1 research outputs found
Site-specific machine learning predictive fertilization models for potato crops in Eastern Canada
- Author
- A Di Paola
- A Marouani
- A Mucherino
- A Pellerin
- A Pellerin
- A Pellerin
- A Rangarajan
- AE Rich
- AJ Bussan
- AJ Haverkort
- AN Cambouris
- AP Moulin
- Athyna Nancy Cambouris
- B Marshall
- B Vanlauwe
- BJ Zebarth
- BJ Zebarth
- BJ Zebarth
- BJ Zebarth
- BJ Zebarth
- BJ Zebarth
- BL Rex
- BR Bock
- C Crisci
- CAM Laboski
- CE Rasmussen
- D Ellissèche
- D Inman
- D Isfan
- D Kahle
- D Levy
- D Zhang
- DA Young
- DG Bullock
- DKL MacKerron
- DM Firman
- DN Moriasi
- DW Nelson
- E Valkama
- E Valkama
- F Mondani
- F Pedregosa
- G Al Soboh
- G Belanger
- G Belanger
- G Boiteau
- G Gianquinto
- G Hofman
- GE Kleinkopf
- GJ Michaelson
- GR Chantre
- GW Gee
- H Hüwing
- H Li
- H Wickham
- J Dessureault-Rompre
- J Dessureault-Rompre
- J Murphy
- J Palarea-Albaladejo
- J Singh
- J Yuan
- JA Martin-Fernandez
- JD Hunter
- JF Angus
- JG Fortin
- JG Fortin
- JG Fortin
- JJ Egozcue
- JJ Neeteson
- JL Hatfield
- JM Peralta
- JT Morton
- K Daoui
- K Piikki
- KG Dodds
- KG Liakos
- KG Van den Boogaart
- KS Grewal
- KV Raman
- L Khiari
- LE Parent
- M Andrews
- M Hawkesford
- M Parizeau
- M Sharifi
- M Sincik
- M Tabi
- M Templ
- MA Bolinder
- MA Kirkman
- MA Leblanc
- MA Stalham
- ME Camire
- ME Cerrato
- MF Hutchinson
- MP Cescas
- N Tremblay
- NA Maier
- P Rajsic
- P Virtanen
- PC Struik
- PJ Gregory
- PJ Sands
- PJ White
- PL Kooman
- PM Kyveryga
- PM Kyveryga
- R Core Team
- R Raymundo
- RA Feddes
- S Dubetz
- S Flis
- S Torma
- S Van Der Walt
- SA Barber
- SA Petropoulos
- SE Parent
- SE Parent
- Serge-Étienne Parent
- SG Diriba
- Soil Classification Working Group
- SP Trehan
- T Soman
- TR Sinclair
- TS Griffin
- TS Tran
- Vassilis G. Aschonitis
- WC Dahnke
- WH Bohl
- XL Yang
- Y Xu
- YF Jiang
- Z Coulibali
- Zonlehoua Coulibali
- ZS Qin
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study