143 research outputs found

    Catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membranes: Development of the biomimetic sensor for phenols detection

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    Portable biomimetic sensor devices for the express control of phenols content in water were developed. The synthetic binding sites mimicking active site of the enzyme tyrosinase were formed in the structure of free-standing molecularly imprinted polymer membranes. Molecularly imprinted polymer membranes with the catalytic activity were obtained by co-polymerization of the complex Cu (II)–catechol–urocanic acid ethyl ester with (tri)ethyleneglycoldimethacrylate, and oligourethaneacrylate. Addition of the elastic component oligourethaneacrylate provided formation of the highly cross-linked polymer with the catalytic activity in a form of thin, flexible, and mechanically stable membrane. High accessibility of the artificial catalytic sites for the interaction with the analyzed phenol molecules was achieved due to addition of linear polymer (polyethyleneglycol Mw 20,000) to the initial monomer mixture before the polymerization. As a result, typical semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (semi-IPNs) were formed. The cross-linked component of the semi-IPN was represented by the highly cross-linked catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer, while the linear one was represented by polyethyleneglycol Mw 20,000. Extraction of the linear polymer from the fully formed semi-IPN resulted in formation of large pores in the membranes’ structure. Concentration of phenols in the analyzed samples was detected using universal portable device oxymeter with the oxygen electrode in a close contact with the catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membrane as a transducer. The detection limit of phenols detection using the developed sensor system based on polymers–biomimics with the optimized composition comprised 0.063 mM, while the linear range of the sensor comprised 0.063–1 mM. The working characteristics of the portable sensor devices were investigated. Storage stability of sensor systems at room temperature comprised 12 months (87%). As compared to traditional methods of phenols detection the developed sensor system is characterized by simplicity of operation, compactness, an

    Interdisciplinarity in school education: historical aspect and implementation strategies in the present

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    The problem of interdisciplinarity in the domestic school education, its historical aspect and relevance in the present is considered. The increase in the tendencies towards the integration of subjects in modern education in connection with the need to solve the tasks of the state educational policy is emphasized. This concerns, firstly, the requirements for students to achieve the metadisciplinary results of the curricula; secondly, changing the learning strategy of “ready knowledge” to a competence-based model of learning; thirdly, a decrease in the level of “subject-centricity” in school curricula. The concepts of “interdisciplinarity”, “superdisciplinarity”, “metadisciplinarity” are considered. As a pedagogical problem, the authors of this article consider the question that students show a low level of knowledge of universal educational activities (to generalize, to compare, to analyze, to draw independent conclusions, etc.). On the other hand, the low readiness of the majority of teachers to work in the interdisciplinary field of the educational process, due to the lack of effective didactic tools and the corresponding time of the program materials is recorded. As options for solving these problems, the authors of the article suggest several strategies for implementing the interdisciplinary approach. The novelty of the idea is that the strategies are developed in the context of a competence approach

    Building Professional Career of University Teacher in Russia

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    The problem of building a professional career of a University teacher in modern Russia is considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that this problem is actively developed by supporters of the personal activity theory, which is currently the basis for planning the educational process in the substantive and methodological aspects. The basic concept of “education for career” is interpreted by the authors as a volume of knowledge, applied skills, cognitive activity scenarios, which is out-of-work in relation to the specialty and aimed at achieving high results in the profession (recognition by society, well-paid and socially significant positions) and obtaining positive emotions from their own work. In the study of support systems for career growth, the authors rely on the concept of the Russian professional education proposed by A. M. Novikov. Four main principles are taken into account: the humanization of education, its democratization and the emphasis on continuity and advance. The novelty of the research and its theoretical and practical significance lies in the allocation of three conditions for the career growth of a teacher of the University: the integration of pedagogical work into the system of life meanings and value hierarchy of the individual as their most important component; constant creative search, determined by the critical attitude to own professional level; readiness of a teacher to implement the activities of an innovative nature

    Project Approach to Implementation of Interdisciplinary Content of Education at School

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    The implementation of interdisciplinary content of education at school in the aspect of project approach is discussed. It is noted that this approach is one of effective methodological approaches in pedagogy to ensure students’ achieving the interdisciplinary result of the educational program in accordance with Federal state educational standards of general education (FSES GE). The necessity of using the project approach is stated, together with a systemically-active, which is the methodological basis of FSES GE. The urgency is determined by, on the one hand, the necessity to solve the tasks of the state educational policy reflected in FSES GE and the Professional standard of the teacher of general education. On the other hand, in educational practice there are problems of implementing interdisciplinary content of education at school (both didactic and methodological) in developing interdisciplinary skills of high school students. The authors recommend to use the project approach in two aspects: the pedagogical projecting the educational process of students in a series of subjects of social and humanitarian education and in providing project content of students’ activities. Moreover, educational projecting is considered at the level of project competence of a teacher, while activity of students - in the categories of the educational project. This is the novelty of the approach to the task of implementation of the interdisciplinary content of education at school

    Mathematical processing of the set of protein strips taken with the help of electrophoresis

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    The program of mathematical processing of the electrophoregramm of protein strips is suggested. It is intended for definition of weight of proteins in a researched sample and has the purpose to automatically establish coordinates of the maximal concentration of proteins in investigated strips and to calculate the area under their peak using the algorithm of integration with an adaptive choice of a step, after reading the scanned strip of electrophoresis with expansion (.pcx) and processing of the received digital matrix

    Role of Mathematics Education in Forming Readiness for Research Work in Future Specialists of Socio-Economic Sphere

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    The role of mathematics education in the process of professional training in the socio-economic sphere is assessed. The authors believe that learning mathematics has a positive effect on students’ research activities and the formation of their readiness for the effective implementation of this activity. The relevance of the article is determined by the modernization processes taking place in contemporary society in general and higher education in particular. A comparative study of scientific papers related to the preparation of professional researchers in the relevant field is made. Five complementary methodological approaches are identified that seem most promising in the context of preparation of future researchers. To determine the entry level of readiness for research work of future specialists the criteria of formation of their readiness for research work are established. Three levels, reflecting different levels of readiness, are revealed and proved: low, medium and high. The novelty of this research is to develop models of formation of readiness for research work through higher mathematical education. The authors note that, in accordance with the results of ascertaining and forming stages of experiment, model and pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness of students for scientific research by means of mathematical education can be considered quite effective. It is also emphasized that research activity should not be limited to the template, ready algorithm

    The sphericity of erythrocytes and its communication with biochemical, hemostasis and rheological by properties of blood at the patients with coronary disease and arterial hypertension

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    The aim of the work was to study the peculiarities of the influence of bloodfactors on the development of spherocytosis in patients with coronary disease and arterial hypertension. The study involved 30 patients with coronary disease and 24 patients arterial hypertension with the study of their clinical status and biochemical parameters of blood, hemostasis, blood cell analysis. It was found that the increase in the pool spherocytic cells in patients with arterial hypertension were associated with increased nitric oxide production, while in patients with coronary disease spherocytosis was due to an increase in the concentration of reactive oxygen metabolites

    Concept of “Educational Efficiency” in Context of Inclusive Trends of Modern School

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    The research urgency is caused by the essence of an inclusive approach to education, which assumes the achievement of all pupils a positive result at minimal psychological cost. The concepts of “efficiency” and “effectiveness of education” enshrined in domestic economic and pedagogical dictionaries are analyzed. It is established that the concept of “educational efficiency” used in pedagogy is based not on economic, but on general meaning of the word efficiency . It is shown that the educational efficiency is associated with performance, effectiveness, quality of the educational process, not with the ratio of the achieved pedagogical results with those or other cost (financial, human, chronological, etc.). At the same time, it is noted that almost all interpretations of the concept of “educational efficiency” correlate with economic definitions of the term efficiency in their structure. The fundamentals of I. S. Samokhin’s author conception, according to which the efficiency of the school inclusive education is based on a hierarchy of resources. The novelty of the study is to present the position according to which all students’ resources are divided into inviolable (health, emotional well-being, harmony in relationships with people), and those that can be spent in any amount (time, energy, freedom), if it does not affect resources of the first category
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