68 research outputs found

    英語の発話の質を高める指導のあり方 : 複雑さ・正確さ・流暢さに着目して

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    内容の要約広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(教育学)Doctor of Philosophy in Educationdoctora

    How to implement interactive speaking tests in junior and senior high school English classes: Insights from first-hand experiences

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    Although many English classes in Japan have taken on the communicative qualities, speaking tests have yet to become an integral part of the instructional routine at a junior and senior high school level. This paper provides a quick guide of how to create speaking tests to enable teachers to evaluate interactive performance. The key to the production of well-balanced tests for classroom assessment will be discussed with special emphasis on the treatment to lessen the vocabulary constraints. The discussion as to how to ensure validity, reliability, and practicality of the test follows with original speaking test sets


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    本稿は, 筆者が1999年度に担当した3年生3学期の授業で実施したディベート活動を中心にした授業単元の実践報告と, 生徒の英語運用力の特徴をはじめ, 活動を成功に導いた要因の記述を目的としている。ディベート活動は, 特に即座の反駁において, 相手の発言の意図を理解し, 意見を論理的に組み立てるための高い英語運用力も求められるため, 中学生にとって負担の大きい活動である。しかしながら, 本実践を経験した生徒は, グループ活動の助けもあって, 批判的・分析的な準備が十分に機能し, 英語運用力には不十分さを感じつつも, 実践的なインターラクションが展開でき, 困難を伴う準備に報いる結果が得られたという実感が持つことができた。そのような肯定的な感想を持った根拠は, 生徒の作成した作文のパラグラフの構造分析や外国人講師のフィードバックにより明らかになった

    4技能を総合的に育てる英語授業実践のために : 技能統合的な言語活動を中核とした単元開発 <第2部 教科研究>

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    英語科教育における教育実習生の指導について(3) : 「全体指導」を通じて実習生が学ぶこと

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    教育実習は主に授業観察と授業実習からなり, 自分や他人の授業を分析する力をつけ, 反省会等も通じて学んだことを, 短期間で次の授業に反映させることが求められる。「全体指導」では, 授業実習を始める前に実習生全員で同じ授業を観察させ, 教案を書かせてみたり, 指導教官が与えたいくつかの観点を柱に討論を経験させるが, 実習生は非常に前向きな態度で参加する。特に教育学部以外の実習生について言えば, 本校での教育実習に参加する以前に英語の授業について考える機会が不足しているようで, 総じて「全体指導」を高く評価する。同じ教材であっても様々な授業展開があることに驚きを感じることの多い実習生が, 分析の観点を持って様々な意見を他の実習生に聞くことにより, その現象に納得することができるようである。本稿はその「全体指導」の内容と実習生が「全体指導」をどのように評価しているかについてまとめたものである

    An Integrated Approach to Developing Japanese Students' English Presentation and Discussion Skills

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    We examined the types of difficulties that Japanese high school students have in English presentation and discussion activities. We conducted factor analysis (principal factor method with promax rotation) on the survey data, which was divided into four stages: (1) the presentation preparation stage; (2) the presentation stage; (3) the listening stage; and (4) the discussion stage. The results showed that students had difficulty with the following skills during each of the four stages: (1) "effective ways of providing information," "revision," and "collaborative work" during the presentation preparation stage; (2) "basic presentation skills," "handling questions," and "audience management" during the presentation stage ; (3) "active interaction" and "active understanding' during the listening stage; and (4) "overcoming communication anxiety," "adaptation to classroom activities," "problem solving approach," and "self-relativization" during the discussion stage

    An Integrated Approach to Developing Japanese Students' English Presentation and Discussion Skills

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    We examined the types of difficulties that Japanese high school students have in English presentation and discussion activities. We conducted factor analysis (principal factor method with promax rotation) on the survey data, which was divided into four stages: (1) the presentation preparation stage; (2) the presentation stage; (3) the listening stage; and (4) the discussion stage. The results showed that students had difficulty with the following skills during each of the four stages: (1) "effective ways of providing information," "revision," and "collaborative work" during the presentation preparation stage; (2) "basic presentation skills," "handling questions," and "audience management" during the presentation stage ; (3) "active interaction" and "active understanding" during the listening stage; and (4) "overcoming communication anxiety," "adaptation to classroom activities," "problem solving approach," and "self-relativization" during the discussion stage