4,632 research outputs found

    The response of interferometric gravitational wave detectors

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    The derivation of the response function of an interferometric gravitational wave detector is a paradigmatic calculation in the field of gravitational wave detection. Surprisingly, the standard derivation of the response wave detectors makes several unjustifiable assumptions, both conceptual and quantitative, regarding the coordinate trajectory and coordinate velocity of the null geodesic the light travels along. These errors, which appear to have remained unrecognized for at least 35 years, render the "standard" derivation inadequate and misleading as an archetype calculation. Here we identify the flaws in the existing derivation and provide, in full detail, a correct derivation of the response of a single-bounce Michelson interferometer to gravitational waves, following a procedure that will always yield correct results; compare it to the "standard", but incorrect, derivation; show where the earlier mistakes were made; and identify the general conditions under which the "standard" derivation will yield correct results. By a fortuitous set of circumstances, not generally so, the final result is the same in the case of Minkowski background spacetime, synchronous coordinates, transverse-traceless gauge metric perturbations, and arm mirrors at coordinate rest.Comment: 10 pages, one figure, as accepted to PR

    Lagrangian perfect fluids and black hole mechanics

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    The first law of black hole mechanics (in the form derived by Wald), is expressed in terms of integrals over surfaces, at the horizon and spatial infinity, of a stationary, axisymmetric black hole, in a diffeomorphism invariant Lagrangian theory of gravity. The original statement of the first law given by Bardeen, Carter and Hawking for an Einstein-perfect fluid system contained, in addition, volume integrals of the fluid fields, over a spacelike slice stretching between these two surfaces. When applied to the Einstein-perfect fluid system, however, Wald's methods yield restricted results. The reason is that the fluid fields in the Lagrangian of a gravitating perfect fluid are typically nonstationary. We therefore first derive a first law-like relation for an arbitrary Lagrangian metric theory of gravity coupled to arbitrary Lagrangian matter fields, requiring only that the metric field be stationary. This relation includes a volume integral of matter fields over a spacelike slice between the black hole horizon and spatial infinity, and reduces to the first law originally derived by Bardeen, Carter and Hawking when the theory is general relativity coupled to a perfect fluid. We also consider a specific Lagrangian formulation for an isentropic perfect fluid given by Carter, and directly apply Wald's analysis. The resulting first law contains only surface integrals at the black hole horizon and spatial infinity, but this relation is much more restrictive in its allowed fluid configurations and perturbations than that given by Bardeen, Carter and Hawking. In the Appendix, we use the symplectic structure of the Einstein-perfect fluid system to derive a conserved current for perturbations of this system: this current reduces to one derived ab initio for this system by Chandrasekhar and Ferrari.Comment: 26 pages LaTeX-2

    Removing non-stationary, non-harmonic external interference from gravitational wave interferometer data

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    We describe a procedure to identify and remove a class of non-stationary and non-harmonic interference lines from gravitational wave interferometer data. These lines appear to be associated with the external electricity main supply, but their amplitudes are non-stationary and they do not appear at harmonics of the fundamental supply frequency. We find an empirical model able to represent coherently all the non-harmonic lines we have found in the power spectrum, in terms of an assumed reference signal of the primary supply input signal. If this signal is not available then it can be reconstructed from the same data by making use of the coherent line removal algorithm that we have described elsewhere. All these lines are broadened by frequency changes of the supply signal, and they corrupt significant frequency ranges of the power spectrum. The physical process that generates this interference is so far unknown, but it is highly non-linear and non-stationary. Using our model, we cancel the interference in the time domain by an adaptive procedure that should work regardless of the source of the primary interference. We have applied the method to laser interferometer data from the Glasgow prototype detector, where all the features we describe in this paper were observed. The algorithm has been tuned in such a way that the entire series of wide lines corresponding to the electrical interference are removed, leaving the spectrum clean enough to detect signals previously masked by them. Single-line signals buried in the interference can be recovered with at least 75 % of their original signal amplitude.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Revtex, psfi

    Derivation of the Planck Spectrum for Relativistic Classical Scalar Radiation from Thermal Equilibrium in an Accelerating Frame

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    The Planck spectrum of thermal scalar radiation is derived suggestively within classical physics by the use of an accelerating coordinate frame. The derivation has an analogue in Boltzmann's derivation of the Maxwell velocity distribution for thermal particle velocities by considering the thermal equilibrium of noninteracting particles in a uniform gravitational field. For the case of radiation, the gravitational field is provided by the acceleration of a Rindler frame through Minkowski spacetime. Classical zero-point radiation and relativistic physics enter in an essential way in the derivation which is based upon the behavior of free radiation fields and the assumption that the field correlation functions contain but a single correlation time in thermal equilibrium. The work has connections with the thermal effects of acceleration found in relativistic quantum field theory.Comment: 23 page

    Evolving a puncture black hole with fixed mesh refinement

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    We present an algorithm for treating mesh refinement interfaces in numerical relativity. We detail the behavior of the solution near such interfaces located in the strong field regions of dynamical black hole spacetimes, with particular attention to the convergence properties of the simulations. In our applications of this technique to the evolution of puncture initial data with vanishing shift, we demonstrate that it is possible to simultaneously maintain second order convergence near the puncture and extend the outer boundary beyond 100M, thereby approaching the asymptotically flat region in which boundary condition problems are less difficult and wave extraction is meaningful.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures. Minor changes, final PRD versio

    Gravitational wave astronomy

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    The first decade of the new millenium should see the first direct detections of gravitational waves. This will be a milestone for fundamental physics and it will open the new observational science of gravitational wave astronomy. But gravitational waves already play an important role in the modeling of astrophysical systems. I review here the present state of gravitational radiation theory in relativity and astrophysics, and I then look at the development of detector sensitivity over the next decade, both on the ground (such as LIGO) and in space (LISA). I review the sources of gravitational waves that are likely to play an important role in observations by first- and second-generation interferometers, including the astrophysical information that will come from these observations. The review covers some 10 decades of gravitational wave frequency, from the high-frequency normal modes of neutron stars down to the lowest frequencies observable from space. The discussion of sources includes recent developments regarding binary black holes, spinning neutron stars, and the stochastic background.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, as submitted for special millenium issue of Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Quasi-Asimptotically Flat Spacetimes and Their ADM Mass

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    We define spacetimes that are asymptotically flat, except for a deficit solid angle α\alpha, and present a definition of their ``ADM'' mass, which is finite for this class of spacetimes, and, in particular, coincides with the value of the parameter MM of the global monopole spacetime studied by Vilenkin and Barriola . Moreover, we show that the definition is coordinate independent, and explain why it can, in some cases, be negative.Comment: Late

    Results of the First Coincident Observations by Two Laser-Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors

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    We report an upper bound on the strain amplitude of gravitational wave bursts in a waveband from around 800Hz to 1.25kHz. In an effective coincident observing period of 62 hours, the prototype laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors of the University of Glasgow and Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, have set a limit of 4.9E-16, averaging over wave polarizations and incident directions. This is roughly a factor of 2 worse than the theoretical best limit that the detectors could have set, the excess being due to unmodelled non-Gaussian noise. The experiment has demonstrated the viability of the kind of observations planned for the large-scale interferometers that should be on-line in a few years time.Comment: 11 pages, 2 postscript figure

    A stable static Universe?

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    Starting from the assumption that general relativity might be an emergent phenomenon showing up at low-energies from an underlying microscopic structure, we re-analyze the stability of a static closed Universe filled with radiation. In this scenario, it is sensible to consider the effective general-relativistic configuration as in a thermal contact with an "environment" (the role of environment can be played, for example, by the higher-dimensional bulk or by the trans-Planckian degrees of freedom). We calculate the free energy at a fixed temperature of this radiation-filled static configuration. Then, by looking at the free energy we show that the static Einstein configuration is stable under the stated condition.Comment: 6 pages, no figures; uses revtex4; version accepted for publication; some phrasing changed; wrong coefficient correcte

    On the Solution to the "Frozen Star" Paradox, Nature of Astrophysical Black Holes, non-Existence of Gravitational Singularity in the Physical Universe and Applicability of the Birkhoff's Theorem

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    Oppenheimer and Snyder found in 1939 that gravitational collapse in vacuum produces a "frozen star", i.e., the collapsing matter only asymptotically approaches the gravitational radius (event horizon) of the mass, but never crosses it within a finite time for an external observer. Based upon our recent publication on the problem of gravitational collapse in the physical universe for an external observer, the following results are reported here: (1) Matter can indeed fall across the event horizon within a finite time and thus BHs, rather than "frozen stars", are formed in gravitational collapse in the physical universe. (2) Matter fallen into an astrophysical black hole can never arrive at the exact center; the exact interior distribution of matter depends upon the history of the collapse process. Therefore gravitational singularity does not exist in the physical universe. (3) The metric at any radius is determined by the global distribution of matter, i.e., not only by the matter inside the given radius, even in a spherically symmetric and pressureless gravitational system. This is qualitatively different from the Newtonian gravity and the common (mis)understanding of the Birkhoff's Theorem. This result does not contract the "Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi" solution for an external observer.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, invited plenary talk at "The first Galileo-Xu Guangqi conference", Shanghai, China, 2009. To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics D (2010
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