6 research outputs found

    Laser-Accelerated proton beams as diagnostics for cultural heritage

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    This paper introduces the first use of laser-generated proton beams as diagnostic for materials of interest in the domain of Cultural Heritage. Using laser-accelerated protons, as generated by interaction of a high-power short-pulse laser with a solid target, we can produce proton-induced X-ray emission spectroscopies (PIXE). By correctly tuning the proton flux on the sample, we are able to perform the PIXE in a single shot without provoking more damage to the sample than conventional methodologies. We verify this by experimentally irradiating materials of interest in the Cultural Heritage with laser-accelerated protons and measuring the PIXE emission. The morphological and chemical analysis of the sample before and after irradiation are compared in order to assess the damage provoked to the artifact. Montecarlo simulations confirm that the temperature in the sample stays safely below the melting point. Compared to conventional diagnostic methodologies, laser-driven PIXE has the advantage of being potentially quicker and more efficien

    Fabrication of nanostructured targets for improved laser-driven proton acceleration

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    n this work, we present a novel realization of nanostructured targets suitable forimproving laser-driven proton acceleration experiments, in particular with regard to theTarget-Normal-Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) acceleration mechanism. The nanostructuredtargets, produced asfilms, are realized by a simpler and cheaper method than usingconventional lithographic techniques. The growth process includes a two step approach forthe production of the gold nanoparticle layers: 1) Laser Ablation in Solution and 2) spray-dry technique using a colloidal solution on target surfaces (Aluminum, Mylar and MultiWalled Carbon Nanotube). The obtained nanostructuredfilms appear, at morphologicaland chemical analysis, uniformly nanostructured and the nanostructure distributed on thetarget surfaces without presence of oxides or external contaminants. The obtained targetsshow a broad optical absorption in all the visible region and a surface roughness that istwo times greater than non-nanostructured targets, enabling a greater laser energy ab-sorption during the laser-matter interaction experiments producing the laser-drivenproton acceleratio

    Parametric study of transport beam lines for electron beams accelerated by laser-plasma interaction

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    In the last decade, laser-plasma acceleration of high-energy electrons has attracted strong attention in different fields. Electrons with maximum energies in the GeV range can be laser-accelerated within a few cm using multi-hundreds terawatt (TW) lasers, yielding to very high beam currents at the source (electron bunches with up to tens-hundreds of pC in a few fs). While initially the chalenge was to increase the maximum achievable electron energy, today strong effort is put in the control and usability of these laser-generated beams that still lack of some features in order to be used for applications where currently conventional, radio-frequency (RF) based, electron beam lines represent the most common and efficient solution. Several improvements have been suggested for this purpose, some of them acting directly on the plasma source, some using beam shaping tools located downstream. Concerning the latter, several studies have suggested the use of conventional accelerator magnetic devices (such as quadrupoles and solenoids) as an easy implementable solution when the laser-plasma accelerated beam requires optimization. In this paper, we report on a parametric study related to the transport of electron beams accelerated by laser-plasma interaction, using conventional accelerator elements and tools. We focus on both, high energy electron beams in the GeV range, as produced on petawatt (PW) class laser systems, and on lower energy electron beams in the hundreds of MeV range, as nowadays routinely obtained on commercially available multi-hundred TW laser systems. For both scenarios, our study allows understanding what are the crucial parameters that enable laser-plasma accelerators to compete with conventional ones and allow for a beam transport. We show that suitable working points require a tradeoff-combination between low beam divergence and narrow energy spread