12 research outputs found

    タスクベースの授業を効果的に行うための下地作り : 教科書を活用した授業実践例

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    A study on the lesson aimed at solving a problem with knowledge and skills acquired through every-day lessons : An Integrated Lesson between English and mathematics

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    本研究は,2つの教科(英語と数学)の合同授業を行うことで,学習した知識と技能を統合させることが目的である。実施に向けた準備として,英語,数学で習得させたい知識や技能をあげて,授業を構成した。授業では,「4つの宇宙船はどこに着地したか」という問いに始まり,英語による情報交換,情報を整理して問題解決するなどの活動を行った。本稿は,授業記録や生徒の感想をもとに,授業実践の成果と課題について述べ,知識と技能を統合させる授業の可能性を探るものである。In this study, an integrated lesson between two academic subjects, English and mathematics, was developed and analyzed. In the lesson, a mathematical problem was presented with the question being “Where have four spaceships landed on the map”? The lesson was conducted in the form of information-gap and problem-solving activities. To solve the problem, two types of information were exchanged orally across groups. With regard to the medium the learners used, they were allowed to use Japanese in within-group discussions; however, in interactions between groups, English was the only medium they used. After the interaction session, the learners solved the geometric proof problem with the information they originally possessed and with the information they obtained through interaction. Later, the lesson was analyzed from the viewpoint of both foreign language and mathematical educations. From the former point of view, it was suggested that the integrated lesson offered the learners a place where they can actively participate in communication activities. It was also suggested that the lesson would also provide the learners with the opportunities to improve their language skills in everyday-lessons, with which learners can actively participate in communication activities of the kind discussed in this study. From the latter point of view, the learners’ performance was analyzed in terms of logical inference. Through the analysis, it was suggested that working in small groups was effective in order to solve the mathematical problem. However, it was difficult for the learners to formally prove the locations of the ships with mathematical induction; they simply describe the conditions necessary for the inference

    An Integrated Approach to Developing Japanese Students' English Presentation and Discussion Skills

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    We examined the types of difficulties that Japanese high school students have in English presentation and discussion activities. We conducted factor analysis (principal factor method with promax rotation) on the survey data, which was divided into four stages: (1) the presentation preparation stage; (2) the presentation stage; (3) the listening stage; and (4) the discussion stage. The results showed that students had difficulty with the following skills during each of the four stages: (1) "effective ways of providing information," "revision," and "collaborative work" during the presentation preparation stage; (2) "basic presentation skills," "handling questions," and "audience management" during the presentation stage ; (3) "active interaction" and "active understanding' during the listening stage; and (4) "overcoming communication anxiety," "adaptation to classroom activities," "problem solving approach," and "self-relativization" during the discussion stage

    An Integrated Approach to Developing Japanese Students' English Presentation and Discussion Skills

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    We examined the types of difficulties that Japanese high school students have in English presentation and discussion activities. We conducted factor analysis (principal factor method with promax rotation) on the survey data, which was divided into four stages: (1) the presentation preparation stage; (2) the presentation stage; (3) the listening stage; and (4) the discussion stage. The results showed that students had difficulty with the following skills during each of the four stages: (1) "effective ways of providing information," "revision," and "collaborative work" during the presentation preparation stage; (2) "basic presentation skills," "handling questions," and "audience management" during the presentation stage ; (3) "active interaction" and "active understanding" during the listening stage; and (4) "overcoming communication anxiety," "adaptation to classroom activities," "problem solving approach," and "self-relativization" during the discussion stage

    For the improvement of English teacher training : A study on student teachers' beliefs about learning and teaching English (II)

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    本研究は,英語科教育実習の充実・改善への示唆を得るため,「①英語科実習生がどのようなbeliefs(言語や言語の指導・学習に関する思い込み)を持っているのか」,「②英語科実習生と現職英語教員との間にbeliefsにおいてどのような差異があるのか」,「③英語科実習生のbeliefsが教育実習を経てどのように変化するのか」の3つを明らかにすることを目的として行った。 先行研究を元に75の質問項目からなる質問紙を作成し,31名の英語科実習生と10名の現職英語教員から5件法で回答を得て分析を行った。①英語科実習生の特徴として,「演繹的な学習より帰納的な学習重視」,「ペア,グループ活動重視」,「コミュニケーション志向」,「形式よりも内容重視」,「文化的側面の重視」,「生徒の誤りに対する寛容的態度」があること,②英語科実習生は現職英語教員に比べて,「文法を軽視していること」,「誤りの訂正に対して消極的であること」,③教育実習前・後で6つの項目で変化が見られたが,「文法指導」,「誤りの訂正」に関する項目での変化は見られなかったこと等が明らかになった

    Enhancement and assessment of English academic ability and skills in elementary, junior, and senior high school : Goal setting and assessment in learning English from the viewpoint of CAN-DO statements

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    各中・高等学校は学習指導要領に基づき,生徒に求められる英語力を達成するための学習到達目標を「CAN-DOリスト」の形で具体的に設定することについて提言が平成23年になされてから,平成25年には『各中・高等学校の外国語教育における「CAN-DOリスト」の形での学習到達目標設定のための手引き』が公表された。このことを背景として,本研究は学習到達目標が学習指導要領に基づいた「CAN-DOリスト」を作成することを目的とした。作成にあたり,「CAN-DOリスト」における能力記述子は学習指導要領に準拠し,CEFR-Jにおけるそれとの整合性を図った。また,広島大学附属小学校が英語科として体制を整え,小学校1年生から外国語活動を取り入れていることから,附属中・高等学校の6年間に加えて,附属小学校を含めた12年間を見通した「CAN-DOリスト」の作成を試みた。加えて,学年ごとに様々な評価材や評価方法を集積するための評価フレームを構築し,「CAN-DOリスト」の中へ組み入れた。このことにより,授業内外で行われる評価と学習到達目標との関係がより明瞭になり,評価規準や判定基準の共有化が図られるようになった。評価を組み入れた「CAN-DOリスト」の在り方を提言する。The purpose of this study is to establish a CAN-DO list for learning English as a foreign language based on the designated course of study implemented in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools in Japan. While it is important to establish appropriate educational goals in each grade, this list emphasizes the idea that it is essential that rational and accurate evaluations should be conducted at each level of learning. This list-making process provided us with opportunities of reflection about ongoing methods for evaluating students' academic ability and skills in English. We established an evaluation framework in each grade or level to accumulate and share the proper assessment tools and procedures with teachers. Furthermore, evaluation results can be used to provide feedback to the learners so that they easily know their evaluation and how they are evaluated on the list

    On the enhancement and assessment of academic ability and skills in English in elementary, junior high, and senior high school : Goal setting and assessments for learning English from the viewpoint of “CAN-DO” statements (2)

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    附属小学校・中学校・高等学校英語科では,2013年度の学部・附属学校共同研究において,小中高12年間を見通した学習到達目標を「CAN-DOリスト」の形で記述し,それと連動するように評価方法を「CAN-DOテストパック」として体系化した「FUZOKU CAN-DO」という枠組みを作成した。本研究は,その研究を引き継ぐものとして,FUZOKU CAN-DOを全面的に運用することにより,この枠組みに即した具体的な教材・評価材を開発すること,また,運用を通じてこの枠組みをさらに整備することを目的とした。本稿では,小学校3・4年生と,中高各学年における指導と評価の具体例を示し,FUZOKU CAN-DO運用の実際を詳らかにしている。ただし,全面運用に当たっては,年間指導計画をFUZOKU CAN-DOに適合するように調整するなどの手順を要したため,この枠組み全部の完全実施には至らなかった。しかし,学年を超えて到達目標と評価方法を教員間で共有することにより,従前にもまして,指導と評価に対する共通認識を持つことが促された。This study primarily aims to implement FUZOKU CAN-DO (a framework comprising the learning objectives to be achieved in each grade of elementary and secondary schools) and to evaluate the measures related to the objectives. The goals of implementing this framework are as follows: (1) to develop materials for teaching and evaluation based on FUZOKU CAN-DO and (2) to modify the framework itself. This report provides specific examples of how the framework was implemented. One thing to be noted here is that this is the first attempt of a full-scale implementation of the framework, which was developed in the previous year. The initial phase of the study involved amending the existing syllabus to include FUZOKU CAN-DO, which prevented the complete implementation of all the framework’s components. The results of the study indicate that using FUZOKU CANDO promoted a shared understanding of teaching objectives among the teaching staff