12 research outputs found

    Sol–Gel Microcapsulation in Silica-Based Particles: A Comparative Study

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    We compare the two main sol-gel/emulsion methods to prepare silica-based microparticles doped with actives. Moreover, we analyze the morphpology of the resulting particles varying also the nature of the organosilane, and the pH of the sol-gel process. Benzoyl peroxide was used as molecular dopant

    Superior Antibacterial Activity of Integral Lemon Pectin Extracted via Hydrodynamic Cavitation

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    Pectin extracted via hydrodynamic cavitation in water only from waste lemon peel and further isolated via freeze drying displays significant antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, a Gram positive pathogen which easily contaminates food. The antibacterial effect of the new IntegroPectin is largely superior to that of commercial citrus pectin, opening the way to advanced applications of a new bioproduct now obtainable in large amounts and at low cost from citrus juice industry's waste

    Silica‐Microencapsulated Orange Oil for Sustainable Pest Control

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    An ultralow amount of sub-micron spherical SiO2 particles encapsulating 7 wt% crude orange oil (SiliOrange) suspended in water shows surprisingly high insecticidal activity against the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis, and significantly reduces the progeny of cotton aphid Aphis gossypii under laboratory testing conditions. Considering the ease of reproducible preparation of the material and the biocompatible nature of both silica and orange essential oil, these results may open the route to sustainable pest control using new biopesticide water-based formulations based on sol-gel microencapsulated orange oil

    Life cycle energy and Co2 emissions analysis of food packaging: an insight into the methodology from an Italian perspective

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    Packaging is strictly connected to environmental issues as it is a product characterised by high material consumption rate; it is often transported over long distances and has a short life. Providing environmental analysis is, therefore, urgent to identify energy and resources efficient solutions. The paper, taking advantage of a real case study, presents a life cycle-based comparative analysis among three different food packaging systems. The paper compares the life cycle of tin steel, polypropylene and glass-based packaging of an Italian preserves producer. The analysis leads to the conclusion that, for the baseline scenario, polypropylene packaging represents the greenest solution, whereas glass packaging is the worst choice. The paper presents a scenario analysis varying both the method used for accounting for recycling as well as the recycling rates of the packaging materials. Changes in overall results with parameters analysis changing are calculated and highlighted throughout the paper. The impact of a reuse policy of the glass-based solution is also analysed; a model for disposable glass packaging is proposed and the obtained results are compared with the single use polypropylene and tin steel-based packaging. In order to analyse the impact of different End of Life scenarios on the present case study, collecting as well as recycling rates of some European countries have been used. The results revealed a significant fluctuation both in energy consumption and in CO2 emission as the nation changes. Summing up, a methodology for packaging environmental impact analysis is applied to a real case study, some crucial aspects of the methodology have been analysed in depth in order to give a contribution in packaging environmental impact analysis

    Green and Quick Extraction of Stable Biophenol-Rich Red Extracts from Grape Processing Waste

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    The extraction of grape processing waste (wine pomace) via microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity (MHG) from three different cultivars grown in Sicily (Syrah, Perricone, and Nero d\u2019Avola) rapidly affords aqueous extracts highly concentrated in valued biophenols including flavonoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic acids. The method does not employ organic solvent, acid, or base and does not require grinding or freeze-drying of the wine pomace nor separation of the grape skins from seeds and stem. All of the extracts have a pronounced stability, as shown by their red-violet color fully retained after storage for more than a year (15 months) in a freezer under air. Concentrations of phenolics up to 2000 ppm were detected in the aged extracts of Sicily\u2019s local cultivar Perricone, which also has the highest content of flavonoids. These findings provide a simple and economically viable extraction route to biophenol-rich red extracts that can be used as food colorants as well as to formulate nutraceutical, cosmetic, and personal care products starting from an agricultural byproduct available in >10 million tonne yearly amount

    Il ruolo della manometria intraoperatoria nel trattamento chirurgico dell'acalasia esofagea

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    Versione italiana Introduzione. Gli Autori riportano i risultati della loro esperienza sul ruolo della manometria intraoperatoria (MI) nel trattamento chirurgico dell'acalasia. Pazienti e metodi. Sono stati presi in considerazione 239 pazienti affetti da acalasia osservati dal 1994 al 2006; solo 79 hanno continuato l'iter diagnostico-terapeutico e 31 sono stati sottoposti ad intervento chirurgico di miotomia longitudinale secondo Heller, associando in 25 una plastica antireflusso secondo Dor e in 6 una plastica antireflusso secondo Nissen. In 24 pazienti su 31 Ăš stata eseguita una MI con la individuazione delle zone di alta pressione (HPZ). Risultati. I pazienti sottoposti ad intervento di Heller con controllo manometrico delle zone di sezione delle fibre muscolari dello stomaco hanno riferito tutti la scomparsa della disfagia. Tre dei pazienti operati senza l'ausilio della MI hanno lamentato la persistenza di disfagia lieve indipendentemente dalla tecnica chirurgica antireflusso utilizzata. Conclusioni. I risultati ottenuti confermano che la cardiomiotomia extramucosa Ăš il trattamento di scelta per l'acalasia esofagea e suggeriscono che la utilizzazione della MI consente una miotomia completa soprattutto sul versante gastrico, ove le fibre arciformi assumono un ruolo importante nel mantenimento delle zone di alta pressione. English version Introduction. The authors report their experience about the intraoperative manometry in the achalasia surgical treatment. Patients and methods. We have considered 239 patients with achalasia observed from 1994 to 2006; only 79 continued the path diagnostic therapeutic and 31 underwent Heller longitudinal miotomy, with Dor anti-reflux plastic in 25 patients and in 6 Nissen anti-reflux plastic. In 24 we performed the intraoperative manometry (MI) recording the high pressure areas. Results. The patients underwent Heller's procedure with manometric check of the gastric muscolar fibre sectioned areas reported the disappearance of the dysphagia. Three of the operated ones without using the MI complained about the persistence of mild dysphagia and it did not depend from the antireflux surgical procedure used. Conclusions. Our findings confirm that the extramucosal miotomy is the treatment of choice for the achalasia and suggest that by MI a complete miotomy is allowed mostly on the gastric side where the muscolar fibres get an important role in the maintenance of the high pressure areas

    Red Orange and Bitter Orange IntegroPectin: Structure and Main Functional Compounds

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    DRIFT, HPLC-MS and SPME-GC/MS analyses used to unveil the structure and the main functional compounds of red (blood) orange (Citrus sinensis) and bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) IntegroPectin show evidence that these new citrus pectins are comprised of pectin rich in RG-I hairy regions functionalized with citrus biophenols, chiefly flavonoids, and volatile molecules, mostly terpenes. Remarkably, IntegroPectin from the peel of fresh bitter oranges is the first high methoxyl citrus pectin isolated so far via hydrodynamic cavitation, whereas red orange IntegroPectin is a low methoxyl pectin. C. aurantium IntegroPectin has a uniquely high concentration of adsorbed flavonoids, especially flavanone glycosides hesperidin, naringin and eriocitrin

    Persistent Organic Pollutants and Fatty Acid Profile in a Typical Cheese from Extensive Farms: First Assessment of Human Exposure by Dietary Intake

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    Dairy products represent an important source of beneficial substances for humans. At the same time, they can expose the consumers to environmental contaminants ingested by animals through their diet, influencing their health negatively. This experiment aims to evaluate the risk and benefits related to the consumption of typical stretched cheeses, considering their fatty acid (FA) profile and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) content. Six representative farms, two of them organic, raising Cinisara cattle were selected, considering the typical extensive management systems, based on feeding of natural pasture integrated with concentrate and hay depending on the availability of forage on pastures. A total of 18 cheeses produced in winter, spring and summer with bulk milk of each farm were sampled and analyzed. The chemical composition of cheeses was influenced by farm management, and the FA profile mainly by the season. In particular, cheeses made in spring showed a healthier FA profile with the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), of omega3-PUFA and omega6/omega3 ratio pair to 7.29%, 1.44% and 1.32, respectively, while in winter 5.44%, 0.98% and 2.55, respectively, and in summer 4.77% 0.49% and 3.04, respectively. Due to high levels of feeding integration, cheese made in winter presented unhealthier characteristics compared to the cheeses made in spring and summer, showing high levels of saturated FA (66.2%, 64.2% and 65.5%, respectively), and large contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (57.07 ng/g fat, 36.25 ng/g fat and 10.22 ng/g fat, respectively) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (36.19 ng/g fat, 4.68 ng/g fat and 3.73 ng/g fat, respectively), mainly in those from non-organic farms. Levels of PCBs considered to be hazardous to human health were found in nine samples