44 research outputs found

    Effect of gamma irradiation on carotenoids and vitamin C contents of Papaya fruit (Carica papaya L.) cv. Golden.

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    The irradiation has been considered an alternative process for decay control extending shelf life of fresh fruits. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of gamma irradiation on functional constituents on papaya fruits cv. Golden. Fruits were harvested into maturation 1 degree (stage) and irradiated with 0.8 kGy (Cobalt 60 source-MSD Nordion irradiator), and then stored at 24 ± 2 ° C. Total carotenoids and vitamin C contents were evaluated in the pulp fruits, in the 5, 7 e 9 th days post-harvest by a reversed-phase and ion exclusion column by a high performance liquid chromatography. Results demonstrated that the irradiation induced alterations in the total carotenoids and vitamin C levels. However, these changes did not affect the adequacy of vitamins A and C (for adult and children) in relation to daily nutritional requirements. In conclusion, the present data provide evidence that the irradiated papaya, did not impair reduce these nutritional characteristics

    Uso de marcadores ISSR na identificação de genótipos de abacaxizeiros com potencial uso para fibras.

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    Existe uma tendência global crescente em relação à maximização dos recursos naturais por meio de novos produtos e processos, o que leva à exploração de materiais a partir de recursos naturais renováveis em direção à sustentabilidade

    Numerical simulation of the flexural behaviour of composite glass-GFRP beams using smeared crack models

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    This paper presents a numerical study about the flexural behaviour of rectangular composite glass-GFRP beams, comprising annealed glass and GFRP pultruded profiles bonded with two different adhesives: (soft) polyurethane and (stiff) epoxy. The main objectives of this study were: (i) to fully characterize the non-linear behaviour of glass using the smeared crack approach; and (ii) to assess the applicability of different options to simulate adhesively bonded glass-GFRP joints. An extensive parametric study was developed to evaluate the influence of five parameters on the glass post-cracking non-linear behaviour: (i) glass fracture energy, Gf, (ii) crack band width, h, (iii) glass tensile strength, fg,t, (iv) shape of the tension-softening diagram, and (v) shear retention factor, β. The wide range of the joints’ shear stiffness was simulated by either (i) assuming a perfect bond between glass and GFRP (i.e., neglecting the presence of the adhesive), or (ii) explicitly considering the adhesive, by means of using (ii.1) plane stress elements, or (ii.2) interface elements. For the beams analysed in this paper, the following material model for glass provided a good agreement with experimental results: Gf in the range of 3 to 300 N/m, h equal to the square root of the finite element area, fg,t = 50 MPa, linear softening diagram and β according to a power law. It was also shown that the hypothesis of perfect bond at the GFRP-glass interfaces allows for an accurate simulation of joints with high levels of interaction (epoxy), while calibrated interface elements are needed for joints with low level of interaction (polyurethane).The authors wish to acknowledge FCT, ICIST/CERIS and ISISE for funding the research, and companies SIKA, Guardian and ALTO for supplying the adhesives, the glass panes and the GFRP pultruded profiles used in the experiments. The first author also wishes to thank FCT for the financial support through his PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/80234/2011