4,004 research outputs found

    Concept of Samanya Vishesh Siddhant & its Role in Prevention of Diseases: Ayurveda Review

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    Ayurveda is holistic science that works for healthy, wealthy and happy life. The wisdom of Ayurveda based on various theories and principles. The concept of “Samanya Vishesh Siddhanta” is one such basic principle of Ayurveda which helps to treat diseases. Samanya means similarity and Vishesh means dissimilarity, using this concept of similarity and dissimilarity many diseases can be cured effectively. Disease mainly arises due to the disturbance in equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni, etc. The balance of these biological entities can be established using Dravyas possessing similar and dissimilar attributes. The specific Gunas and Karmas of Dravyas play key role in the concept of Samanya Vishesh Siddhanta. Samanya Vishesh Siddhant based on the qualities of substances which either increases or decrease quality and quantity of Dravya, Guna and Karma. Therefore specific Dravya (food and medicines, etc.), Guna (small, large, hot, cold and dry, etc. properties of Dravya) and Karma (exercise, mediation, Yoga, swimming, sleeping and massage, etc.) helps to treat various diseases and maintain equilibrium of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni

    Threat Resistant Strategy Model Design & Analysis

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    Strategy of Business/ Operations remained crucial aspect in modern business environment as the ever changing scenario of business compels the design to be full proof to withstand the expected & unexpected  threats which may disrupt the well planned project. Designing such a strategy which not only withstand with the known threats but may also provide scope for the indicators to implement alternative / remedy looking at the existent /nonexistent symptoms. As in ever changing Business atmosphere the organizations are expected to transform their strategy as the suggested analysis of SWOT. & other prevalent age old technique /models practiced earlier are remained no more effective alone. Also the careful /effective analysis of the stakeholders, vendors/distributors, customers & government policies provide reason to be extra cautious for full proof strategy design in Cyber Era


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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the effect of the extract of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (CZ) bark in the experimental models of pain and anxiety-like behavior in mice. Methods: The extract of CZ bark was administered at the doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg, per orally (p.o) and morphine used as a positive control for pain models, was administered at the dose of 5 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.). Antinociceptive activity was evaluated using three experimental animal models of pain, namely, tail flick, hot plate, and formalin test. Elevated plus maze test was used to assess the effect on anxiety-like behavior. Rotarod apparatus and actophotometer were used to test muscle coordination and locomotor activity, respectively. Results: Administration of CZ bark extract in the dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg showed significantly increased in the tail-flick latency and latency to reaction time in hot plate test as compared to the control group. In the first phase (0–5 min) of the formalin test, a significant reduction in the pain response was found in CZ (200 and 400 mg/kg) and morphine-treated groups, however during the second phase (30–35 min) significant reduction in formalin-induced pain response was observed in 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg CZ extract-treated group when compared to control group. CZ extract administration at 200 and 400 mg/kg dose caused a significant increase in the percentage of time spent in open arms in the elevated plus maze as compared to the control group. Conclusion: Results suggest that CZ bark extract possesses the antinociceptive activity and modulates anxiety-like behavior

    Preventive and Therapeutic Approaches towards Pandemic Infectious Diseases: An Ayurveda Review Based on Current Scenario

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    The evolution of human civilization witnessed health related consequences of many incurable diseases. The medical science developed gradually and combated effectively against such types of fatal diseases, but incurable or pandemic outbreak scarred whole word time by time. The whole world currently fighting against pandemic disease and in this situation the human civilization not only facing healthcare but economic burden also. The Ayurveda system described such pandemic conditions as consequences of Sankramak Roga and Ayurveda philosopher believe that pandemic condition arises due to the vitiation of Jala, Vayu & Doshas, etc. Ayurveda Samhita mentioned role of Krimi in the development of infectious disease and when such infection occurs in very short period of time on large scale then it becomes pandemic. Ayurveda suggested Nidaan Parivarjana, Panchakarma, Rasayana therapy and lifestyle modification for the management of such conditions

    Therapeutic Role of Herbal Drugs in the Management of Mental Disorders: An Ayurveda Review

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    The development of civilization of mankind witnessed evolution of medical science and in this regards glory of Ayurveda science can’t be ignored. Ayurveda encompasses all aspects to restore mental, physical and spiritual health. The general principles of ayurveda not only help to cures disease but also prevent their prevalence. Ayurveda described various therapeutic modalities for the management of physical health problems as well as mental illness. The incidences of mental illness causing huge health burden to the society since prevalence of such diseases increasing due to the inconsistent and irregular lifestyle. Epilepsy, obsessive disorders, neurosis, anxiety, mental retardataion, depression and bipolar disorder are some examples of mental illness. Ayurveda proposed many therapeutic modalities for the management of such diseases including use of medicine. The use of natural drugs offers several health benefits in mental problems therefore present article explored pathological suppressing and therapeutic role of medicine in mental disorders. Keywords: Ayurveda, Mental Disorders, Medicine, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Shankhapushpi

    Examination of the relation of localization of placenta at 18-24 weeks of gestation by ultrasonography with the development of preeclampsia later in pregnancy

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    Background: The aim of the study was to examine the relation of localization of placenta at 18-24 weeks of gestation by ultrasonography with the development of preeclampsia later in pregnancy.Methods: Hospital based Prospective observational Cohort study at department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. BSA Hospital Delhi. 150 pregnant women of gestational age18-24 weeks attending ANC clinic were enrolled for ultrasound examination and on the basis of ultrasonography (USG) findings placenta was classified as Group-A (patient found to have laterally located placenta). And Group-B (patients found to have centrally located placenta). All women in both the group were followed up regularly till term. Study duration was 1 year, June 2017-June 2018.Results: The overall risk of developing Preeclampsia with a late rally located placenta was 8.5(odds ratio) with 95% confidence interval (4.0339 to17.9108). This difference was highly statistically significant (p<.0001). Placental laterality has a sensitivity of 77.27%, beside that it has a good specificity of 71.43% and negative predictive value of 80%. Lateral localization of placenta by ultrasonography at mid trimester can be used as a screening test. The presence of urine albumin in group A was found in 70.67% as compared to 13.33% in group B. This difference was statistically significant. (p=0.0001). Around 72% of total complications were seen in Group-A as compared to 28% in Group-B. This difference was found to be statistically significant (p=0.028).Conclusions: Significant correlation exists between placental laterality and the development of preeclampsia and thus placental localization by ultrasonography in midtrimester (at 18-24 weeks) can be used for prediction of development of preeclampsia later in pregnancy

    Controlling of Circulating Current in MMC- HVDC using SVPWM

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    The Particular Multilevel Converter is another plan in the field of medium and high power gadgets. The working activity of converter is relying upon secluded approach. The flowing current which influences both the arms are remunerated by the half and full extensions coordinated as a proposed approach in this work which involves modules, each one being a half-connect related in parallel to a capacitor. The central qualities behind this thought are that it is possible to develop the sinusoidal waveform of the voltage by incorporating a couple of modules in game plan in each stage leg of the converter. An arm inductance is related in course of action with the modules of each arm. Instead of the two level voltage source converter, where the yield stage voltage can be either plus or minus the half of the dc-interface voltage, the MMC with SVPWM can change its yield with steps comparable to each module capacitor's voltage level


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    Objectives: Pregnancy and delivery are an important risk factor for COVID-19. The present study was carried out to see the impact of COVID 19 on maternal mortality ratio (MMR). Methods: This retrospective study was performed in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mahila Chikitsalya, and SMS Medical College Jaipur from January 2018 to December 2021. Data were collected from the hospital records and MMR was calculated for every year. The causes of death were also recorded and changing trends were noted. Results: In the present study, the MMR for the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 were 159.03, 112.72, 354.58, and 603, respectively, which reflects enormous increase in MMR during COVID pandemic years (2020 and 2021). Before the pandemic (2018 and 2019), maximum deaths were from direct obstetric causes (77.35%) while 22.64% maternal deaths were from indirect causes. During COVID pandemic a large percentage (53.12%) of maternal deaths were due to indirect obstetric causes, COVID pneumonitis (ARDS) being the most common cause of death. Conclusions: There was 3.59 times increase in MMR during COVID-19 pandemic in our institute. COVID pneumonitis was responsible for significant number of maternal deaths

    Natural Beauty Enhancer and Cosmetic Role of Ayurveda: A Review

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    Beauty or physical appearance is one of the important aspects of human being life since it’s directly related with self esteem and internal confidence. Beauty is the desire of every individual. The texture and appearance of skin depends upon conditions of Rasa, Rakta and Mamsa Dhatus. The elimination of wastes is another important aspect for the restoration of beauty and appearance. The medical science has put great efforts towards this area and uses of natural materials for cosmetic purpose increases day by day. The concept of using herbs for beautification is well defined in Ayurveda. The Vedic period of Indian civilization has witnessed use of natural cosmetics such as; Aguru, Kajala, Tilaka, Haridra and Chandana for worship and beauty purposes. The Ayurveda also emphasizes importance of beauty and in this regards Ayurveda science mentioned use of various herbs, formulations and therapies for the maintenance of natural beauty. Present article described beauty and cosmetic importance of Ayurveda and other natural approaches.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Keywords: Ayurveda, Beauty, Cosmetics, Herbs&nbsp;&nbsp


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    Objectives: Recalcitrant macular disorders are those retinal conditions which, though treated by various medical and surgical modalities, but showedno improvement in symptoms or visual acuity or both. The present study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of intravitreal triamcinoloneacetonide (TA) injection in patients with these recalcitrant macular disorders.Methods: This prospective and interventional study included 40 patients (40 eyes) having recalcitrant macular disorders. Complete ophthalmicexamination such as measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP), visual acuity (log minimal angle of resolution [MAR] units), fundus photography withfluorescein angiography were carried out before and after intravitreal injection of TA. The patients received an intravitreal injection of TA (10 mg) fordiabetic macular edema (n=14), age-related macular degeneration (n=13), pars plana cystoid macular edema (CME) (n=5), vascular diseases (n=3),central chorioretinopathy (n=3), and idiopathic CME (n=2). The follow-up was done on day 1, day 7, 1 month, 2 month and 4-month intervals.Results: The mean visual acuity at 2 months (1.12±0.45 log MAR units), and 4 months (1.08±0.46 log MAR unit) after the injection were significantlybetter than baseline measurements (1.32±0.3 log MAR units). The mean baseline IOP was 12.5±2.9 mmHg. The IOP significantly increased after theinjection at day 1 and day 7; however, the change in IOP at 1 month, 2 months, and 4 months was not statistically significant.Conclusion: The results indicate that intravitreal injection of TA in patients with recalcitrant macular disorders caused significant improvement ofvisual acuity in 10 mg dose.Keywords: Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide, Macular edema, Visual acuity, Intraocular pressure
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