5,624 research outputs found

    Gli effetti del salicilato sulla funzione uditiva: neurotossicitĂ  ed acufene

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    Il salicilato, precursore dell’aspirina, è un farmaco antipiretico, analgesico ed anti-in ammatorio molto diffuso nella pratica clinica. Gli effetti del salicilato sulla funzione uditiva sono noti ed includono, quando somministrato ad alti dosaggi, acufene ed ipoacusia. In periferia, la somministrazione acuta di salicilato induce una riduzione d’ampiezza dei prodotti di distorsione delle otoemissioni acustiche (DPOAE) e del potenziale d’azione composto (CAP), prevalentemente per le basse (<10 kHz) e per le alte (>20 kHz) frequenze; è interessante come questa alterazione corrisponda alla tonalità dell’acufene indotto sperimentalmente nell’animale, che varia tra i 12 e i 16 kHz. La somministrazione cronica induce invece un aumento transitorio dell’ampiezza dei DPOAE ed una up-regulation dell’mRNA e dell’espressione proteica della prestina. In vitro la tossicità del sodio salicilato si evidenzia prevalentemente a livello dei neuroni del ganglio spirale inducendo, a dispetto delle ben note proprietà antiossidanti, un rilascio paradosso di radicale superossido che avvia la catena apoptotica. A livello centrale, il salicilato ha la capacità di alterare la trasmissione GABA e serotonino-mediata inducendo iperattività in speci che popolazioni neuronali. Molto interessanti sono gli effetti a livello della corteccia uditiva e dell’amigdala laterale dove è stata documentata, in seguito alla somministrazione sperimentale di salicilato, una variazione delle frequenze caratteristiche neuronali con una conseguente alterazione della tonotopia siologica, specialmente per le frequenze centrali (10-20 kHz). Nell’uomo gli effetti ototossici del salicilato, oltre ad ipoacusia transitoria ed acufene, includono una diminuita discriminazione verbale e dif coltà nell’integrazione temporale

    Pembayaran Ganti Kerugian Terhadap Korban Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Dalam Konstelasi Peradilan Pidana (Studi Kasus Pengadilan Negeri Sukoharjo)

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    Apakah pembayaran ganti kerugian merupakan kewajiban dari pelaku kepada korban, atau kepada keluarga korban ? atau hanya sebatas kerelaan semata ? Itu beberapa pertayaan yang sering timbul ditengah masyarakat. Rujukan mengenai ganti rugi telah diatur dalam UU No. 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan (LLAJ) dimana sipembuat (pelaku) dapat dikenai tuntutan perdata atas kerugian yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembayaran ganti kerugian terhadap korban kecelakaan lalu lintas, lalu untuk mengetahui bagaimana pertimbangan-pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusannya apabila para pihak telah berdamai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis empiris metode penelitian ini mengkaji konsep normatif, atau yuridis mengenai pembayaran ganti kerugian terhadap korban kecelakaan lalu lintas dalam konstelasi peradilan pidana. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriftif yang menggabunggkan data-data kepustakaan dengan datadata yang diperoleh dari lapangan (wawancara) dengan menggunakan data hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder

    Experimental Determination of Optimal Conditions for Reactive Coupling of Biodiesel Production With in situ Glycerol Carbonate Formation in a Triglyceride Transesterification Process

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    This study investigated a reactive coupling to determine the optimal conditions for transesterification of rapeseed oil (RSO) to fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and glycerol carbonate (GLC) in a one-step process, and at operating conditions which are compatible with current biodiesel industry. The reactive coupling process was studied by transesterification of RSO with various molar ratios of both methanol and dimethyl carbonate (DMC), using triazabicyclodecene (TBD) guanidine catalyst and reaction temperatures of 50–80°C. The optimal reaction conditions obtained, using a Design of Experiments approach, were a 2:1 methanol-to-RSO molar ratio and 3:1 DMC-to-RSO molar ratio at 60°C. The FAME and GLC conversions at the optimal conditions were 98.0 ± 1.5 and 90.1 ± 2.2%, respectively, after 1 h reaction time using the TBD guanidine catalyst. Increase in the DMC-to-RSO molar ratio from 3:1 to 6:1 slightly improved the GLC conversion to 94.1 ± 2.8% after 2 h, but this did not enhance the FAME conversion. Methanol substantially improved both FAME and GLC conversions at 1:1–2:1 methanol-to-RSO molar ratios and enhanced the GLC separation from the reaction mixture. It was observed that higher methanol molar ratios (>3:1) enhanced only FAME yields and resulted in lower GLC conversions due to reaction equilibrium limitations. At a 6:1 methanol-to-RSO molar ratio, 98.4% FAME and 73.3% GLC yields were obtained at 3:1 DMC-to-RSO molar ratio and 60°C. This study demonstrates that formation of low value crude glycerol can be reduced by over 90% compared to conventional biodiesel production, with significant conversion to GLC, a far more valuable product

    Maturation of the gastric microvasculature in Xenopus laevis (Lissamphibia, Anura) occurs at the transition from the herbivorous to the carnivorous lifestyle, predominantly by intussuceptive microvascular growth (IMG): a scanning electron microscope study of microvascular corrosion casts and correlative light microscopy

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    The microvascular bed of the stomach of Xenopus laevis and the changes it undergoes when the herbivorous tadpole becomes a carnivorous adult were studied by scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts and light microscopy of stained tissue sections. In tadpoles an upper and a lower gastric artery supplied, and upper, middle and lower medial and lateral gastric veins drained the vertically extending stomach. During metamorphosis, the stomach gained a horizontal cranio-caudal extension and vessels accordingly become dorsal and ventral gastric arteries, and anterior, middle and posterior gastric veins, respectively. Up to stage 64 (late climax) mucosal capillaries formed a polygonal network of wide immature-looking capillaries ensheathing gastric glands in a basket-like manner. From stage 64 onwards, blood vessels of the stomach appeared mature, revealed a clear hierarchy and were correlated closely with the histomorphology of the stomach, which had also gained the adult pattern. Within the gastric mucosa, ascending arterioles branched in a fountain-like pattern into wide subepithelial capillaries establishing a centripetal blood flow along the gastric glands, which makes an ultrashort control loop of glandular cells within the branched tubular gastric glands very unlikely. Formation of the stomach external muscular layer started at stage 57 when smooth muscle cells locally formed a single longitudinal and one-to-two single circular layers. Abundant signs of intussusceptive microvascular growth and rare vascular sprouts in vascular corrosion casts indicated that the larval-to-adult microvascular pattern formation of the stomach of Xenopus laevis Daudin occurs predominantly by non-sprouting angiogenesis

    Disentangling Cooper-pair formation above Tc from the pseudogap state in the cuprates

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    The discovery of the pseudogap in the cuprates created significant excitement amongst physicists as it was believed to be a signature of pairing, in some cases well above the room temperature. In this "pre-formed pairs" scenario, the formation of pairs without quantum phase rigidity occurs below T*. These pairs condense and develop phase coherence only below Tc. In contrast, several recent experiments reported that the pseudogap and superconducting states are characterized by two different energy scales, pointing to a scenario, where the two compete. However a number of transport, magnetic, thermodynamic and tunneling spectroscopy experiments consistently detect a signature of phase-fluctuating superconductivity above leaving open the question of whether the pseudogap is caused by pair formation or not. Here we report the discovery of a spectroscopic signature of pair formation and demonstrate that in a region of the phase diagram commonly referred to as the "pseudogap", two distinct states coexist: one that persists to an intermediate temperature Tpair and a second that extends up to T*. The first state is characterized by a doping independent scaling behavior and is due to pairing above Tc, but significantly below T*. The second state is the "proper" pseudogap - characterized by a "checker board" pattern in STM images, the absence of pair formation, and is likely linked to Mott physics of pristine CuO2 planes. Tpair has a universal value around 130-150K even for materials with very different Tc, likely setting limit on highest, attainable Tc in cuprates. The observed universal scaling behavior with respect to Tpair indicates a breakdown of the classical picture of phase fluctuations in the cuprates.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Maternal and perinatal outcomes of dengue in PortSudan, Eastern Sudan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To investigate maternal and perinatal outcomes (maternal death, preterm delivery, low birth weight and perinatal mortality) of dengue at PortSudan and Elmawani hospitals in the eastern Sudan.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>This was a retrospective Cohort study where medical files of women with dengue were reviewed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 10820 deliveries and 78 (0.7%) pregnant women with confirmed dengue IgM serology at the mean (SD) gestational age of 29.4(8.2) weeks. While the majority of these women had dengue fever (46, 58.9%), hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome were the presentations in 18 (23.0%) and 12, (15.3%) of these women, respectively. There were 17(21.7%) maternal deaths. Fourteen (17.9%) of these 78 women had preterm deliveries and 19 (24.3%) neonates were admitted to neonatal intensive care unit. Nineteen (24.3%) women gave birth to low birth weight babies. There were seven (8.9%) perinatal deaths. Eight (10.2%) patients delivered by caesarean section due to various obstetrical indications.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Thus dengue has poor maternal and perinatal outcomes in this setting. Preventive measures against dengue should be employed in the region, and more research on dengue during pregnancy is needed.</p
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