31 research outputs found


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    As near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) broadens its application area to different age and disease groups, motion artifacts in the NIRS signal due to subject movement is becoming an important challenge. Motion artifacts generally produce signal fluctuations that are larger than physiological NIRS signals, thus it is crucial to correct for them before obtaining an estimate of stimulus evoked hemodynamic responses. There are various methods for correction such as principle component analysis (PCA), wavelet-based filtering and spline interpolation. Here, we introduce a new approach to motion artifact correction, targeted principle component analysis (tPCA), which incorporates a PCA filter only on the segments of data identified as motion artifacts. It is expected that this will overcome the issues of filtering desired signals that plagues standard PCA filtering of entire data sets. We compared the new approach with the most effective motion artifact correction algorithms on a set of data acquired simultaneously with a collodion-fixed probe (low motion artifact content) and a standard Velcro probe (high motion artifact content). Our results show that tPCA gives statistically better results in recovering hemodynamic response function (HRF) as compared to wavelet-based filtering and spline interpolation for the Velcro probe. It results in a significant reduction in mean-squared error (MSE) and significant enhancement in Pearson’s correlation coefficient to the true HRF. The collodion-fixed fiber probe with no motion correction performed better than the Velcro probe corrected for motion artifacts in terms of MSE and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Thus, if the experimental study permits, the use of a collodion-fixed fiber probe may be desirable. If the use of a collodion-fixed probe is not feasible, then we suggest the use of tPCA in the processing of motion artifact contaminated data

    Experimental validation of a spectroscopic Monte Carlo light transport simulation technique and Raman scattering depth sensing analysis in biological tissue

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    ABSTRACT: Significance: Raman spectroscopy (RS) applied to surgical guidance is attracting attention among scientists in biomedical optics. Offering a computational platform for studying depthresolved RS and probing molecular specificity of different tissue layers is of crucial importance to increase the precision of these techniques and facilitate their clinical adoption. Aim: The aim of this work was to present a rigorous analysis of inelastic scattering depth sampling and elucidate the relationship between sensing depth of the Raman effect and optical properties of the tissue under interrogation. Approach: A new Monte Carlo (MC) package was developed to simulate absorption, fluorescence, elastic, and inelastic scattering of light in tissue. The validity of the MC algorithm was demonstrated by comparison with experimental Raman spectra in phantoms of known optical properties using nylon and polydimethylsiloxane as Raman-active compounds. A series of MC simulations were performed to study the effects of optical properties on Raman sensing depth for an imaging geometry consistent with single-point detection using a handheld fiber optics probe system. Results: The MC code was used to estimate the Raman sensing depth of a handheld fiber optics system. For absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of 0.001 and 1 mm−1, the sensing depth varied from 105 to 225 μm for a range of Raman probabilities from 10−6 to 10−3. Further, for a realistic Raman probability of 10−6, the sensing depth ranged between 10 and 600 μm for the range of absorption coefficients 0.001 to 1.4 mm−1 and reduced scattering coefficients of 0.5 to 30 mm−1. Conclusions: A spectroscopic MC light transport simulation platform was developed and validated against experimental measurements in tissue phantoms and used to predict depth sensing in tissue. It is hoped that the current package and reported results provide the research community with an effective simulating tool to improve the development of clinical applications of RS

    Time-domain diffuse correlation spectroscopy

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    Physiological monitoring of oxygen delivery to the brain has great significance for improving the management of patients at risk for brain injury. Diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) is a rapidly growing optical technology able to non-invasively assess the blood flow index (BFi) at the bedside. The current limitations of DCS are the contamination introduced by extracerebral tissue and the need to know the tissue's optical properties to correctly quantify the BFi. To overcome these limitations, we have developed a new technology for time-resolved diffuse correlation spectroscopy. By operating DCS in the time domain (TD-DCS), we are able to simultaneously acquire the temporal point-spread function to quantify tissue optical properties and the autocorrelation function to quantify the BFi. More importantly, by applying time-gated strategies to the DCS autocorrelation functions, we are able to differentiate between short and long photon paths through the tissue and determine the BFi for different depths. Here, we present the novel device and we report the first experiments in tissue-like phantoms and in rodents. The TD-DCS method opens many possibilities for improved non-invasive monitoring of oxygen delivery in humans

    Erratum: Prolonged monitoring of cerebral blood flow and autoregulation with diffuse correlation spectroscopy in neurocritical care patients

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    Corrected disclosures for the article “Prolonged monitoring of cerebral blood flow and autoregulation with diffuse correlation spectroscopy in neurocritical care patients.” DOI: 10.1117/1.NPh.5.4.045005.Published versio

    Source virtuelle acousto-optique pour l'imagerie des milieux diffusants

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    Ce travail a porté sur le développement d'un système d'imagerie acousto-optique des milieux diffusants épais, et plus particulièrement des tissus biologiques. Le but à long terme est de réaliser un appareil médical capable de détecter des contrastes optiques avec une résolution millimétrique à l'intérieur de tissus de plusieurs centimètres d'épaisseur. La méthode consiste à coupler lumière et ultrasons à l'intérieur du milieu étudié. L'échantillon diffusant est éclairé par une lumière infrarouge très cohérente, qui forme à sa sortie un motif de speckle enregistré sur une caméra CCD. Un faisceau ultrasonore focalisé dans le milieu induit localement une modulation du chemin optique des ondes lumineuses qui le traversent. Cela se traduit en sortie par une modulation de l'intensité du speckle. De façon plus intuitive, le faisceau ultrasonore crée à l'intérieur du milieu diffusant une "source virtuelle" de lumière modulée. L'intensité de cette source virtuelle diminue si elle traverse une région optiquement absorbante. En balayant la source virtuelle à l'intérieur de l'échantillon, nous pouvons réaliser une cartographie de ses propriétés optiques. Les travaux théoriques ont consisté à modéliser l'interaction acousto-optique, grâce à une équation de diffusion de la corrélation que l'on peut résoudre de façon analytique ou numérique selon les cas. Les travaux expérimentaux ont porté sur l'optimisation du système en vue de son application médicale. Le développement d'un "opto-échographe ", c'est à dire une sonde combinant un imageur acousto-optique et un échographe, nous a permis de comparer l'importance relative des contrastes optiques et acoustiques dans le signal. Nous avons amélioré notablement le contraste et la résolution spatiale du système par deux techniques successives: une détection du signal au double de la fréquence excitatrice, et un codage en fréquence de la position le long de l'axe ultrasonore.This PhD thesis presents the development of an acousto-optical system to image thick scattering media, and more specifically biological tissue. The long-range goal is to achieve a medical tool to detect optical contrasts with a millimetric resolution inside several centimeter truck tissues. The technique consists in coupling light and ultrasounds. Highly coherent infrared light illuminates the scattering sample, and forms, when it exits, a speckle patterns recorded on a CCD camera. An ultrasonic focused beam locally induces inside the medium a modulation of the optical paths of the optical waves that cross it. It causes a modulation of the speckle intensity on the exit. More intuitively, the ultrasonic beam creates inside the scattering medium a "virtual source" of modulated light. The source intensity decreases when it crosses an optically absorbing region. By scanning the virtual source inside the sample, we can map its optical properties. The theoretical studies consisted in a modeling of the acousto-optical interaction, thanks to a correlation diffusion equation that can be solved by analytical or numerical means depending on the geometries. The experimental work dealt with the optimization of the system in a view of its medical application. With an "opto-echograph", that is a system combining an echograph and an acousto-optical imaging system, we compared the importance of acoustic and optical contrasts in our signal. We have notably improved contrast and spatial resolution thanks to two successive techniques: a detection of the second-harmonic acousto-optical signal, and a frequency coding of the axial position.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF