264 research outputs found
Impiego di batteri lattici autoctoni per il miglioramento igienico-sanitario del Pecorino Siciliano DOP
Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP \ue8 considerato
il pi\uf9 antico formaggio prodotto in
Sicilia e, probabilmente, d\u2019Europa. Le
citazioni storiche sulla sua antica origine
risalgono al IX secolo a.C. in uno
dei passi pi\uf9 famosi dell\u2019odissea di Omero,
quando Ulisse incontra Polifemo. In seguito,
anche Aristotele e Plinio esaltano il gusto
unico di questo formaggio. In particolare,
proprio Plinio, nella sua opera \u201cNaturalis
Historia\u201d, redige una carta dei formaggi nella
quale vengono citati, tra i migliori pecorini,quelli provenienti da Agrigento.
Fra le caratteristiche peculiari del Pecorino
Siciliano DOP vanno annoverati il sapore
leggermente piccante e l\u2019incantevole profumo
di pascolo. Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP \ue8
un formaggio a pasta dura, semicotto, prodotto
con latte intero crudo di pecora. L\u2019areale
di produzione si estende su tutta la regione
La forma \ue8 cilindrica a facce piane o lievemente
concave, pesa dai 4 ai 12 kg, lo scalzo
\ue8 di 10-18 cm. La crosta \ue8 bianca-giallognola,con la superficie rugosa per la modellatura
lasciata dal canestro in giunco dove avviene
la formatura, spesso viene cappata con
olio. La pasta \ue8 compatta, di colore bianco
o giallo paglierino, con occhiatura scarsa. Il
sapore \ue8 piccante e caratteristico, l\u2019aroma \ue8
intenso. La stagionatura minima prevista dal
disciplinare \ue8 di 4 mesi.
Il Pecorino Siciliano ha acquisito la certificazione
DO nel 1955 e la DOP nel 1996 con
regolamento CE n. 1107/96 della Commissione
del 12 giugno 1996 (Gazzetta Ufficiale
Comunit\ue0 Europea L 148 del 21/6/1996). Attualmente,
le attivit\ue0 di promozione, valorizzazione
e vigilanza sono affidate al Consorzio
di tutela del Pecorino Siciliano DOP,
che \ue8 stato riconosciuto dal ministero delle
Politiche agricole, alimentari e forestali (Mi-
Paaf) dal 2005 a oggi.
L\u2019elevata eterogeneit\ue0 del prodotto osservata
nelle forme presenti sul mercato \ue8 dovuta
sia ai metodi di produzione artigianali sia al
vecchissimo disciplinare di produzione, risalente
al 1956. Ci\uf2 ha indotto il consorzio
di tutela a intraprendere una proficua collaborazione
tecnico-scientifica con l\u2019Universit\ue0
degli Studi di Palermo prima e l\u2019Istituto
Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia, il
Corfilac e l\u2019Universit\ue0 di Catania successivamente,
con l\u2019obiettivo di migliorare la qualit\ue0
igienico-sanitaria del formaggio Pecorino Siciliano
DOP e ridurre l\u2019eccessiva variabilit\ue0
qualitativa fra le forme ottenute da differenti
Yeast ecology of vineyards within Marsala wine area (western Sicily) in two consecutive vintages and selection of autochthonous Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains
In this work, the yeast ecology associated with the spontaneous fermentation of Grillo cultivar grapes from 10
vineyards was analyzed from grape harvest till complete consumption of must sugars. The microbiological investigation
started with the plate count onto two culture media to distinguish total yeasts (TY) and presumptive Saccharomyces (PS).
Yeasts were randomly isolated and identified by a combined genotypic approach consisting of restriction fragment
length polymorphism (RFLP) of 5.8S rRNA gene and 26S rRNA and sequencing of D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene,
which resulted in the recognition of 14 species belonging to 10 genera. The distribution of the yeasts within the vineyards
showed some differences in species composition and concentration levels among 2008 and 2009 vintages. Due to
the enological relevance, all Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates were differentiated applying two genotypic tools (interdelta
analysis and microsatellite multiplex PCR of polymorphic microsatellite loci) that recognized 51 strains. Based on
the low production of H2S, acetic acid and foam, ethanol resistance, growth in presence of high concentrations of
potassium metabisulphite (KMBS) and CuSO4 and at low temperatures, 14 strains were selected and used as starter to
ferment grape must at 13 C and 17 C in presence of 100 mg/L of KMBS. Three strains (CS160, CS165 and CS182) showed
optimal technological aptitudes
Filamentous Fungi transported by birds during migration across the mediterranean Sea.
The potential for the transport and diffusion of
some pathogenic microorganisms by migratory birds is of
concern. Migratory birds may be involved in the dispersal of
microorganisms and may play a role of mechanical and
biological vectors. The efficiency of dispersal of pathogenic
microorganisms depends on a wide range of biotic and
abiotic factors that influence the survival or disappearance
of a given agent in a geographical area. In the present study,
349 migratory birds were captured in four sites (Mazara del
Vallo, Lampedusa, Ustica and Linosa), representing the
main stop-over points during spring and autumnal migration,
and analyzed for the presence of filamentous fungi. A
total of 2,337 filamentous fungi were isolated from 216
birds and identified by a combined phenotypic-genotypic
approach to species level. Twelve species were identified in
the study, with Cladosporium cladosporioides, Alternaria
alternata, and Aspergillus niger as the most abundant. The
transport of these fungal species isolated in this study is of
considerable importance because some of these species can
create dangers to human health
Wickerhamomyces sylviae f.a., sp. nov., an ascomycetous yeast species isolated from migratory birds.
In the present work, we investigated the phylogenetic position and phenotypic characteristics of
eight yeast isolates collected from migratory birds on the island of Ustica, Italy. A phylogenetic
analysis based on the D1/D2 region of the large-subunit rRNA gene showed that all isolates
clustered as a single separate lineage within the Wickerhamomyces clade. They exhibited distinct
morphological and physiological characteristics and were clearly separated from their closest
relatives, Wickerhamomyces lynferdii, Wickerhamomyces anomalus and Wickerhamomyces
subpelliculosus, in BLASTN searches. On the basis of the isolation source, physiological features
and molecular strain typing carried out with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR
and minisatellite-primed (MSP)-PCR analysis, the isolates were identified as strains of the same
species. The name Wickerhamomyces sylviae f.a., sp. nov. is proposed to accommodate these
novel strains; the type strain is U88A2T (5PYCC 6345T5CBS 12888T). The MycoBank number
is MB 804762
Effect of the natural winemaking process applied at industrial level on the microbiological and chemical characteristics of wine.
The composition of yeast and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) communities and the chemical evolution of the large-scale
commercial vinification of Catarratto IGT Sicilia, carried out under the biological regime, was followed from grape
harvest until bottling. Simultaneously to the maximumgrowth of yeasts, LAB counts reached high level of concentration
(6e7 log CFU mLL1) during the first steps of the alcoholic fermentation. Yeast identification was determined applying
different molecular methods. The highest species biodiversity was observed on grape and must samples taken soon after
pressing. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was detected at dominant concentrations during the entire winemaking process. LAB
cultures were grouped and identified by a combined phenotypic and genotypic approach. Leuconostoc mesenteroides,
Lactobacillus hilgardii and Lactobacillus plantarum species were identified; the last was the main LAB recognized during
vinification. The winemaking process was also chemically monitored. The alcoholic content was approximately 12.67%
(v vL1) at bottling; pH, volatile acidity and total acidity showed a moderate increase during vinification. Tartaric, citric
and malic acids decreased until bottling, while lactic acid showed a rapid increase at the end of maceration and bottling.
Trans-caffeil tartaric acid was the most abundant phenolic compound and volatile organic compounds (VOC) were
mainly represented by isoamylic alcohol, isobutanol, ethyl acetate and octanoic acid
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