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in the supernatant of LNC or AcE-LNC-pretreated melanoma cells and cocultured with neutrophils. Overall, our data show that the uptake of LNC or AcE-LNC by melanoma cells affects intracellular mechanisms leading to more susceptibility to death and also signals higher neutrophil antitumoral activity. Keywords: hypoxia, serum deprivation, apoptosis, coculture, tumor microenvironment, LNC, acetyleugenol, intravital microscop

    A serine protease isolated from the bristles of the Amazonic caterpillar, Premolis semirufa, is a potent complement system activator

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    Background The caterpillar of the moth Premolis semirufa, commonly named pararama, is found in the Brazilian Amazon region. Accidental contact with the caterpillar bristles causes an intense itching sensation, followed by symptoms of an acute inflammation, which last for three to seven days after the first incident. After multiple accidents a chronic inflammatory reaction, called “Pararamose”, characterized by articular synovial membrane thickening with joint deformities common to chronic synovitis, frequently occurs. Although complement mediated inflammation may aid the host defense, inappropriate or excessive activation of the complement system and generation of anaphylatoxins can lead to inflammatory disorder and pathologies. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, in vitro, whether the Premolis semirufa’s bristles extract could interfere with the human complement system. Results The bristles extract was able to inhibit the haemolytic activity of the alternative pathway, as well as the activation of the lectin pathway, but had no effect on the classical pathway, and this inhibition seemed to be caused by activation and consumption of complement components. The extract induced the production of significant amounts of all three anaphylatoxins, C3a, C4a and C5a, promoted direct cleavage of C3, C4 and C5 and induced a significant generation of terminal complement complexes in normal human serum. By using molecular exclusion chromatography, a serine protease of 82 kDa, which activates complement, was isolated from P. semirufa bristles extract. The protease, named here as Ps82, reduced the haemolytic activity of the alternative and classical pathways and inhibited the lectin pathway. In addition, Ps82 induced the cleavage of C3, C4 and C5 and the generation of C3a and C4a in normal human serum and it was capable to cleave human purified C5 and generate C5a. The use of Phenanthroline, metalloprotease inhibitor, in the reactions did not significantly interfere with the activity of the Ps82, whereas the presence of PMSF, serine protease inhibitor, totally blocked the activity. Conclusion These data show that a serine protease present in the Premolis semirufa’s bristles extract has the ability to activate the complement system, which may contribute to the inflammatory process presented in humans after envenomation